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gojek purchases US$30M stake in Indonesian taxi operator giant Blue Bird

Somebody left their lunch here

Indonesian ride-hailing giant gojek has purchased a 4.3 per cent stake at local taxi operator Blue Bird for US$30 million, Bloomberg confirmed.

Citing people with knowledge of the matter, the report confirmed an earlier report which was published in December 2019 that gojek is buying a minority stake in the company.

In a stock exchange filing on February 14, Blue Bird’s parent company PT Pusaka Citra Djokosoetono said that it sold more than 108 million shares at IDR3,800 (US$0.27) apiece. The filing did not identify the buyer.

A representative of gojek and Blue Bird President Director Noni Purnomo declined to comment on the matter.

Also Read: Morning News Roundup: gojek’s accelerator program introduces 3rd batch of retail startups

gojek and Blue Bird has an ongoing partnership that makes the Blue Bird taxi service available on the gojek platform.

Their partnership came with a long history of competition and reconciliation.

When gojek first took its claim to fame in the Indonesian market, it was met with protests by taxi drivers who believe that the service threatened their livelihood.

But in March 2017, the two companies announced the partnership that would see Blue Bird service being available on the gojek platform.

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