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Trust me, PR is with you day and night!

This article was first published on May 31, 2023. 

According to legend in the world of public relations, Bill Gates is often attributed to the powerful advice, “If I only had two dollars left, I would spend one dollar on PR.”

Whether or not this is true, it is not surprising that his name is linked to this quote, as he has personally experienced the effects of good Public Relations (PR). This advice resonates across industries.

However, recently, a PR veteran in Vietnam quoted on social media that “PR has died,” referencing Robert Phillips’ book titled Trust me, PR is dead. It is not uncommon for individuals like Phillips or my friends to criticise/attack the PR industry while running their own consultancies!

It can be challenging to reconcile these controversial claims with the reality of the situation. Therefore, the question of whether PR is dead or what the future holds for public relations becomes a matter of debate.

Recently, I was asked by the organiser of the PRO PR Conference to share my perspective on this matter. Here are some of my insights.

When AI first emerged, many communicators couldn’t focus on its incredible benefits. Instead, they were consumed by fears that it would render PR professionals obsolete. Such reactions are common when revolutionary innovations are introduced.

However, with the introduction and widespread adoption of generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing, DALL-E, and Midjourney, PR professionals are beginning to understand the immense power AI can bring to enhance the value of their profession.

Nevertheless, there are still many unknowns. The relationship between AI and communications is in its early stages, which is a critical period that will shape how AI is used in the future. This is the time to fully embrace the possibilities and advocate for strategic and ethical adoption, increasing AI literacy and staying ahead of those who are reluctant to embrace it.

Also Read: Cracking the PR code: A PR blueprint for startups

In this context, here are some considerations for the future of PR:


PR should be seen as more than just a combination of traditional and social media. It needs to incorporate conversion and real-time engagement.


Communicators need to elevate their skill sets to stay relevant. Otherwise, sooner or later, they will be replaced by those who can effectively use AI/ or even AI not by far.

Primary uses

The key PR functions, some very well-known basically since the dawn of PR, some under the radar or beyond, but should not deny their indispensable play in building positively the bridge between brands and audiences.

Data-driven mindset

PR is shifting from focusing solely on output to measuring outcomes.


Technology is shaping the future across all industries. PR professionals must accept, adapt, and train themselves to utilise technology effectively. Expertise, creativity, and emotional understanding remain three key advantages for PR professionals in this ever-changing landscape.


While certain fears have been overcome, there remain serious pitfalls to avoid, and we’re not just discussing the serious setback of PR nowadays. Still, we prepare to adopt, change and revolutionise with the evolving changes in modern PR. Any definition has its own historical value, and it is still on the journey of establishment & development onwards.

The game has changed, but any PR PRO need to experiment, embrace and work hard to shape the use of PR long life forever. Whether it still can bring value, PR has never been easy to die.

“Trust me, PR is with you day and night!”

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