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Should customer journey be personalised in the age of automation?

Customer Journey

As businesses grapple with increased automation, entrepreneurs need to step up their game in order to engage with their customers in personalised ways. With an unpredictable market and ever-changing purchasing behaviour, it is critical for businesses to gain renewed insights about their customers. This enables businesses to adjust and adapt their products and services to meet market demands and retain customer loyalty. 

Aptly named “Retention Playbook Vietnam: Mapping Personalised Customer Journeys”, the upcoming Big Leap Roadshow is focused on sharing the best practices by regional growth leaders on how to retain and grow their customer base. 

The event is taking place on 22nd February 2023 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, following the spectacular successes of the Big Leap Roadshow in Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The Big Leap Roadshow is a collaborative project between e27 and CleverTap, a SaaS-based customer lifecycle management and mobile marketing company headquartered in Mountain View, California.

CleverTap is leading the charge for personalised customer journey

As the world’s number 1 Retention Cloud trusted by 2000 customers, CleverTap is leading the charge to help businesses improve their approach to customer retention. In their years of experience, CleverTap believes that understanding the role of personalised customer journeys is an essential aspect for businesses to remain competitive, and one of the best ways to achieve this is by mapping the customer journey.

Customer journey mapping allows companies to gain insight into their customer’s needs and preferences, enabling them to create tailored experiences at different touch points along the journey. Moreover, it helps businesses better understand how their products or services are being used by customers so that they can optimise their product development and marketing efforts. 

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Creating a customer journey map involves gathering data from multiple sources including surveys, interviews with customers and industry experts, as well as analysing existing analytics tools such as website traffic metrics or social media engagement. The data is then used to identify key touchpoints along the customer’s decision-making process from the initial stage of need recognition until the completion of their purchasing process.

With our increasingly digital shopping experience (from seeing ads on social media to online shopping) companies have better access to customer behaviour data that they can synthesise into valuable insights. These insights are invaluable to developing strategies that will drive conversions at each step, and to perfect the user experience through all stages of the cycle. 

Strategies to approach personalised customer journey mapping

In order to create valuable optimised customer journeys, entrepreneurs must explore and experiment with different business strategies. For starters, businesses must exercise a high level of orchestration across their business functions combined with critical data analytics and creative problem-solving skills. These things can be achieved through comprehensive market research to assess broad customer insights and industry trends across multiple channels. This will ensure higher success rates for businesses, enhance customer engagement, boost sales figures, and encourage them to return and seek out the same products and services.

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In a nutshell, an ideal customer journey mapping should provide information about customers’ needs, potential pain points and motivators, experience at each touchpoint, customer feedback, and possible improvements and solutions.

Customer journey mapping success stories in the world and in Vietnam

There are a slew of benefits that come with personalised customer journeys, enabling businesses to create more meaningful connections with their target audience and offer greater customer values than generic experiences. As such, leading global companies have been quick to embrace the practices.

For example, Amazon Prime’s one-click shopping option has revolutionised how people shop online due to its convenience and thorough understanding of the customer’s shopping habits, preferences, and desires. Another example is Grab’s loyalty program which proposes discounts on rides based on user behaviour patterns over time, optimising customers’ lifetime values and bolstering customer delight.

In Vietnam, VNTrip, whose leader is one of the keynote speakers at the forthcoming Retention Playbook Vietnam panel discussion, also boasts of using personalised customer journey mapping and offering a unique customer experience that allows the company to thrive. Specifically, by understanding the different stages customers go through when interacting with their brand, VNTrip tailors their products and services based on individual needs, making them feel valued and understood, and improving business efficiency by removing unnecessary touchpoints.

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With much hype towards personalised customer journey and its lucrative applications in real businesses, CleverTap’s Big Leap Roadshow in Ho Chi Minh City is poised to provide businesses with beneficial resources for building valuable, long-term relationships with your customers in today’s competitive market as growth leaders open up and share their best practices on creating personalised customer journeys. 

Learn from industry experts across various sectors about how they have created magnetic experiences to grow customer retention, increase lifetime value, and go from good to great.

To sign up for the event, click here.

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This article is produced by the e27 team, sponsored by CleverTap

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