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Server sanctuaries or net-zero derailers? Southeast Asia’s data centre dilemma

With the United Nation’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals looming, Southeast Asia (SEA) continues to grapple with a complex interplay of environmental and economic challenges. While SEA’s startups are the driving force behind the region’s economic growth, they also contribute significantly to the carbon footprint.

As startups increasingly embrace AI, the global data storage capacity is projected to balloon by 18.5 per cent annually through 2027. With that, the demand for these facilities will inevitably rise. Yet, this digital boom comes with a significant cost – sustainability. Guzzling massive amounts of energy and water for cooling, data centres leave a hefty environmental footprint.

While advancements like renewable energy and hydrogen fuel cells hold promise for a more sustainable future, their current limitations underscore the urgency of immediate emissions reduction. Recent research also reveals a concerning trend: less than a third of Singaporean companies believe that net zero is achievable and are grappling with reporting carbon emissions due to a distinct lack of expertise, resources, and technology.

Business-as-usual is not an option for startups here. Ramping up efforts to cut emission levels will be especially crucial for SEA, given that its demand for energy is expected to triple by 2050. AI, while a powerful growth catalyst, must be harnessed sustainably to unlock the region’s full economic potential.

Higher demand, higher temperatures  

Known for having a ravenous appetite for energy, data centres consume up to 50 times as much energy per floor space of a typical commercial office building – underpinned by thousands of high-performance servers. Globally, they devour approximately 1-1.5 per cent of electricity supply, with the projected demand to double by 2026 in just four years.

A major byproduct of data centres is heat generation. Maintaining optimal temperatures for server performance is essential, but many data centres in SEA face the challenge of operating in warm climates year-round. In this region, cooling accounts for 35 to 40 per cent of energy consumption in data centres – up to 10 percent more than the global average.

Heating up sustainability woes for startups

Despite growing awareness of sustainability in SEA, the gap between intention and action among startups is significant. While a majority recognise its importance, many businesses are still experimenting with minimal changes to their operations.

Also Read: From silicon to sustainability: Data centres in a warming world

Making matters worse, many countries in SEA are emerging data centre markets, and the startup landscape in the region is still rapidly evolving. The fact remains that majority of data centres in emerging markets are not built as energy efficient as they can be. In fact, over 95 per cent of data centres still rely on traditional air-cooling as opposed to the more efficient liquid cooling method.

Moreover, the surge in startup AI adoption is also driving increased demand for data centres. With AI poised to drive a 160 per cent increase in data centre power demand, energy output will only increase. As AI workloads require substantial processing power and storage capacity, the resulting heat output necessitates increased energy consumption to maintain optimal operating temperatures.

The high energy consumption of data centres, driven largely by the growing demands of startups, is resulting in increased electricity costs for businesses relying on cloud services or data centre hosting. Startups, operating with limited budgets and resources compared to larger corporations, face a significant challenge in balancing technological adoption with financial sustainability. Data centre operators must now prioritise cooling systems capable of handling heavy computing and powering huge advances in AI, while maintaining performance efficiency and safeguard hardware integrity.

Keeping it cool

While renewable energy and hydrogen fuel cells offering a sustainable way to generate energy, their Achilles’ heel is intermittency – making them unreliable for data centres that require guaranteed always-on flow of electricity to provide uninterrupted services. On the other hand, hydrogen fuel cells, another contender for sustainable data centre power, are still in the early stages of development, leading to high upfront costs for installation and maintenance compared to traditional power sources.

Water-cooling offers a promising solution to SEA’s data centre heat and humidity issues. Yet, not all water-cooling systems are made equally – if overly reliant on evaporation for heat rejection, this will result in substantial water consumption.

In fact, research indicates that a 1-megawatt data centre employing traditional cooling methods consumes approximately 25 million litres of water annually. Overcoming this to optimise water usage in cooling data centres will be critical for data centre operators to truly build more sustainable data centres here.

Also Read: How a data-driven approach can optimise decarbonisation in the built environment

Since power consumption is directly linked to cooling, there is substantial potential for adopting greener and less energy-intensive solutions. One effective method of water-cooling is cooling components directly, which can significantly reduce both water and electricity consumption, thereby mitigating environmental impact. By using proprietary systems, components like chips and network gear can be cooled directly with a closed-loop water system. This eliminates the need for air conditioning and allows for higher server density, which is particularly advantageous in space-constrained countries.

