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A look back at 2021: Digitalisation, innovation and sustainability


2021 was a year with many ups and downs. The new waves of COVID keep disrupting businesses and changing how we interact and work. At the same time, these events have also surfaced new opportunities to satisfy consumer demands and add value to their experiences. 

From revolutionary medical technology to simple lifestyle products, many waves of innovation have arisen as social distancing practices and work from home become the new norm. 

For those that can adapt and take advantage of being the disrupter, explosive growth is guaranteed. Thus, we have seen a significant transition where startups and established businesses fully embrace digitalisation to enable innovation. 

Other worth noting trends are:

Tech talents are precious and scarce and also getting expensive

Even Singapore, the most prominent technology hub in ASEAN, has been constrained by its limited tech talent pool for years. The country cannot yet match the tech skills and experience the industry needs quickly. 

These limitations were cruelly exposed more than ever by the pandemic, which resulted in the drying up of tech talent pools as developers shift to big international companies that offer better salaries and compensations. 

2021 just showed it even clearer that companies will have to fight for their tech talent. 

Building remote tech teams is an effective strategy to scale up tech operations

Pressured by harsh competition, firms have to make the judgment call to secure what they deem more important for survival and profitability. Thus, the costly nature of technology and innovation forced businesses to look for talent and business opportunities beyond domestic shores. 

In other words, they are attracted to the vast population of experienced tech talent from underrepresented regions. 

Also Read: To infinity and beyond: Why 2022 will be the year of Web3

Talking about changes, Tech JDI also had a breakout year. Our team has expanded significantly, tripled the number to keep up with the growth of our client base. Re-branding efforts are also underway to enable Tech JDI to serve our clients and customers better.

Beyond our existing initiatives to help businesses scale up their tech operation and capitalize on the market opportunities in Vietnam, Tech JDI is also building an end-to-end solution that allows established companies to innovate through creating their startups successfully.  

That’s why the focus of next year is not only for Tech JDI to grow as an organization but for our services to grow sustainably. 

During this time, I am filled with immense gratitude due to the extraordinary support from everyone to help me grow not only at Tech JDI but also my career path. It also reminded me of how fortunate I am to work with clients who care about their people, thus remaining dedicated to building strong cultures rooted in values, ethics, and integrity.

So thank you to all of my co-workers, customers, and partners who have made 2021 a remarkable year against all odds. 

And, thank you, e27, for the collaboration and recognition of helping firms grow and innovate.  

Here’s to a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2022!

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