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5 elements of company culture that will keep your business moving

Be it a playground or your office, vibes play an invisible role

Undoubtedly business is your brainchild but it is the flawless implementation and unbiased efforts which make it flourish and stand amidst global giants of your industry. According to a report, a little over 50% of startups fail in the first four years of their commencement.

Amidst numerous reasons that directly and indirectly impact the fall and rise of a business, work culture and the environment inside your office premises plays one of the most crucial roles in deciding the future of your business.

Boost your company culture

The journey of an entrepreneur is filled with new challenges, however, what makes a successful entrepreneur is a skill to surpass the challenges. In one of his recent interviews,

Rahul Agarwal founder of Designhill said, “Not only for an entrepreneur but it is crucial that entire staff works in enhancing their interpersonal skills. Having the same successfully accomplished eventually leads the brand towards success it deserves”.

1. Failure is part of the walk

No idea or execution comes with an acuity of success. The market is the most unexpected arena and when you are dealing with customers (B2B or B2C) the behavior is highly unprecedented.

Having said this, if you or the team at some point fails or could not bring out the expected results, there isn’t any need to play the blame game or feel defeated. The need instead is to together find the reasons behind and ensure to implement changes with more dedication.

2. Not knowing everything is OK

Be it any business, it starts with an idea. However, to take it further and reach your goals, you need to focus on different aspects. Which includes everything from attaining to retaining your target audience.

To accomplish the same, there are different departments and a defined hierarchy. The team we are talking about. The reason behind having a dedicated team with experienced people is that they are good at their respective jobs.

The perfection is in understanding the same and letting the right person do the right job.

3. Taking responsibilities

This one here is partially linked with our previous point. The task you are assigned is your responsibility and so are the results ascertained. It becomes your primary responsibility to understand your roles and dedicatedly fulfill them.

Every team member has to closely understand and accomplish their roles, taking responsibility. Industry experts believe that if every team member will start taking responsibilities of their task, over half of the hurdles could be easily crossed.

4. Professional acceptance

Someone rightly said, ‘Work while you work, play while you play’. There’s a professional culture which needs to be followed with dedication.

When we say professional acceptance, you need to get yourself completely into the work mode and understand that the people around and the place has some professional ethics. It is your prime responsibility to accept and grasp this professional environment and adhere to it.

Also read: 4 reasons why company culture is so important with startups

5. Valuing customers is valuing business

Though last in our list but of high importance. Every team member needs to understand that the business will have no existence in the absence of customers. Not only this, statistics show that companies have to spend more money on client retention in comparison to attaining them.

Having said this, it becomes very important for you to ensure customer satisfaction and value your customers. In absence of the same or any loophole may impact the growth of your business adversely.


Be it a playground or your office, vibes play an invisible role. Besides having a wonderful idea and flawless execution, the environment in your office also plays a vital role in determining the growth of your business.

Studies have revealed that companies with a healthy work culture and positive motivation plays a crucial role in building a better work culture. These were a few important elements that can ensure that your business keeps moving.

However, it is the dedication of the entire team and combined use of expertise which helps you reach the set targets and stand amidst the industry giants.

This article was first published on e27 on June 31, 2018.

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