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Tech for the space age? Blockchain and AI might be just what we need

Singularity might be closer than we think

It was in 2009, when the first cryptocurrency made its debut. The Bitcoin proof of concept and specifications was first published by Satoshi Nakamoto – the anonymous developer of the blockchain technology that would soon be a game changer for the world.

Although starting as the only cryptocurrency, thousands of other cryptocurrencies soon joined the Bitcoin in the crypto ecosystem. Today there are over 2000 cryptocurrencies, according to CoinMarketCap as of the time of this writing, with many more still to be joining the list, through STOs in form of securities tokens.

The crypto market has grown to attract the attention of investors globally. This is largely understandable as the market currently stands at a value of over $100 billion. However, while these developments are remarkable, the point of focus is the technology behind the cryptocurrencies – the Blockchain. The utilities tokens are only the tip of the iceberg compared to the securities tokens that will securitize all assets on earth, both tangible and intangible.

Blockchain Reshaping the Future

Blockchain technology has continued to garner an unprecedented level of attention. This is owing to the distributed ledger framework of the technology, which provides a completely decentralized transaction process thus, making all activities carried out on the platform free from external control.

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The traditional system requires the need for arbitrators or central authorities to validate transactions. However, blockchain provides a trustless platform that allows parties to store information and transact without external interference.

The distributed ledger makes it almost impossible to manipulate or change information that has been stored on the blockchain, whilst also providing transparency as transactions are visible to all on the platform. Blockchain technology eliminates the need for middlemen or bureaucracy via the use of smart contracts.

The remarkable features of this technology is what has won it attractions and interests from business players in different fields. Although blockchain technology itself has shown its capacity to be applied universally, i.e. across all different fields and sectors. It has changed the way funds can be sent abroad, eliminating the need for middlemen or exorbitant bank charges. The secure framework for storing information is also of great benefit to the health sector, as patients’ information can be securely stored on the blockchain.

Blockchain also paved way for digitalizing assets. Assets are now digitally represented on the blockchain with all relevant information including, history, origin, and ownership, among others. This system makes it easier to exchange value and provide a more secure means of verification of product originality.

The world is yearning to be free from undue centralized control and free to create their own experiences. Blockchain technology has offered this opportunity, and we are gradually seeing a paradigm shift towards a decentralized, blockchain world.


AI Integration and the future of blockchain projects

Another development that’s also changing the world is artificial intelligence. Although its wave of development can be traced back to the 1950s, rigorous research and its rapid development only began a little over a decade ago. AI, which involves the process of computers learning and solving problems with little or no supervision from humans, has literally become an integral part of our daily lives.

From self-driving cars, smartphones, digital assistants to the new wave of smart home devices, Amazon Alexa and many others, AI is no longer a futuristic hope, it’s already our reality.

However, with these two groundbreaking technologies integrated, according to Aaron Tsai, Founder and Chief Capitalist of MAS Capital Inc. and MAS Capital Universal Exchange Inc. (MASEx), we can see the beginning of a new future. “Decentralized media and social media – AI media – will completely open the flow of information globally with as little government influence as possible,”writes Tsai in the bluepaper, Blockchain & Artificial Intelligence – Today and the Future he published on December 2, 2018 on LinkedIn. “The big-node alliances and high-computational AI groups will have the agenda-setting and governing power in the new era. Government controlled, centralized monitoring, video surveillance eyes-in-the-sky and cyber police will be counter-balanced with the individuals and groups of the decentralized era. The new world order, including the definition of a nation, the nature of institutions, the tribe, social interaction and economic trading systems are all changing!”

A statement of truth cannot be denied. We are witnessing a paradigm shift in global operations, as we gradually embrace the developments in AI and decentralized technology. This is a future that has already begun and the best we can do at this point is see to it that these developments are effectively managed for the benefit of humanity. The last thing we need is create a world that would be disastrous for future generations.

This is a vision also shared by Tsai: “As we move into the age of the Singularity, a new human species is been created with superintelligence, as man and machine become one to co-exist with the help of human-controlled or out-of-control AI.” The great importance here is that we embrace the reality, the future we now see and the need for everyone to work together for a future that is better and brighter for all humankind!

Tsai founded and launched MASEx, which is designed for the New Space Age, where people can trade Securities Tokens and transfer funds — not only on Earth, but the vision is that such transactions can also be done once we get to Mars, the moon, spaceships and space stations, etc. According to Tsai MASEx aims to be “The First and the Leading Exchange in the Universe!” MASEx will trade equity securities tokens, commodities tokens and stable coins. The platform aims to launch its Stock Listing Board for companies’ equity securities tokens in Q1 this year. There are plans to adopt AI based continuous due diligence on listed companies, with a monthly reporting standards, to move the stock exchange industry to a new and a higher standard.

The fate of our future largely relies on how well we manage what’s in our hands today. Artificial intelligence has come to stay, and blockchain keeps making its rapid advancements. If we are to make these worthwhile and sustainable for humanity then, a synergy is of great essence – a mentality of collaboration. The future can only be bright for us all when all parties involved put hands on deck in unison.


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Photo by Federico Lancellotti on Unsplash

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