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Beyond the cloud: Entering the Web3 horizon for greater security


cloud security

Dropbox recently announced an end to its unlimited cloud storage offering, and users are up in arms over this development. It is apparent that usage of the cloud has become a business norm, and adoption has accelerated over the last three years. Studies have found that as much as 60 per cent of all corporate data is stored on the cloud, with 48 per cent of businesses storing confidential data on the cloud too.

While cloud adoption has greatly supported digitalisation efforts and our ability to work effectively across borders, there are many questions about cloud security that remain unaddressed.

Do we even know where it is stored, by whom, and how secure is it as we increasingly move from more traditional forms like hardware storage to placing all our data in the cloud?

Our heads are in the cloud

Undeniably, cloud storage has become an essential component of the digital landscape, with major players like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud dominating the market. While these centralized cloud solutions offer convenience and scalability, they also raise concerns about data privacy, security, and control.

The centralized nature of these services makes them vulnerable to attacks, data breaches, and single points of failure. Incidents of data breaches have been reported extensively over the past four to five years, with cloud assets cited as the biggest targets for hackers in a report by Thales.

The paper found that more than a third (39 per cent) of businesses experienced a data breach in their cloud environment last year, an increase from the 35 per cent reported the year prior.

High-profile incidents include major corporations such as Microsoft and the Solarwinds cyberattacks in 2020– with both raising serious concerns about the security of cloud-based software systems. Demonstrating that no organization is too large or even well-defended enough to fend off a cyberattack.

Cloud security’s multi-layered battle

What then, are the most pressing threats posed to cloud security? This can be segregated into three parts: the motivation for cybercriminals, the vulnerabilities of cloud infrastructure and yet again, the human element.

  • A goldmine of data and assets: Centralised cloud storage providers are attractive targets for hackers due to the sheer volume of data they host. Breaches often lead to the exposure of sensitive information, resulting in severe reputational damage and potential legal consequences for both the cloud provider and its clients.
  • Highly vulnerable single points of failure: This critical weakness stems from the concentration of data within a singular server or location. In the event of a breach or system failure, the entire repository becomes exposed to potential compromise. Hackers recognize this Achilles’ heel and exploit it as a strategic target. By targeting this single point of failure, malicious actors can gain unauthorized access to a colossal volume of data in one fell swoop, triggering a domino effect of catastrophic consequences.
  • Insider threats: The looming shadow of insider threats continues into the realm of cloud storage, even if an organization deploys robust security measures. Employees, contractors, or even privileged users with access to the system can exploit their positions to compromise sensitive data. Whether driven by malice, negligence, or ignorance, these insider threats can result in data leaks, unauthorized data manipulation, or even deliberate sabotage.

Making the cloud a safer space through fragmentation

As the digital landscape evolves and threats become increasingly sophisticated, the vulnerability posed by centralized cloud storage’s single point of failure remains a pressing concern, underscoring the urgency for more robust, distributed alternatives like decentralized dynamic security storage in the realm of Web3.

Decentralized dynamic security storage, with its distributed architecture and advanced encryption techniques, offers a potential solution to mitigate the risks associated with centralized cloud storage and protect sensitive data from cyber threats.

When storing data in traditional cloud environments, users essentially entrust their information to third-party providers. This raises concerns about data ownership, control, and privacy, as users must rely on the cloud provider’s policies and security measures to protect their sensitive data.

Decentralized dynamic security storage, which one can envision as a personal cloud, can address these challenges by leveraging blockchain technology, Web3 infrastructure, and a distributed network of global nodes. Users retain greater control over their data, as it is not stored within the confines of a single provider’s infrastructure. Encryption and distribution across nodes ensure that data remains private and secure from third-party access.

Security and limiting accessibility are also heightened, as files are broken down into smaller fragments, encrypted, and distributed across multiple nodes, forming a distributed storage network that functions like a large cloud. This architecture brings essential advantages over traditional centralised cloud storage, where no single point of failure exists.

In conclusion, as this trend gains momentum through early adopters, I strongly believe that businesses and individuals will eventually embrace the potential of decentralized storage, reshaping the future of cloud infrastructure for the better.

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Image credit: Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

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