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How to leverage the e27 writing club to gain fame and respect in the startup ecosystem

e27 was founded to empower founders, investors, innovators, and technicians with tools to build and grow their businesses. Since its inception, we have tried to nurture this one big happy family. Everything we do, whether online or offline, leads back to this.

While at it, we have realised that nothing is more enriching and heart-warming than learning from each other. And that is why we have been running the e27 Contributor Programme for five+ years now. Learn about our motivation and why we are running this programme.

We all have opinions. But more often than not, we fail to communicate them with the larger world simply because we are unsure how to put our thoughts into perspective. The e27 Contributor Programme addresses just that by helping you distil and present your perspectives and insights to the tech startup ecosystem. Simply put, the Contributor Programme is where you voice your views.

Trending contributors

Over the years, we have onboarded over 2000 contributors from across startups and corporates, including Meta, Adobe, PatSnap, PPRO, Hublio, Shopback, Monk’s Hills Ventures, Vextex Ventures, Grab, ABCC Exchange, Payoneer, and more.

Our bandwagon is open to startup founders, corporate professionals, VCs, angel investors, business leaders, industry experts, journalists, researchers, data analysts, and government officials. Meet our top 50 emerging thought leaders of 2021.

Below are some of the most popular contributors from the last quarter.

To ease the process and help you put words to your thoughts, we are bringing in the e27 Writing Club. While writing is typically a solo endeavour, finding a community of kindred spirits supporting one another can be a great source of inspiration, encouragement, and network building.

Also Read: A beginner’s guide to thought leadership

May the writing force be with you

Whether you are a startup founder, investor, professional, or advisor, our writing club is here to offer a supportive hat to your writing journey and become a celebrated expert in your niche.

Our Writing Club is here to assist you in seeking your own ilk and giving a wholesome voice to your thoughts. Nurture your thoughts, improve your skills, and engage with the community; we are here to make your words shine and establish you as a sought-after thought leader in your niche.

So, what does the writing club entail?

  • Every quarter we will share a few trending themes and topics relevant to the tech world to activate your thinking hats.
  • In addition to food for thought, we will also share writing guidelines and provide editorial support in the weekly writing hour. You can share your ideas or first drafts with our editors for feedback and guidance via email (
  • Once your article is ready, we will publish it on e27.

What’s in it for you?

  • Your article will be shared with our 70k+ newsletter subscribers and promoted 3x on all our social media channels.
  • The best articles on each theme will be highlighted on the e27 homepage and news page with a special mention.
  • This is also your shot at climbing the ladder of fame; if your article receives <1000 page views in a week, you will be featured on our leaderboard.
  • You can also leverage the article’s reach to brand your company by simply creating a company profile that we will tag in your article. Here’s a guide on how to make a company profile.
  • A chance to expand your network and connect with potential clients, investors, and strategic partners via our Connect feature.
  • Your articles will also serve as a springboard to speaking opportunities in the region and ecosystem.
  • The shared learning and exchange of views and insights will also help you gain a seat at the table in the wider community
  • Establish your own unique voice and confidently share it with the world.

I’m game. What are the next steps?

Firstly, you will need to create your profile at The only way to do it is by linking your LinkedIn or Facebook. Make sure it is complete with a bio, image, and designation. If you already have one, voila! move on to the writing bit.

  • Set aside an hour on your calendar. Stop all notifications
  • Use the writer’s guide below and fill in your thoughts under each section
  • Sleep on it. Give it a good read. Add or remove words/sentences as you feel
  • Voila, you will have your article

Things to keep in mind while you put on your writing hat:

  • Keep your paragraphs short and crisp
  • Ensure that your article isn’t too promotional
  • Use short headings as necessary

Themes for this quarter

Life and work amidst a recession

How are you navigating the economic slowdown? Are you doubling down your efforts on what works or pulling the trigger on layoffs and cost-cutting? Share your stories, pains, motivations and more on how you manage your runway, tips on fundraising in this climate, compassionate leadership, dealing with layoffs or even a macro view of when you think this will end or how.

Web3 beyond crypto
Are there enough Web3 applications outside of the crypto world? What are the exciting moves in this space you are observing or making? Are ASEAN governments even thinking correctly about it? What should they do or know better? Share your thoughts on where you think this space will be by the end of the year and if Asia is ready for it.

Innovations in climate tech and sustainability
Over the past year, we have seen some breakthroughs in climate tech that have brought this sector to the forefront (even if the sheer need did not). Share your views on what are the areas that have not been looked at deeply yet. Is there a climate tech innovation the ecosystem needs to know about? Have you considered shaping an ESG policy for your organisation? How does that look? How did you go about it?

Through e27 Contributor Programme’s Writing Club, you now get a chance to share your thoughts and opinions with this community and shine bright as an expert in your domain.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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