Encouragingly, markets like Thailand are already adopting these methods, with countries like Vietnam planning to follow suit in the coming years. This shift is expected to transform energy usage in data centres across the region, moving away from the more energy-intensive air-cooling methods.

Startups, agile and deeply rooted in local communities, are uniquely positioned to spearhead sustainability initiatives from the ground up. Their power to innovate, shape supply chains, and engage with local stakeholders makes them indispensable to global sustainability efforts.

When selecting cloud solutions, startups should prioritise providers that align with their sustainability goals. Factors such as resource efficiency, supply chain management, and ethical sourcing can offer valuable insights into a provider’s commitment to social responsibility. By investing in emissions reduction, startups can reap substantial rewards, including improved efficiency, cost savings, and compliance with environmental regulations.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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4 key growth metrics startups should watch closely

There’s a lot of expert advice swirling around for startups and eager entrepreneurs to push for growth. While a lot of it is really valuable stuff, a good portion of it is very generic. For instance, staying organized, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and watching your budget are all great tips for success, but they can apply to just about any profession, or life in general.

Every year, startups fail or remain stagnant simply because they do not know how to achieve measurable growth. In fact, nearly half of all startups fail due to incompetence, while another 30 per cent fail from lack of experience and simply not knowing how a growing business needs to be managed.

In order for a startup to gain the traction it needs to propel forward, its marketing strategies must be better than average for its industry. Gauging metrics and ROI is quite a challenge during the initial phases.

In order to simplify things, there are four key data points that growth-oriented entrepreneurs must absolutely track to create strong marketing strategies and drive growth. Let’s discuss what they are, why they matter, and how to take action.

1. SEO and keyword rankings

Many startups understand the clear benefit of using content marketing as a way to increase their online presence. However, this tactic only works when keywords are properly utilized to increase search engine rankings, leading to a definite increase in the number of customers who click through to your site. This not only means that a startup’s content must be relevant to their audience, but also that the keywords and language it uses must also be conversational.

Researching keyword rankings and competition lays the foundation for a successful search campaign. A tool like Ubersuggest is extremely helpful here, as it lists out the popularity, search volume, and even cost-per-click for all phrases relevant to your primary search term. If specific keywords you’re interested in cost a lot to target or have high competition, Ubersuggest will also (as the name implies) suggest semantically associated keywords and synonyms for ideal choices.

Once the right keywords are in play, it is important to track the incoming results as often as possible. This kind of information can be easily measured through Google Analytics. However, be warned that SEO strategies take time. Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t seeing a return right away. Be patient, but be on the lookout for tactics and tweaks that drive higher numbers than other channels. Use these to help steer your content and brand messaging in the right direction.

2. Conversion of engaged visitors to drive growth

Keeping an eye on webpage visitor numbers is important to measure traffic, but it could be misleading. Unengaged visitors who click through from organic search or social media or online ads, only to leave the site immediately are a sure sign that your startup’s website or content is not what they are looking for.

Also Read: Top 3 sales strategies for B2B startups

Tracking truly engaged visitors is a little tricky because it depends on how exactly your business defines the term. For instance, a shopper who browses items but never adds anything to a cart may or may not be engaged because it is possible they are not interested in what your site has to offer. The same goes for customers who abandon their carts or people who have liked or shared your content in the past. These do signal potential engagement, but it also shows that your marketing and sales performance could use some improvement.

Once your team has clearly defined what constitutes an engaged visitor – or maybe, a qualified lead – it is time to track and retarget them at an appropriate time and context. Studies have found that retargeting customers increases the chances of a conversion by up to 70%.

Tools like Retargeter can help to capture important webpage visitor details and re-engage them through methods like email marketing, audience retargeting on social sites, and banners on blogs.

An oft-cited stat on the web says that about 96 per cent of website visitors are not ready to become a paying customer on their first interaction with your brand. By actively re-engaging them, your sales could increase significantly, spurring growth for your business.

3. Lead sources

One universal conception about startups is that they are probably dealing with a tight budget; something that often limits growth and marketing campaigns. In order to get the most “bang for your buck,” your team must know which traffic sources are resulting in the most leads. From here, you can allocate your budget accordingly for more traction.

