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‘Kampd connects professionals based on what they know rather than who they know’

Kampd Co-Founder and CEO Amit Gupta

A new social media platform was unveiled early this month at the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) 2022.

Kampd, founded by Amit Gupta and Ullrich Loeffler, two serial entrepreneurs and co-founders of digital research and advisory firm Ecosystm, aims to provide a platform for like-minded professionals to engage with each other within communities of interest anchored around purposeful content.

According to its CEO Gupta, the social platform unleashes the immense potential of the creator economy to benefit professionals across domains through the promise of rich, meaningful content.

On the sidelines of the launch, e27 sat with Gupta, who talked about the platform, its USP, goals, and how it differentiates itself from LinkedIn.

Edited excerpts:

What is Kampd, and why was it created? What problem does it solve?

For years, creators and enterprises have struggled with a fragmented business content ecosystem. With platforms built around networking, good content is drowned by a huge influx of irrelevant content. As a result, users struggle to find quality business content and engage in a consistent community experience with creators and enterprises.

Kampd is here to solve that. It is for those seeking to connect with like-minded professionals and enhance their knowledge by consuming content that caters to their interests and passion. The platform empowers creators, who are thought leaders and industry stalwarts, to create and amplify their content on Kampd and across platforms to eventually build sustained engagement with their followers within the relevant communities.

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While professional communities exist today, their full potential has yet to be harnessed as it lacks sustained engagement through a platform that caters to such communities.

The fragmented nature of content today means one has to go to many different content platforms that are often dictated by the content formats rather than interest areas. There is no one place that’s the home of professional content.

Who are the users of Kampd?

The platform was built to serve the needs of creators, enterprises and users.

Creators ‘kamp’ all their content, across multiple formats, in just one place and amplify and monetise their professional brand meaningfully with the right set of creator and engagement tools. Kamp is the niche, topic-oriented communities on the platform.

Enterprises will ‘kamp’ all their content, across multiple formats, in just one place and, through curated communities, drive sustained engagement with employees, customers, partners and prospects.

Users will consume all their thought leadership content, across multiple formats, creators, and platforms, in just one place and, through our personalisation engine, engage with other like-minded users and enhance their brand by building up their influence and thought leadership.

How is Kampd different from LinkedIn or other social networks? What benefits does it bring to its users?

Unlike the traditional social media platforms that emphasise ‘who you know’, Kampd enables users to maximise their potential with ‘what you know’.

We build on the untapped potential of professional communities where like-minded people can have sustained engagement with other professionals and experts on interest areas they are truly passionate about.

The Kampd platform

We believe that communities have to be curated. With this, the content and engagement become most relevant to the professionals in such communities. Members can access or be part of ‘kamps’. It provides a ready platform for thought leaders to engage with their audiences sustainably.

What opportunities do you see for Kampd in Southeast Asia?

The SEA region will witness one of the fastest growth in the knowledge economy, boasting some of the youngest populations in the world that are increasingly getting into the professional workforce.

We are witnessing a thriving culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, and diversity. The young generation represents the next wave of professionals and business leaders increasingly led by purpose. We have visualised Kampd as the platform that empowers this generation of professionals and drives their knowledge journeys towards a collective purpose-led approach.

How does the platform plan to make money?

Our current focus is to provide the professional community with a platform to connect with like-minded people and discover content that will help them grow. So far, we have seen a great response from communities and professionals seeking to join the platform.

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In the long term, Kampd plans to empower communities and creators to monetise, as we believe there is immense potential in the professional landscape.

Many social networking sites were launched in the past but were unsuccessful because of competition, poor patronage, or poor execution. How will Kampd address such challenges?

At its core, the solution is to listen to the market and continuously test, optimise and repeat. At Kampd, we have spent the last two years of our build phase taking feedback, usability testing and market sensing to understand better the needs of professionals, communities and creators alike.

We are committed to staying true to our North Star, which is to enable professionals to engage with each other through specific communities that are anchored through purposeful content in a way that is simple and intuitive to use.

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