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AI isn’t magic: Why smart marketers should be skeptical of the hype

In marketing, the latest trends often lead us astray. Right now, AI is the oversold silver bullet. Whether it’s automating campaigns, creating content, or optimising customer journeys, AI has become the shiny new toy in the marketer’s toolbox. 

While AI is powerful, it isn’t magic. Marketers who fully drink the AI Kool-Aid may end up overlooking the human elements that make their strategies effective.

So before we automate everything, let’s consider a more balanced approach in integrating AI into our marketing efforts.

Confusing automation with strategy

Marketers love automation because it promises to make our lives easier—automate your email campaigns, predict customer behaviour, and optimise ad spend. I’ve been in the same boat.

For instance, manually sending out hundreds of tailored pitches would usually take me about three days. With the help of an AI-powered tool, I was able to automate this process and finish in just a few hours.

But automation doesn’t equal strategy. 

Many of us have been there: we set up an automated campaign, watch it churn out results, and pat ourselves on the back. But what happens when the numbers aren’t aligned with the brand’s goals?

AI tools can crunch data and suggest next steps, but they can’t understand your brand’s story, your audience’s pain points, or the cultural nuances. The danger is that automation can lead to a “set-it-and-forget-it” mentality, resulting in tone-deaf campaigns that lack human touch.

The AI-generated content myth

There’s a common misconception that AI can take over content creation entirely. Sure, AI tools can write emails, create blog posts, and even generate social media content, but does it hit the mark? 

In marketing, storytelling is everything. It’s how we connect emotionally with audiences and differentiate our brands in a crowded marketplace. Instead of using AI to replace creative thinking, we should see it as a tool to enhance our creativity. Let the AI handle the repetitive stuff, but keep the heart of the content creation process human.

Also Read: How to drive business innovation with AI-powered data analytics

Overestimating data-driven insights

AI thrives on data. It processes massive amounts of information and can uncover trends that marketers might otherwise miss. But data is only as good as the person interpreting it. AI can point you to numbers, but it takes a human mind to find meaning in them.

I’ve seen AI-driven insights that looked promising on paper, but once you dig deeper, the real question remains: why? AI can tell you which posts performed best and which audiences are engaging, but it doesn’t understand the context or the emotional drivers behind those behaviours.

Setting unrealistic expectations for AI

There’s another issue here: unrealistic expectations. Some marketers are so enamoured with AI’s potential that they expect it to solve all their problems. But AI is a tool, not a miracle worker. 

When we put AI on a pedestal, we risk overlooking what really drives successful marketing campaigns: creativity, empathy, and the ability to adapt to change. AI doesn’t understand your customer’s fears or aspirations—only humans do.

Building a smarter AI-powered strategy

So, should we ignore AI altogether? Absolutely not. AI is an invaluable tool for marketers when used wisely.

Start by understanding the specific problems AI can solve for your team. Automate where it makes sense, but keep the critical thinking and creative work in-house. Use AI to gain insights, but rely on your team’s expertise to make those insights actionable. Don’t let AI steer the ship—your brand’s vision should guide your strategy.

Ultimately, marketers should use AI to complement, not replace, the human elements of marketing. AI can help streamline processes, but it can never replicate the creativity, empathy, and adaptability that only human marketers can bring to the table.

After all, no algorithm can ever replace the power of genuine human connection.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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What I learned after launching a successful business in Asia

I launched Statrys in 2018 to solve a very simple yet critical problem: offer a user-friendly and safe payment and FX platform for companies and entrepreneurs across Asia. In 2022, we were voted the best payments and collections service in Hong Kong.

I have learned a few things along the way that I am happy to share with you here. 

Before you start

Welcome risk

Starting a business is a journey full of ups and downs. Risk is central to the experience. 

If you want to start a business, you should be comfortable facing risk and responding to it in a productive way. See it as something that helps you focus rather than a stress factor threatening to undo your efforts. It is a friend, not a foe.

Study your business idea to death

You want to act on a ‘good’ idea, but not all ideas are good. Latching onto a ‘bad’ idea can result in failure spread out over time.

