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3 reasons why attending a webinar is probably the smartest thing to do for busy bees


A week ago, I stumbled upon an event listing online called “5 common traits of successful young adult novels” by Reedsy, as someone who loves part-time fiction writing, this was the perfect opportunity for me to learn about what made a good adult novel.

I signed up for the event imagining it was happening in my city, not checking the time or the location.

The day of the talk, as I tried to look over at the location of the event, I realised that it was actually an online webinar. I felt a certain disappointment as now this would mean a laggy video and no real-time connection with the speaker.

But in spite of all the negativity, with an open mind, I still decided to give it a shot.

And it really turned out to be a major game-changer for me. Here are the 3 benefits I felt about attending webinars

1. Sweats and total comfort

The biggest advantage of attending an online webinar is that you don’t have to worry about your perfectly ironed shirt or even brushing your hair before the event. You can attend it anytime anywhere, while commuting, at the office or even from your home.

Nothing beats the comfort of flexibility, especially if you are busy and cannot commute an hour, to and fro to attend the talk. This saves time, is more efficient and gives you complete freedom.

Also, the open environment of a webinar can be extremely relaxing as opposed to

2. Great way to learn from the pros …. from anywhere

There may be times when you really want to attend an event or want to listen to your favourite speaker, who is not in your city. At times like this attending the online webinar is a great option.

The format of a webinar is usually concise and focused and therefore it has great value for time. You jump straight to the point and even the interactions during a webinar are focused. Since the moderator will usually pick out the questions that are the most relevant from the comments.

3. It’s recorded, so you can listen to it anytime

Even if you don’t attend a webinar, chances are that the company organising it will have a recording of it that can be accessed either from their website or sent via email.

The only drawback with this is that you will not be able to ask questions and interact with the speaker, so it’s highly recommended that you attend a webinar if the topic is something very relevant to you.

In this faced-paced world, it can sometimes be an added pressure to do your job, attend events, network and then just do things that you like. Therefore, a webinar is a great option for people who are always mostly on the run, it offers a solution for your fast life and an opportunity to learn what you like from the best.

Image Credit:  Simon Abrams

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