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5 reasons why people are leaving your website and what you can do about it

Creating a website is not easy and takes lots of time, efforts and strategic planning.

However, if you are still not getting the desired flow of having continuous visitors, it is obvious to feel disheartened.

As a business owner, nothing could be worse than losing your visitors due to factors you can control. So, what are those reasons that make people leave your website? 

Do not be surprised if it is happening on your new website. Most people do not get it right for the first time that is bothering your visitors. As a business owner, our ultimate goal is to have a website that attracts more and more visitors and make them retain to our site. Once we have visitors, it is up to us how to retain them.  

Therefore here we have listed a few reasons why people are leaving your website. Let’s have a look:

1. Poor website design: This is the most common but foremost reason that makes people leave our website. The poor design will not only damage the quality of our site but also reflects our unprofessionalism towards our customers.

So, keep in mind that the design of the website should match our business message and capable enough to provide desired information in an eye-pleasing way.

2. Slow-loading website: Online visitors generally do not have to wait for loading our website to get the necessary information. If our website loads slowly, they would leave our website instead of waiting and search for another. The most common reasons for heavy websites are using heavy graphics and low bandwidth. So, make sure it loads faster.

3. Auto-playing videos: You often notice a sudden sound of a video playing automatically on a page when you are on a site. Your first reaction is to close the page immediately as you do not want to watch it.

As per Ph.D. assignment help, most users have the same reaction when they are forced to watch a video instead of providing the information they are looking for. So, you should be careful about these auto-playing videos.

4. Too many pop-ups: Though pop-ups are the great ways for conversions, it does not mean that you put them everywhere on your site. They annoy and irritate the visitors so use them merely as much as possible. Otherwise, the readers are likely to move away and never want to come again.  

5. Irrelevant content: Most of the visitors get on your sites by searching a keyword on Google and when they do not find necessary and desired information after landing your site, they just close the tab and move on.

The better idea is to post relevant and informative content on your site including the right keywords.

Wrapping up

Websites are the first face of your company and obviously, we do not want to lose them. So, pay attention to these reasons and start working on them immediately.

It is only through websites through which we can reach our maximum users and tell users more about you as a company effectively. 

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Image Credit: Igor Miske

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