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Echelon X: YouTrip CEO Caecilia Chu on competing in Southeast Asia’s Markets

Staying Strong: A Closer Look at YouBiz and How They Compete in Southeast Asia’s Markets

Navigating the competitive landscape of Southeast Asia’s markets can be a daunting task for any business.

The Echelon X fireside chat titled ‘Staying Strong: A Closer Look at YouBiz and How They Compete in Southeast Asia’s Markets’ provided key insights into how to level up your game in this dynamic region. The session featured Caecilia Chu, Co-Founder and CEO of YouTrip, who shared her story and strategies for positioning YouBiz, a new product offering, in the SEA region.

Moderated by Lars Voedisch, Group CEO of PRecious Communications, the fireside chat offered a unique opportunity to learn from Chu’s extensive experience in product development strategies, customer acquisition tactics, and competing with other industry players. She delved into the challenges and successes of launching YouBiz in Southeast Asia, providing attendees with practical insights and actionable advice.

Chu highlighted the need to understand local market dynamics and adapt products for Southeast Asian consumers. She shared how YouBiz uses customer feedback for innovation, as well as strategies like digital marketing, partnerships, and community engagement for customer acquisition.

The session also covered how YouBiz differentiates itself through continuous innovation and agility, with examples of adapting to market changes and seizing growth opportunities.

Fundraising or preparing your startup for fundraising? Build your investor network, search from 400+ SEA investors on e27, and get connected or get insights regarding fundraising. Try e27 Pro for free today.

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DiMuto concludes US$5.9M Series A round to digitize food supply chain

DiMuto founder and CEO Gary Loh

DiMuto, a global agrifood trade solutions company headquartered in Singapore, has closed its Series A funding round, securing US$5.9 million.

The Yield Lab Asia Pacific led this round. SiS Cloud Global Tech Fund 8, Gold Sceptre Limited, and Dave Chen participated.

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Existing investors such as SEEDS Capital, SGInnovate, and Great Giant Pineapple participated. These firms earlier invested US$2.35 million in DiMuto’s in 2021.

Gary Loh (CEO) founded DiMuto in 2019 to digitize the global food supply chain by integrating advanced technologies such as AI, blockchain, and IoT.

The startup offers marketplace, trade management, and trade financing to support every aspect of agrifood trading.

The trade management platform digitizes every carton of agrifood products for quality assurance and data visibility, while its traceable marketplace connects verified buyers and suppliers to enhance transparency and trust. The Financial Services business provides post-shipment trade financing to address critical financial needs and drive business growth of agrifood companies.

Since its inception, DiMuto claims to have tracked and traced millions of pieces of produce and millions of dollars of trade value on its platform, working with a global portfolio of clients in over ten countries and five continents.

Also Read: DiMuto raises US$2.3M in Series A funding round to scale up product development

DiMuto will use the funds to broaden its marketplace arm and venture into greenhouse-based agriculture and climate-adaptive varietal development. This move will enhance year-round supply resilience and scale the company’s private label SoLuna Fresh.

SoLuna Fresh has marketed traceable fresh produce from Latin America into Asian markets, mainly tropical and berry products.

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ReSkills shares AI integration plan as it moves towards a NASDAQ listing

This year, Malaysia-based edutech startup ReSkills celebrated its fourth anniversary and made strides towards its long-term goals: Announcing a plan to pursue a NASDAQ listing. This strategic move underscores ReSkills’ commitment to global scaling and adherence to the rigorous standards of international markets.

“The founding team is focused on building ReSkills into a leading unicorn startup in Malaysia, with no immediate plans for an exit. However, we are planning a NASDAQ listing as a key exit strategy to provide our angel investors—who have supported us from the beginning—with a clear and effective route to realise their returns,” explains founder Jin Tan in an email interview with e27.

“Looking beyond the initial exit, our long-term vision is to continue growing and to position ReSkills as a prominent player in the edutech industry. Our goal is to strive towards achieving decacorn status, reflecting a company valued at over US$10 billion. We are committed to maintaining our growth trajectory and reinforcing our leadership position in the market, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of educational innovation well beyond our initial exit.”

As ReSkills moves forward with its plan, Jin Tan reflects upon the early days of the startup and the differences in how they are running it today.