It is important to know where the majority of converting leads are coming from in order to guide sales efforts and save your team valuable resources. A lead tracking tool like Convertible makes it easier to see exactly how your prospects are finding your website and which channels are driving traffic. While Google Analytics offers the same information for overall audiences, Convertible collects more granular customer data, so you can determine who individual, segmented, and cohort information, and gather valuable demographic insights for better targeting.

Knowing which sources, campaigns or ads are bringing in the most valuable customers helps you focus your growth efforts on ROI-intensive channels. This can also help eliminate platforms where you simply aren’t able to connect with your target audience, allowing for a more streamlined approach to push for growth.

4. Marketing ROI

Getting accurate numbers for a marketing campaign’s ROI is really tricky. Again, even the most qualified and experienced marketing gurus still struggle with this, especially when it comes to tactics like content marketing, which are more difficult to tie directly to sales. However, it’s extremely important for startups to measure the ROI of each campaign in order to determine the overall success of their efforts.

Keeping track of measurable returns from marketing campaigns is much simpler with the right software. HubSpot’s Marketing Hub offers an excellent ROI reporting tool that tracks marketing results in terms of conversions and engagement. Then, it connects and presents the numbers together in clear, easy-to-read summaries. This system also dives deep into customer analytics to identify any kinks in the marketing funnel that could be negatively affecting returns.

Understanding your business’s marketing ROI is the first step on the way to processes that guarantee continuous growth – across all functional departments of your organization. It highlights exactly where the strengths and weaknesses are, helping startups make better plans for the future.

In conclusion

The key takeaway here is that it is imperative for every startup to have a growth stack that runs on the back of continuous, omni-channel digital marketing. Trying to grow and acquire customers without an accurate analytical system is akin to shooting in the dark. By measuring the right metrics and understanding exactly how they relate to overall growth, startups can assure themselves of sustainable business for years to come.

Image Credit: leungchopan / 123RF Stock Photo

Editor’s note: e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

This article was first published on March 16, 2018.

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5 early lessons I learned building my startup


I have always believed in taking leaps of faith. Having worked in the semiconductor industry in Singapore for the last six years, I was clocking in 100 hours week working on chasing datelines and shipment quotas. The intensity, challenges and endless learning taught me to continuously push myself forward and stay focused on the task.

On the other hand, like most Singaporeans today, money is hardly ever enough. Besides juggling my full-time work, I moonlighted as a freelance designer in whatever spare time I had. The supplementary income was good, but to me, it was an outlet to express creative freedom from the monotony of my everyday work.

In the last year, a few lifelong friends approached me with an idea for something greater: to be a partner in their startup venture. I took that leap of faith and left my full-time job. The last six months have been remarkable for me for many reasons.

Having experience in the freelance industry, one of the challenges for any freelancer is to figure out where to start. You have to market yourself on various websites in Singapore, with some sites being a mess allowing anything and everything to be advertised to try to get your name out there. Building your own website meant further financial investment with no guarantee of any returns. International freelance platforms meant competition on a global scale, lacking the social touch of meeting your clients and having a cup of coffee to discuss their projects. I was left scratching my head – there surely was a better way to be a freelancer in Singapore besides just driving people around.

I spent considerable time doing research on how the freelance economy worked in Singapore. In the process, I also gained valuable insights on the struggles of not just the freelancers, but the people who were looking for services provided by these freelancers, and how there was so much more that could be done to make the process simpler.

That was when my friends and I started 3Clicks, a digital marketplace aimed at bridging freelance services to the general public.

Also Read: 3 common myths about what it takes to succeed in entrepreneurship

It baffled me that technology had not simplified the process of being a freelancer in the physical space. You had to go through hoops and hurdles just to find a specific type of freelancer providing a service such as a piano coach or a dance instructor.  My background in the semiconductor field gave me a solid understanding of processes and workflow, and I leveraged that knowledge to help design a system that was transparent, easy-to-use and convenient, not just for the tech-savvy but for everyone.

Since deciding to go fulltime on this startup, I discovered what it meant to be an entrepreneur. My once 100-hour work weeks morphed to always being ready 24/7, 365 days a year. The freelance hours that once served as a creative outlet evolved to me thinking continuously on improving the platform and generating ideas. You have to strongly believe in the vision you have and I discovered that being an entrepreneur is a mindset – you look for things to make better and for problems to solve that can impact people.

Here are five of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt so far from my startup journey.

