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Starting a mission-driven company with Ryan Naylor

Meet Ryan Naylor, who helps SMBs find the talent they need so they don’t have to compete with massive corporations.

Today, he shares the shocking journey that includes being sued after going on Shark Tank!

We discuss:

  • How he became interested in entrepreneurship
  • His first job (he made more than his other friends!)
  • Graduating at the start of the Great Recession
  • The travel bug which started his first company
  • The reality behind Shark Tank
  • The most important thing he learned as a result of Shark Tank
  • How that led him to create his current company VIVAHR
  • And more!

If you don’t see the player above, click on a link below to listen directly!





This article was first published on We Live To Build.

Image Credit: Michal Czyz on Unsplash

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