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Climate tech in the Philippines: Capitalising on emerging opportunities in the ecosystem

As a nation highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, the Philippines cannot afford fragmented efforts to tackle the impact of climate change.

A collaborative approach is essential to safeguarding livelihoods, protecting natural resources, and ensuring a sustainable future for all Filipinos. The fight against climate change requires a unified effort from all sectors, including government, businesses, civil society, and local communities.

Tech startups in the Philippines are uniquely positioned to play a critical role in tackling the impact of climate change due to the country’s vulnerability to extreme weather events and its rich natural resources. With innovative solutions, these startups can drive sustainable practices across various industries, from agriculture to energy, by leveraging technology to optimise resource use, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance disaster resilience.

Furthermore, by addressing climate change, Filipino startups can tap into global markets increasingly prioritising sustainability, aligning with international standards, and attracting investors focused on impact-driven ventures.

However, these startups are not able to do it by themselves.

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Investors need to actively support climate tech startups in the Philippines because these ventures are at the forefront of addressing the country’s most urgent environmental challenges while presenting significant growth opportunities. By investing in climate tech, investors contribute to mitigating climate change impacts, such as typhoons and rising sea levels, and tap into a rapidly expanding market driven by the global shift towards sustainability.

Supporting these startups can lead to developing scalable, innovative solutions that improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance disaster resilience. Moreover, investing in climate tech in the Philippines aligns with growing global investor demand for impact-driven portfolios, offering financial returns and meaningful contributions to the fight against climate change in one of the world’s most vulnerable regions.

Not a walk in the park

But investing in climate tech in the Philippines is not as easy as it seems.

Several challenges include regulatory uncertainties, infrastructure limitations, and market readiness. The regulatory landscape, while evolving, can be complex and may lack clear guidelines or incentives for climate-focused innovations, creating hurdles for startups seeking to navigate compliance and secure approvals.

Additionally, infrastructure in the Philippines, particularly in rural areas, may not be sufficiently developed to support deploying advanced climate technologies, which can slow down scaling efforts.

Market readiness is another concern, as both consumers and businesses may be slow to adopt new, sustainable technologies due to cost considerations or a lack of awareness.

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Furthermore, the availability of skilled talent and the need for significant capital investments in research and development add complexity to scaling climate tech solutions in the country.

To fully understand the opportunities in the climate tech sector in the Philippines, join us at Echelon Philippines 2024 for an insightful panel discussion titled “Climate Tech: Seizing Opportunities in an Emerging Ecosystem” on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 1:30 PM at Level 2, SMX Convention Center Manila.

Moderated by Katherine Khoo, Lead of Social Impact & Equity Action at Ayala Corporation, this session will feature key industry leaders, including Nicki Luy Sevilla, Co-founder of SACHI-Group, Inc., Priya Thachadi, CEO & Founder of Villgro, and Andy Othman, SVP, Chief Venture Officer & Managing Director of 1882 Energy Ventures.

Together, they will explore the burgeoning climate tech landscape in the Philippines, discussing the challenges and opportunities for innovation, investment, and sustainable growth.

Don’t miss this chance to engage with experts driving the future of climate technology in the region! Check out all the details about Echelon Philippines 2024 here.

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