1. Talk to more people

The more people you can talk to, the more perspectives you gain. You start understanding your users better and living their problems, and this perspective leads you to create solutions that improve their lives. It helps validate your business plan. It helps you create a product that people actually want. In my journey, I constantly talk to freelancers. I ask them about their frustrations with the process and identify areas where things could be made simpler.

2. Do not be stagnant

Be curious and always having the drive to learn more, see more, do more. And constantly reinvent yourself to get better and never be satisfied with yourself. Keep improving your product and challenge yourself to find new ideas and opportunities to drive your message and vision forward.

3. Allow others to challenge your startup ideas

Don’t surround yourself with yes men. Have people work with you that believe in your vision but are willing to challenge your ideas. Defend your ideas and if you feel that your position is flawed, find alternatives. The challenge is to find the right solution to your problems and it is good to hear different perspectives and solutions.

Also Read: 4 unconventional digital marketing tips for experts and starters alike

4. Keep things simple

People like simple things. They would go for systems that are transparent and easy to use. It makes them feel they are in control instead of being blind and lost. Most buyers do not know what their choices are or that there are even choices. By allowing transparency and keeping it simple, you are giving them more confidence in their own ability to make a sound decision.

5. Be prepared

Be prepared for questions and squash doubts about what you are doing. Have the facts ready. It is a lot easier to talk about what you are doing with your startup and how it creates an impact when you know some of the major facts and statistics at the back of your hand. Keep track of your numbers and growth. Validate to yourself and others that your vision is growing.

Editor’s note: e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

Image Credit: kzenon / 123RF Stock Photo

This article was first published on March 27, 2018

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Why Australia is the hidden gem for global investors

Intense competition and soaring prices in domestic markets are pushing droves of savvy investors to seek opportunities abroad. 

However, these investment nomads are quickly realising that not all investment destinations are created equal. 

The sophisticated systems of governance, robust legal systems, and pervasive technological advancement and innovation we take for granted at home are not always present. They also represent the most basic requisites for overseas investments.

In addition to solid fundamentals, investors should also be on the lookout for economies that display untapped potential — a Goldilocks scenario of sorts, where you won’t get burnt, but you know there’s also plenty of consumption to be enjoyed.

Enter the great untapped Down Under

Australia is obviously among the top developed economies globally, being part of the OECD. It witnessed unprecedented and consistent GDP growth for an incredible 27 years before the COVID-19 pandemic, and this incredible growth looks set to continue in 2024 and even surpass the OECD average in 2025. This makes it an attractive option amid ongoing global economic challenges stemming from geopolitical tensions and climate change.

Yet perceptions of Australia’s capabilities are often incomplete. 

For instance, Australia may traditionally be known for its prowess in financial services, mining, energy, and agriculture. But it also demonstrates notable capabilities in the technology sector. 

Despite representing only 1.6 percent of global GDP, Australia accounts for 2.3 percent of the world’s technology unicorns. It also excels in future-critical niches such as biotechnology, medical devices, business software, payment technology, AI and other blossoming industries. 

This is not to mention the highly critical climate technology sector, which is set to experience a boost after the Australian government recently announced plans for a bold legislative framework to incentivise home-grown clean energy solutions. 

In short, the economy is diverse and positively ripe for investment. 

Its stability and diversity provide a valuable hedge against global uncertainties, mitigating risks associated with volatile markets. The country’s resilient economy, coupled with its diverse range of industries and sectors, fosters a secure investment environment conducive to sustained growth and prosperity.

Yet the latest numbers from the KPMG Private Enterprise Pulse report show a 53 percent drop in total deal value in the country.

Also Read: Embracing neurodiversity: Hiring individuals with autism in Australian workplaces

So why aren’t investors flocking to Australia?

As the saying goes, if it was easy, everyone would do it. 

High-quality investment destinations like Australia typically contain some barriers to entry that deter less savvy investors. But this simply means more untapped potential for anyone in the know.

For instance, the Australian foreign investment process can be quite intricate, which often deters investors seeking simplicity and easy wins. The Treasurer also makes the ultimate decision based on national interest and security, with guidance from FIRB, which can result in a somewhat lengthy investment process. 

However, a detailed process allows for thorough due diligence and helps to ensure that the deals are made following legal requirements. This reduces investment risk and the likelihood of facing regulatory issues down the road. It also means less investment competition.

Australia’s high environmental standards can also add costs and compliance hurdles for certain industries like manufacturing and energy where costs for going green are common. 

