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Building a better world: Janine Teo’s journey to empower underserved learners

e27 has been nurturing a supportive ecosystem for entrepreneurs since its inception. Our Contributor Programme offers a platform for sharing unique insights.

As part of our ‘Contributor Spotlight’, we shine a spotlight on an outstanding contributor and dive into the vastness of their knowledge and expertise.

In this episode, we feature Janine Teo, CEO of Solve Education!, a non-profit focused on delivering quality education to underserved populations, particularly the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) demographic.

Teo is the first Asian to receive the International Intellectual Benefits to Society Award from Mensa International. She also serves as an advisor to the Asian Development Bank on Digital Technology for Development and is a fellow of the University of Pennsylvania’s Global Social Impact House.

Thoughts, goals, and journey

Teo’s journey in the education industry started with a profound belief in education’s transformative potential. Witnessing her mother’s lack of access to schooling fueled her commitment to breaking down barriers to learning for marginalised communities.

After years in corporate positions, she discovered her true passion lay in leveraging technology to create accessible, quality education opportunities. This realisation culminated in the founding of Solve Education!, where she leads efforts to democratise education through innovative technological solutions.

“Looking ahead, my professional goals include expanding our reach to impact more learners globally and continuously innovating our educational tools. Personally, I’ve realised that I have neglected my health while building Solve Education! and it’s time to focus on my well-being. Prioritising my health is essential to sustaining my energy and passion for our mission. By achieving a better balance, I can be more effective both personally and professionally,” Teo reflected.

The driving force

Teo’s motivation to join the e27 Contributor Programme stems from a desire to share her experiences and insights to inspire and empower others.

“By contributing to e27, I can connect with a broader audience of entrepreneurs and innovators, fostering a community of learning and support. It’s a platform where I can advocate for the importance of education and technology in driving social change, which aligns closely with my work,” she said candidly.

Advice for budding thought leaders

Teo advises aspiring thought leaders and contributors to be authentic and passionate about their subjects, emphasising the importance of sharing unique experiences and insights and voicing personal perspectives.

She suggests, “To be articulate and efficient, focus on clear, concise communication and tailor your message to your audience. Regularly practice writing and speaking to refine your skills, and always seek feedback to improve. Lastly, stay curious and continuously learn, as this will enrich your content and keep your contributions relevant and impactful.”

Juggling too many things?

Teo said, “Balancing work, contributions, and personal life is indeed challenging. I prioritise and set clear boundaries to ensure I dedicate time to each area.”

Teo finds that journaling and reflecting helps her stay focused and manage stress. She also makes time for activities that rejuvenate her, such as reading, swimming, and spending time with loved ones. For professional growth, she seeks continuous learning opportunities and engages with mentors and peers for guidance and support.

“Embracing a growth mindset and being compassionate with myself and my team are key strategies that help me navigate this balance,” she adds.

Staying in the loop

In the fast-evolving field of educational technology, staying updated involves reading industry publications, research papers, and reports. Teo engages in professional networks, attends webinars, and collaborates with peers and experts to stay informed. She also experiments hands-on with emerging tech to understand its potential and limitations and volunteers as a startup competition judge to engage with cutting-edge innovations.

Teo’s recommended books include “Learning How to Learn” and “Education for 1.3 Billion” by Li Lanqing.

She regularly shares updates, insights, and valuable information about her work and the sector through her LinkedIn profile and newsletter while also recommending the AVPN (Asia Venture Philanthropy Network) newsletter for staying informed.

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