How do you know when an idea is good? Sit on the idea for a while and study it. Gauge the scope of the project, take time to identify the market, and understand if there is real demand for the product or service you want to offer.

If you’re launching in an industry you’re familiar with, you will have an edge. You can read the market faster and call on your expertise. 

If you’re considering starting a business in an unfamiliar industry, be prepared to do the extra leg work, as I did with Statrys. I was previously a lawyer. I studied the fintech market to death and concluded I was on to something good. 

Be surrounded

Team up with a business partner or associate to increase your chances of success. My best associate is my wife. She is someone I can share my daily experiences with, but also someone who supports me emotionally and with the financial risks I take. 

If you don’t have a partner, look for someone who will complement you. Not a like-minded person but someone who has a different vision and background than you to help broaden your thinking and the business’ scope.

It’s all about timing

To ensure the timing is right to launch your business, evaluate the opportunity cost of launching. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this the right time to get started?
  • How long is my runway to market launch? Do I have enough financial resources to last the first months? 
  • Can I measure my burn rate? 
  • How long can I last without receiving revenue? 
  • When do I expect to start making revenue, and how much will it be?

If you take the time to evaluate the opportunity cost of launching, you will be better prepared for any bumps in the road ahead.

Choose your location

Asia has become an attractive region to start a new business, with Hong Kong and Singapore at the top of the list. Keep in mind both cities have high costs of living, which could impact your operating costs.

Hong Kong is the standout city for starting a business. It offers many advantages, including a vibrant business environment, an international financial hub, an attractive tax regime, and it acts as a gateway to the Chinese market. 

Also Read: How to balance rapid growth and sustainability as a startup founder

Getting started

Test the market

Before launching, I recommend testing the market to see what kind of reaction you get. If you have not heard of a minimum viable product (MVP), now is the time to get acquainted. 

An MVP is a minimalist, functional version of a product, interface, or service. It allows you to target your customer and learn about their experience quickly and inexpensively. You can make any necessary adjustments before taking a deeper plunge.

To raise or not raise funds?

It is not necessary to raise funds when you start a business. A lot of groundwork and research can be done with minimal out-of-pocket expenses.

Of course, fundraising is likely to accelerate the growth of your company. But that’s exactly what it should be used for acceleration. Not getting started. Get the foundations right before you expand.

Measure performance

Define your KPIs

Having clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in place will help you to pilot and manage the evolution of your business. 

Create KPIs that are measurable. To be measurable, you need data. For example, some measurable KPIs could be:

  • Customer satisfaction: are customers happy with your product or service? Ask them to rate your product or fill out a survey.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): CLV refers to the total income a business can expect from a customer. How many services does he or she use? How much is spent? 
  • Automating operations: what processes can you automate, and how can you measure the improvement? 

Data will help you to refine and evolve your KPIs over time, and it will hold you accountable.

Listen to weak signals

Pay attention to what I call ‘weak signals’. Listen to what is NOT being said around you. For example, navigation company TomTom identified a weak signal in an online UK forum where customers were complaining about connectivity issues. The company resolved the issue and improved its product development processes as a result.

Weak signals are a good source of data to guide you, and they can also help you realise when to leave a project. If you are NOT hearing the right things, be prepared to swallow your pride and move on. 

Key takeaways

  • Be ready to take risks.
  • Make sure the time is right to launch. 
  • Choose the best location.
  • Test, test, test.

With the basics in place, you are setting yourself up for success.  

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic

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Image credit: Adobe Firefly

This article was first published on September 25, 2023

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Coded in your DNA: How Singapore can help avert a global data storage crisis

The world is facing a looming data storage crisis, and Singapore can help to avert it.

In 2018, people watched 4.33 million videos on YouTube, sent 159 million emails and posted 49,000 photographs on Instagram every minute of the year, among other data uses.

At this rate, we will produce 418 zettabytes of data this year, according to the World Economic Forum, and even more in the future.

A single zettabyte is a trillion gigabytes.

Our current methods of storing all this data are not sustainable, for several reasons. Most digital archives are now stored on magnetic and optical data storage systems, but we will run out of the materials used to produce these in less than a century if that.

Meanwhile, the environmental and economic cost of server farms, which already make up three per cent of global electricity use and two per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, will soar.

