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9 tangible ways you can market to drive a high-value business


Marketing is probably the most important part of a business therefore in order to make sure it flourishes you must reach out to people and show them what you are capable of and why they should seek your products or services that you are offering.

There are many cost-effective marketing strategies available in the market and printed marketing materials are among the most effective ones which can drive high-value business.

The most efficient marketing materials that ensure effective conversions so that the business can grow organically are:

1. Business cards – If you are interested in making your first impression effective and want people to think that you are credible enough then go for a nicely printed business card.

Your potential customers will be able to connect with you effectively. Do not take this small weapon lightly because business cards can bring customers to you. Make sure that your entire team has the business card so that your services or products or whatever you make gets propagated positively.

Most people ask for a business card and if you say that you don’t have one, it creates a negative impression which you probably do not want.


2. Business brochures – A company brochure is something that is an integral part of your marketing strategy. You have to tell your clients or customers what your services and products are all about.

More detailed information about your company can actually help you grow a lot. With the help of a brochure maker, you can now design beautiful and imposing brochures that will be appreciated by all, nowadays, designing a brochure isn’t big of a deal.


3. Datasheets – You can use product data sheets to showcase the important specifications or features of your product. If you are a service provider then you can mention the different benefits of your service, why your service should be availed, etc.

If your customer is more informed, good for you because clients need information and if you can provide relevant information to your clients they’ll find your services or products more interesting and attractive.


4. Customised folders – Have you ever thought of presentation folders?

If not then think about it because a custom made folder is something that will grab the attention of your clients quickly plus you can put all the required information pertaining to your services or products inside the beautiful folder, whatever your clients need to know will be there in the folder.


5. Company catalogues- If you are thinking of catalogues for your company you are on the right track because you can showcase your most famous item in the catalogue and pull the attention of the crowd.

Also, you can redirect the traffic to your website as well with the help of a catalogue.

If you consider the importance of a catalogue then you’ll understand that people don’t throw away catalogues that easily. Yes, the world has become pretty fast and progressive but then a good amount of people like the old school systems more; some people prefer catalogues, brochures, and any other printed marketing materials to websites or any information available on the net.


6. Case studies – If you want to show that you are better than the rest you can provide case study materials to your clients to show them that your product or services are wanted by all.

The testimonials from your other clients can be used as printed marketing materials because that’s how you will show your new clients that you live up to you promises or provide the best service which is why people tend to like your services more. This is certainly a unique way of triggering your business to attain indelible heights.


7. Custom letterheads – Using custom letterheads or envelopes make your customers think that you have enough credibility and a positive impression is created. This portrays the fact that you pay impeccable attention to minute details.

This is necessary indeed because your attitude towards details is clearly visible and customers like that.

The image of the brand is depicted strongly through the custom letterheads and envelops and make sure that you are using paper that is of top-notch quality.

Showcase your brand simply by putting a colour logo of your brand in these customized letters and envelops this way your brand gets promoted and customers get convinced to purchase your services or products.


8. Gratitude notes – Sending a thank you note to your customers or stakeholders is a lovely way to impress them. This shows that your brand is not only interested in the business it makes from them but also cares for the customers.

Thank you cards aren’t just pieces of paper it is more than just saying thank you it means you are again paying attention to the details, people who pay attention to the details are appreciated always.

You can send thank you cards to the stakeholders, donors, investors, customers or even vendors… remember that you will also flourish if you maintain a cordial relationship with your vendors because without them a major part of your business will remain incomplete. You can also send out holiday greeting cards or anything unique that’ll make everyone feel special.


9. Newsletters – If you are launching a new product or have planned a product or service that can be very beneficial for your customers… why not send out quarterly newsletters which will talk volumes about the products or services you intend to launch in the future.

Yes, physical newsletters are old school but still, some people love the old school ways more than everything digital. Newsletters are instrumental in keeping your customers updated.

In a nutshell, printed marketing materials are still in vogue owing to their user-friendly nature. You can use printed marketing materials for so many businesses or in many industries.

In case you find a good printing company you can negotiate and bring the printing cost down to a large extent, work on the return on investment by ensuring the betterment of consistency, minimizing the number of errors, etc. This will help you to develop in a positive direction.

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