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9 advantages of utilising 3D graphics for your online retail startup business


If you have been a part of startup retail business, organising product marketing campaigns, you know very well how difficult it is to engage customers across digital media.

3D product rendering can spell numerous benefits for your online retail business. Here are 9 of them:

1) E-commerce cataloguing can be optimised

You pretty much know how difficult it is to capture images of your products in an accurate manner with cameras. These images have to be refined before publishing in online catalogues.

Making the product labels visible in thumbnails is a discouraging task. Sometimes, brand logos can get distorted while retouching images. Such efforts often make you miss deadlines and sale opportunities.

You can get over such nightmares with CGI animation which allows you to build accurately pixelated product versions for all e-commerce industry types. You can make labels legible, format logos, make thumbnails readable and arrange product catalogues on sites the way you want.

2) Call to action can be made more compelling

With CGI, you can evoke the right feeling in your targeted audience base. Prospective customers can be treated with the right visuals the way you want in alignment with your business values. You can weave the perfect mood around the product inexpensively which adds power to the call to action.

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Conventionally, such efforts are cost-intensive and consume significant time. You had to set up extensive photoshoots with the right props. To present the product in an appealing ambience, you had to pay the photographer highly.

CGI allows you to get over such disadvantages. You can highlight the stellar aspects of the products easily which inspires potential customers to buy products more frequently.

3) Time to market is accelerated

All brands need to comply with deadlines to get their products promoted by PR partners.

When you integrate CGI in product promotional workflow, you can send pre-launch product images to distribution and online retail store partners well within scheduled timelines. As the time to market is cut short, you can book more orders for the product.

4) Product variations can be created with ease

You may need to showcase variations of your product on different pages of the e-commerce site. If you follow the traditional photoshoot method, it will take considerable time and would drain your advertisement budget significantly.

With CGI and 3d rendering, you can create many variations of the same product by differing the backdrop, lighting, texture, colour, etc. All these can be done quickly without incurring significant overhead costs.

5) Futuristic models for retail marketing can be developed

Using the technologies adopted by Hollywood, you can bring on the same table AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) for enhancing the marketing experience of shoppers.

Buyers can experience different products like furniture in customized settings with virtual staging, for example.

6) Customers can be made to experience the products

With 3D visualization, you can help potential buyers experience the product in virtual mode. This helps them connect with your brand in a better way.

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CGI effects can be enhanced with AR wherein multimedia, sensory inputs, graphics, etc. can be superimposed on real-world objects. Tactile feel can be simulated. Location data can be taken from GPS coordinates. Through the app, AR can be used for showcasing to customers what it would be like trying new products.

7) Virtual fitting room can be created

You enjoy the power to shape futuristic buying experience by harnessing the potential of CGI. Smart mirrors can be placed in a fitting room which will serve as touch screens.

A shopper can try various looks by experimenting with cloth sizes and colours. They can swipe the screen to try another variation. Shopper need not signal in half-clothed mode to the salesperson for another set of clothes to try.

8) ROI can be made to exponentially grow

You can leverage CGI to increase your business’s ROI substantially. The turnaround time to market as well as the cost of promotion goes down significantly. Booking for a new product can be availed of quickly.

You can customize the shopping experience for buyers. Tailored apps can be developed which will allow buyers to virtually test the product with VR driven technology. This way potential buyers can quickly purchase products that fit on them optimally.

9) A dream home can be curated in digital mode

CGI can be used in other verticals apart from the eCommerce business. You can make customers visualize how the dream home would look like by allowing them to virtually set furniture in living room interiors. Customers need not physically haul and place the furniture pieces.

Visualization of all home-related products can be made possible with CGI. You need not hire a photographer to capture snaps of real objects. Engaging and memorable experiences can be created with ease.

CGI helps your brand stand out in a market that is facing stiff competition. You can win the trust of potential buyers by leveraging CGI.

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Image Credit:  pawel szvmanski

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