Also Read: From data novice to data expert: How tech startups can handle data privacy

‘All of YouTube in a teaspoon’

While scientists have been investigating alternative methods of storing data, one stands out. DNA-based data storage, which stores information in manmade strands of DNA, has three key advantages.

It has extremely high data storage density, remains stable for hundreds of years, and requires very little power.

In 2019, scientists in Israel announced that they had developed a way to store more than 10 petabytes, or 10 million gigabytes, in a single gram of DNA. This means that, theoretically, all of YouTube’s data could be stored in a teaspoon of DNA.

Even though scientists have been working on DNA-based data storage methods for nearly a decade, however, major obstacles remain – and this is where Singapore can play a key role.

The key challenges

First, a quick explanation of how DNA-based data storage works. Each DNA molecule consists of linked components called nucleotides, which come in four types: guanine, cystosine, adenine and thymine, represented by the letters G, C, A and T.

To store information in DNA, digital data, which consists of 0s and 1s, is translated into sequences made up of the G, C, A and T letters.

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Companies or other organisations then manufacture synthetic DNA molecules representing those translated sequences and store them. To retrieve the data, the synthetic DNA molecules are sequenced, and the output translated back into the original digital information.

While this method has been tried and tested, there are significant challenges. The costs of sequencing DNA has fallen dramatically in recent years. The cost of producing synthetic DNA molecules, however, is still prohibitively expensive.

Currently, it costs about US$5 million (S$6.7 million) to store just one gigabyte of data – a lot of money to store not even a full DVD movie!

Creating DNA molecules and sequencing them also involve biochemical and biophysical processes that are prone to errors. The process of writing DNA to produce the synthetic molecules, for example, is vulnerable to substitution, insertion and deletion errors.

The Singapore connection

In Singapore, several teams of researchers are hard at work on these problems.

At the National University of Singapore, Associate Professor Poh Chueh Loo, Associate Professor Yew Wen Shan, and their colleagues are working on more efficient ways to synthesise DNA sequences.

The Singapore University of Technology and Design’s Advanced Coding and Signal Processing Laboratory, where I am a visiting scholar, is another local nexus of research in the field.

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The laboratory, under the leadership of Associate Professor Cai Kui, its founder, has been developing algorithms to prevent, detect and correct errors in writing and sequencing DNA.

We have found, for instance, that when the same nucleotide is repeated more than four times in a row, the probability of sequencing errors rises substantially. We have also described how to design algorithms to translate data into strands of nucleotides that meet various error-limiting conditions.

Furthermore, we calculated the maximum number of data bits that can be stored per nucleotide if a constraint is imposed to prevent too many repetitions of a nucleotide in a row.

Much more work needs to be done to make DNA-based data storage viable, including in areas such as how to restore lost data. In hard disk drives, data is stored in fixed places, so even if you lose some data, the fact that you know what is supposed to go where can help you to restore the missing pieces.

A pool of DNA, however, is like coffee in a pot, with free-floating molecules. This makes data restoration much more difficult.

Still, DNA-based data storage remains one of the most promising solutions to our impending data storage crisis. And Singapore, with its vibrant research sector and excellent expertise in the sciences, is well-positioned to be a leader in this research field.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing contributions from the community. Become a thought leader in the community and share your opinions or ideas and earn a byline by submitting a post.

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This article was first published on February 6, 2020

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Bridging generational gaps: Leadership in the evolving tech workforce

As the startup tech ecosystem evolves, understanding the motivations and expectations of a younger workforce becomes crucial as they will be our future. This article explores how leaders can adapt to these changes, leveraging intergenerational collaboration and technology to drive both short-term productivity and long-term success.

Changing landscape in the tech and startup ecosystem

The startup tech ecosystem is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by the rapid pace of technological advancement and shifts in workforce demographics.

Characterised by its relatively young workforce, the sector is increasingly led by founders in their 30s and 40s who are adept at using modern tools and technologies to enhance sustainability and efficiency. This adoption is particularly appealing to younger employees, who not only value freedom and flexibility in the workplace but also want their work to be meaningful.