 Yet long-term cost savings emerge from investments in sustainable practices, such as energy efficiency and waste reduction, leading to decreased operational expenses. This commitment to environmental responsibility also spurs innovation, driving companies to develop new, green technologies and processes that enhance competitiveness in the global market. 

As adherence to stringent environmental norms increasingly becomes a prerequisite for market entry and investment decisions, environmental compliance will additionally open doors to international markets and attract eco-conscious investors. 

These benefits collectively underscore the value of integrating environmental standards into business operations, positioning companies for future success and sustainability.

Finally, Australia’s geographic isolation can increase transportation and communication costs, impacting the competitiveness of some industries. 

But this geographic isolation also creates niches in the market that are underserved or have specific needs not fully met by global competitors. By focusing on these niche markets and becoming experts in meeting local demand, businesses in Australia can refine their offerings, optimise their operations, and build strong customer relationships. 

As businesses develop expertise in serving niche markets locally, they also often acquire valuable knowledge, insights, and capabilities that can be leveraged to expand internationally. 

The specialised skills, unique products, and innovative approaches can differentiate companies from competitors in global markets where similar needs may exist but are not adequately addressed by existing solutions. 

What this all adds up to is a country with all the elements of an excellent investment landscape, but vast amounts of untapped potential. 

Case in point: Energy Exemplar

Australia may be best known to overseas investors by its media darlings like Canva and Atlassian. But what truly makes Australia an investment jewel is the economic stability that has birthed attractive mid-market listed companies that are ripe for lucrative private equity investment. 

Last year’s acquisition of Energy Exemplar by Blackstone and Vista Equity Partners is a great example of this.  

Energy Exemplar’s growth trajectory, under our ownership and its subsequent acquisition by these prominent private equity players, resulted in increased market presence for the company. 

While in our portfolio, it became a leading global player in energy market simulation software, expanding its market presence significantly. This increased visibility and market share likely contributed to expanded investor confidence. 

The company’s revenue also saw a substantial increase due to its expanded customer base and improved product offerings. The 30 percent compound annual growth rate since 2018 was very attractive to investors. 

The success of this acquisition can be attributed to several pivotal factors that highlight just why the Australian mid-market, via private equity, is such an attractive investment destination. 

Also Read: Echelon X: Catherine Shu, Pei Sheng Goh, Rod Bristow, and Clare Leighton on synergies between Australia and SEA

Firstly, Australia offers compelling valuations and exciting growth prospects compared to saturated markets, making it an attractive destination for investment. 

Secondly, partnering with established, profitable private equity companies grants access to proven business models and recurring revenue streams, enhancing the attractiveness of such ventures to investors.

Finally, the involvement of experienced private equity firms brings a wealth of expertise and resources to the table. Through their strategic guidance, these firms can fuel international expansion initiatives and unlock untapped growth potential within companies like Energy Exemplar, thus augmenting their value proposition and appeal to investors.

The acquisition underscores not only the economic stability of Australia but also the confidence of global private equity firms in its business environment — something all investors should be watching closely.

Australia is an easy choice

In the end, the world has had too much “hard”. 

Investors survived COVID-19, and we’re battling through rising geopolitical conflict. It is time for something that is the diametric opposite of hard. 

The US is already seeing a reinvigoration of its investment activity through initiatives such as the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act, which spurred a surge in innovative ventures across the nation. 

It is evident that Australia stands at the cusp of similar transformative growth – and that savvy investors who move now could get in at the ground level.

Australia’s renewed commitment to green initiatives also signals a turning point in its investment landscape.

Buoyed by government initiatives aimed at fostering innovation and bolstering investor confidence, Australia is poised to capitalise on rapid technological advancements, such as Artificial Intelligence, and the global shift towards renewable energy. 

These developments not only promise to attract foreign capital but also position Australia as a hub for cutting-edge ventures and sustainable growth.

So don’t risk becoming a laggard. The time to move is now.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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Revolutionising sourcing and procurement with AI: Sourcefy’s vision


Sourcefy, an AI-powered supplier discovery and management platform, is transforming the B2B sourcing landscape. By leveraging advanced AI agents, Sourcefy is streamlining supplier searches and ensuring safe and transparent transactions. The company’s innovative approach addresses critical challenges in the industry, setting a new standard for efficiency and reliability.

