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‘Step Zero Before the Hustle’: The psychology of entrepreneurial success

Forget the fancy degrees and the buzzwords. The real secret to entrepreneurial success isn’t about what you know; it’s about who you are. It’s about mastering the mental game, building unshakeable confidence, and forging genuine connections.

My book, ‘Step Zero Before the Hustle’, isn’t just another ‘how-to’ guide; it’s a deep dive into the psychology of success, offering actionable insights to transform your mindset and build the human skills to scale a startup.

I have decided to share a free ebook version for all of the e27 community only for three days between the 26 (noon time) to 28 September. You can download it directly from Amazon here.

Here is what you can put into practice before launching your venture:

Unlearn to learn

The entrepreneurial journey is a constant learning process. It’s about unlearning the rigid structures of traditional education and embracing a mindset of continuous growth. The less you think you know, the more you can actually learn. Curiosity is your fuel; never stop asking questions and seeking answers.

Know thyself

Self-awareness is your superpower. Understand your strengths, weaknesses, and values. Align your business with your purpose, and watch your motivation soar. Remember, you’re not just building a business; you’re building a legacy that reflects your true self.

Embrace failure, ignite resilience

Failure isn’t the opposite of success; it’s a stepping stone on the path to greatness. Every setback is a lesson learned, an opportunity to refine your approach and emerge stronger. Cultivate resilience, and you’ll be unstoppable.

Focus and productivity: The currency of achievement

Time and energy are your most precious resources. Master them, and you’ll unlock a world of possibilities. Ditch procrastination, prioritise ruthlessly, and build habits that fuel your productivity. Remember, it’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter.

Build your tribe, nurture trust

No entrepreneur is an island. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, collaborators, and friends who believe in your vision. Cultivate trust, and watch your team flourish. Remember, loyalty is the ultimate currency in the entrepreneurial world.

Also Read: Soft skills: The secret weapon for entrepreneurial success, a roadmap to turn dreamers into doers

From idea to execution: Turning dreams into reality

The world is constantly changing, and so should your goals. Embrace flexibility, adapt to new information, and be willing to pivot when necessary. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination.

Influence and persuasion: The art of winning hearts and minds

Influence isn’t about manipulation; it’s about genuine connection and understanding. Master the art of persuasion, and you’ll attract investors, customers, and partners who believe in your vision.

The power of “no”

Your time and energy are precious. Learn to say “no” to distractions and focus on what truly matters. Remember, every “no” is a “yes” to your priorities.

Craft your story, ignite inspiration

Storytelling is the language of the heart. Craft a compelling narrative around your brand, and you’ll connect with your audience on a deeper level. Remember, people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.

Embrace the journey

This book, Step Zero Before the Hustle, isn’t just a collection of tips; it’s a roadmap to unlocking your entrepreneurial spirit. Download the ebook, put these lessons into practice, and watch your dreams take flight. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that step today, and embrace the adventure that awaits you.

The book is written by Ivan Palomino (behavioural designer) and Dr. Haruka Marufuji (leadership researcher) with contributions from founders like: Zuleka Kaysan, Jorge Castellote, Dr. Alec Corthay, Michel Heitzmann, Egils Boitmanis, Alei Hassanein, Agni Skafidas, Joshua Berry, Mykola Takzey and Treesha Swami.

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