“In our early days, ReSkills focused on setting up our platform and managing operations with a small, agile team. Now, as a growth-stage startup, we have had to scale our systems and processes to support a larger user base. This includes improving our technology, refining our strategic planning, and expanding our team,” Jin Tan explains.

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“We have shifted from handling every detail ourselves to developing more structured processes and specialised roles. While our commitment to providing affordable, high-quality education remains the same, our approach to growth involves careful planning, enhanced customer support, and ongoing innovation to meet the evolving needs of our learners.”

Making education more accessible

Jin Tan’s passion for advancing entrepreneurship and economic growth in Malaysia and his 13 years of experience as a technopreneur, CEO, and venture capitalist inspired him to found ReSkills in 2020.

The online educational platform aims to make comprehensive learning solutions accessible and affordable worldwide, focusing on Professional Growth, Career Development, and Entrepreneurship. Under his leadership, ReSkills has consistently provided learners globally with convenient access to top-tier courses tailored to their needs and career aspirations.

ReSkills is implementing several business models, including a subscription-based model, B2B and institutional partnerships, content licensing, and white-label solutions.

ReSkills operates on a subscription-based model, offering users access to a vast library of live and recorded classes for just US$1 per month, making education affordable and accessible to a broader audience. By focusing on high volume and low margin, they aim to acquire a large global user base while generating substantial revenue through scale.

ReSkills also partners with businesses for corporate training solutions and collaborates with educational institutions to integrate their platform into existing curricula, enhancing revenue and brand visibility. Additionally, they license content to other platforms and offer white-label solutions, creating additional revenue streams and expanding their market reach.

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Partnerships play a key role in the company’s user acquisition strategy. “We have established strategic partnerships with educational institutions, corporations, and government bodies, locally and internationally. These partnerships not only help in acquiring users but also in enhancing the credibility of our platform.”

Apart from that, ReSkills also implement targeted marketing campaigns and referral programmes, to name a few.

“We utilise data-driven marketing strategies to target specific demographics, ensuring that our outreach is both effective and efficient. Our campaigns are tailored to resonate with the needs and aspirations of our potential users,” Jin Tan explains.

“Word-of-mouth remains a powerful tool in our acquisition strategy. We incentivise current users to refer new members by offering referral rewards, discounts and exclusive content, creating a community-driven growth model.”

A future with AI

When asked about some of the company’s upcoming plans, Jin Tan mentioned ReSkills’s commitment to implementing AI technology into its products and services.

“At our June 2024 celebration, we proudly announced our commitment to AI technology, focusing on real-time verbal translation and lip-syncing. This advancement will help ReSkills break down language barriers and make our platform more accessible to a global audience,” he says.

The company’s plan to integrate AI across its platform enhances the learning experience by personalising learning paths, offering customised course recommendations, and adapting content based on user interactions.

According to Jin Tan, AI will also enable dynamic course content creation, ensuring relevance and engagement, while intelligent tutoring tools provide real-time assistance. Additionally, the technology will foster enhanced engagement through interactive, immersive experiences, including virtual simulations and gamified elements.

“We introduced AI-driven features to our platform, significantly improving user experience and learning outcomes. These innovations have positioned ReSkills as a frontrunner in the edutech industry, offering personalised learning pathways that cater to individual needs.”

Image Credit: ReSkills

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Climate tech in the Philippines: Capitalising on emerging opportunities in the ecosystem

As a nation highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, the Philippines cannot afford fragmented efforts to tackle the impact of climate change.

A collaborative approach is essential to safeguarding livelihoods, protecting natural resources, and ensuring a sustainable future for all Filipinos. The fight against climate change requires a unified effort from all sectors, including government, businesses, civil society, and local communities.

Tech startups in the Philippines are uniquely positioned to play a critical role in tackling the impact of climate change due to the country’s vulnerability to extreme weather events and its rich natural resources. With innovative solutions, these startups can drive sustainable practices across various industries, from agriculture to energy, by leveraging technology to optimise resource use, reduce carbon footprints, and enhance disaster resilience.

Furthermore, by addressing climate change, Filipino startups can tap into global markets increasingly prioritising sustainability, aligning with international standards, and attracting investors focused on impact-driven ventures.

However, these startups are not able to do it by themselves.

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Investors need to actively support climate tech startups in the Philippines because these ventures are at the forefront of addressing the country’s most urgent environmental challenges while presenting significant growth opportunities. By investing in climate tech, investors contribute to mitigating climate change impacts, such as typhoons and rising sea levels, and tap into a rapidly expanding market driven by the global shift towards sustainability.