Countries like Singapore, with their ageing population, face unique challenges in maintaining a robust workforce. With a median age of 43 years, there is a growing need to attract young talent from neighbouring countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. These have larger youth populations and are eager to catch up with more mature and trend-setting markets like Singapore.

This import of talent brings its own challenges and opportunities: Workforces become diverse, with different expectations, cultural backgrounds, and communication styles. Another example of a diverse and evolving workforce landscape is Australia, where 30.7 percent of the population were born outside the country. In Singapore, non-residents make up 29 per cent of the population.

Motivations and expectations of the younger generation

The younger generation has elevated expectations for their work environment. They value the freedom to work from anywhere, though this flexibility can sometimes be complicated by time zone differences. In Singapore, new rules were introduced to make flexi-work more widely available. These become law as of December 2024 and are a result of the impact of past years and rising demand from the workforce.

From my personal experience working with the younger generation for the past recent five years, their preference is towards a more lateral decision-making process, where they can be part of the projects and processes from start to finish. Compensation expectations are high, often gravitating towards startups that have received significant funding.

From my observation, as these younger talents change jobs and move from a startup to a more corporate entity, they often find themselves in an environment that is characterised by more rigid and hierarchical structures, set processes, and a more conservative corporate culture.

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For matured companies, this can result in talent retention challenges as the younger workforce seeks environments where they can continue to work freely ‘from anywhere’ and have flexible arrangements, yet still making impactful contributions without being limited by bureaucratic structures that may hinder their personal progress or goals.

Additionally, the younger workforce (late 20s and 30s) (also seen in my current community work) often embrace innovative technologies like generative AI (gen AI) with enthusiasm, leveraging it to streamline workflows, facilitate communication, and explore creative problem-solving approaches. Driven by a desire to do things differently, as well as their curiosity and comfort with new technologies, they are more likely to experiment with gen AI tools and incorporate them into their daily tasks.

The generational divide

In contrast, older generations may approach gen AI or new technologies with more caution, sometimes feeling overwhelmed by its complexity and potential to disrupt traditional job roles, if they are from a non-technical background. The generational gap in technology adoption can lead to challenges in creating a cohesive work environment, where not all employees are equally comfortable with the introduction of new tools.

What the workforce (late 40s onwards) do bring to the table, however, is experience and wisdom in many areas. The knowledge and skills they have accumulated over time, through both successes and failures, are invaluable for startups and tech companies, aiding them with proven strategies and compliances matters.

Leaders who rely solely on the less experienced, younger workforce for their indisputable drive for innovation and curiosity miss out on this wealth of experience and the know-how of the mature workforce. The art is to attract and retain talent of all ages and experience levels, enabling them to learn from each other and work together. The aim is a collaborative environment that instills accountability through action.

How to bridge the generational divide

Consequently, leaders must navigate and bridge these generational dynamics carefully to effectively manage an evolving workforce and embrace technology adoption like AI. Some key suggestions for leaders:

  • Foster fair communication and open-mindedness as a part of the corporate culture.
  • Focus on talent and the value people bring rather than age when hiring.
  • Allow for a cross-pollination of ideas and execution across the board.
  • Create opportunities for employees from different departments to interact and learn from each other during team building sessions.
  • Encourage modern technologies, like AI tools, and incorporate them into the work environments. This can be achieved through training and the actual implementation of use cases.
  • Set up multiple approaches for rewarding and recognising employee achievements, performance, and contributions.
  • Be open to change and the need to reevaluate team dynamics to reach a common goal.

Also Read: What are the benefits of a culture based leadership style?

Long-term businesses benefits

Adapting to the changing landscape and meeting the expectations of a diverse workforce can yield significant benefits for businesses in both the short and long term.

In the short term, addressing immediate challenges — such as communication barriers and technological adaptation — can improve productivity and team cohesion.

In the long term, building a track record of inclusivity and encouraging innovation can enhance the company’s reputation, making it an attractive place for top talent and progressing towards the company mission.

Furthermore, fostering a healthy environment for different generations at different learning stages leads to personal growth for employees and a more agile, adaptable business. Those who successfully integrate a diverse perspective are better equipped to innovate and respond to market changes, ensuring sustained success for the organisation.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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