Pain points in traditional sourcing

  1. Reliance on traditional B2B platforms:
    • Slow Process: Platforms like Alibaba can be flooded with low-quality suppliers, making the search process time-consuming.
    • Lack of Accountability: These platforms often lack robust quality assurance, leading to potential disputes and dissatisfaction.
  2. Reliance on sourcing agents:
    • High Costs: Businesses frequently hire expensive sourcing agents due to mistrust in existing B2B platforms.
    • Inefficiency: Despite the high costs, sourcing agents often do not improve efficiency significantly.

Both methods are slow, not cost-effective, and lack supplier accountability, which can lead to disputes and frustration for business owners.

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The rise of AI in sourcing

AI technology has revolutionised various industries, including sourcing and procurement. Sourcefy’s AI agents automate the supplier search process, delivering significant benefits:

  • Eliminating keyword searches: Traditional B2B platforms require users to manually search for products using keywords, a process that can be inefficient and time-consuming. Sourcefy completely removes the need for keyword searches.
  • Streamlined communication: Users no longer need to communicate with multiple suppliers or relay instructions to traditional sourcing agents. This process is often cumbersome and repetitive.
  • Efficient job posting: Sourcefy allows users to post their job requirements with detailed information such as project title, description, budget, MOQ, and country. Within 24 hours, users typically receive proposals from suppliers who understand their requirements, significantly reducing sourcing time and eliminating the headache of explaining requirements repeatedly.

Addressing industry challenges

The logistics sector, fundamental to global trade, faces several challenges, including high costs, fraudulent suppliers, and lack of transparency. Sourcefy addresses these pain points through its AI-powered platform, which provides:

  • Secure transactions: Business transactions for procurement usually exceed $10,000, and it is in Sourcefy’s interest to protect buyers’ funds. Partnering with, Sourcefy ensures funds are only released upon buyer approval, mitigating risks associated with unfinished or unsatisfactory products. Traditional B2B platforms like Alibaba have numerous reviews from users who lost money on such transactions, highlighting the need for Sourcefy’s secure approach.
  • Milestone tracking:  Ensuring accountability from start to finish when a deal is struck between a buyer and supplier, such as for thermal flask bottles, Sourcefy encourages users to use the milestone function to divide the project into smaller, manageable stages. For example, the first milestone might involve checking the quality of the bottle by requiring the supplier to send pictures or videos. The second milestone could be verifying the print quality of the bottle, followed by assessing the packaging quality as the third milestone. The final milestone would ensure the items arrive safely to the buyer. Buyers only approve each milestone and release the corresponding funds when they are satisfied, ensuring that suppliers remain accountable throughout the entire process.
  • Smart logistics: Smart logistics collaborations with industry leaders like DHL and UPS enhance delivery efficiency and cost savings. Traditional logistics often present several pain points, such as inflated delivery prices imposed by suppliers and the cumbersome process of checking delivery statuses through external URLs. Sourcefy addresses these issues by integrating logistics directly into the platform. This integration allows users to access competitive rates, benefiting from negotiated rates with logistics partners and thereby reducing overall delivery costs. Additionally, users can seamlessly track delivery statuses within the Sourcefy platform, eliminating the need to navigate multiple external websites. These features ensure a more efficient and cost-effective logistics process, further enhancing the user experience on Sourcefy.

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Future outlook

Looking ahead, Sourcefy is poised for significant growth. The upcoming launch of Version 2 in October will see Sourcefy become a fully integrated all-in-one sourcing and procurement platform. This update will allow users to request samples directly from suppliers within the local inbox, track sample orders and deliveries, monitor supplier orders, and check logistics progress—all within the platform.

Additionally, in 2025, Sourcefy plans to move towards an enterprise SaaS model, aiming to help MNCs in the trading sector manage their buyer-seller relationships via Sourcefy’s AI. This feature will facilitate transactions on the Sourcefy platform for a very low fee, further enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Recent investment and growth

Sourcefy’s recent $250K pre-seed investment from Evergreen Wealth Management, a boutique family office based in Singapore, marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey. This funding will accelerate efforts to enhance the platform’s AI capabilities, expand market reach, and upgrade the overall user experience. Sourcefy remains committed to continuous innovation to meet the evolving needs of its users.

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For more information, visit Sourcefy’s website or contact the team at for partnerships. 

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This article is produced by the e27 team, sponsored by Sourcefy

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