Supporting these startups can lead to developing scalable, innovative solutions that improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance disaster resilience. Moreover, investing in climate tech in the Philippines aligns with growing global investor demand for impact-driven portfolios, offering financial returns and meaningful contributions to the fight against climate change in one of the world’s most vulnerable regions.

Not a walk in the park

But investing in climate tech in the Philippines is not as easy as it seems.

Several challenges include regulatory uncertainties, infrastructure limitations, and market readiness. The regulatory landscape, while evolving, can be complex and may lack clear guidelines or incentives for climate-focused innovations, creating hurdles for startups seeking to navigate compliance and secure approvals.

Additionally, infrastructure in the Philippines, particularly in rural areas, may not be sufficiently developed to support deploying advanced climate technologies, which can slow down scaling efforts.

Market readiness is another concern, as both consumers and businesses may be slow to adopt new, sustainable technologies due to cost considerations or a lack of awareness.

Also Read: Echelon X: How climate tech is addressing Asia’s environmental issues

Furthermore, the availability of skilled talent and the need for significant capital investments in research and development add complexity to scaling climate tech solutions in the country.

To fully understand the opportunities in the climate tech sector in the Philippines, join us at Echelon Philippines 2024 for an insightful panel discussion titled “Climate Tech: Seizing Opportunities in an Emerging Ecosystem” on Friday, September 27, 2024, at 1:30 PM at Level 2, SMX Convention Center Manila.

Moderated by Katherine Khoo, Lead of Social Impact & Equity Action at Ayala Corporation, this session will feature key industry leaders, including Nicki Luy Sevilla, Co-founder of SACHI-Group, Inc., Priya Thachadi, CEO & Founder of Villgro, and Andy Othman, SVP, Chief Venture Officer & Managing Director of 1882 Energy Ventures.

Together, they will explore the burgeoning climate tech landscape in the Philippines, discussing the challenges and opportunities for innovation, investment, and sustainable growth.

Don’t miss this chance to engage with experts driving the future of climate technology in the region! Check out all the details about Echelon Philippines 2024 here.

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The rise of Web3 and crypto startups: Pioneering the decentralised future

The digital landscape has continuously evolved, with each new phase bringing about profound changes to the way we connect, share information, and conduct business. The concept of Web3, often referred to as the decentralised web, has emerged as the latest evolution, driven by blockchain technology and the rise of cryptocurrencies.

In parallel, a multitude of innovative crypto startups have emerged, collectively shaping the trajectory of this decentralised future.

This article explores the multifaceted rise of Web3 and the impactful role crypto startups are playing in this transformative journey.

The essence of Web3: Decentralisation and empowerment

At its core, Web3 represents a paradigm shift from the centralised nature of the Internet as we know it (Web2) to a decentralised model where power, ownership, and control are distributed among users. This shift is made possible by blockchain technology, a distributed ledger system that ensures transparency, security, and immutability. Cryptocurrencies serve as the medium of exchange within these decentralised ecosystems, enabling trustless transactions and novel economic models.

Crypto startups: Catalysts of Web3 innovation

  • Decentralised Finance (DeFi): Perhaps the most significant impact of Web3 has been witnessed in the domain of decentralised finance. DeFi startups have built platforms that allow users to engage in financial activities, such as lending, borrowing, trading, and yield farming, without intermediaries. These protocols are governed by smart contracts, enhancing transparency and reducing the need for traditional banks.
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): NFTs have revolutionized ownership and provenance in the digital realm. Crypto startups have capitalized on NFTs to enable artists, musicians, and creators to tokenize their digital works, making them unique and easily tradable. This innovation has extended beyond art to virtual real estate, collectibles, and even fractional ownership of real-world assets.
  • Decentralized Applications (DApps): Web3 has spurred the development of DApps, applications that run on blockchain networks. These DApps offer new solutions in sectors such as supply chain management, identity verification, and content sharing. Crypto startups are instrumental in creating user-friendly DApps that enhance the usability and accessibility of blockchain technology.
  • Blockchain infrastructure and scalability solutions: The scalability limitations of blockchain networks have prompted startups to explore innovative solutions. Layer 2 solutions, sharding, and interoperability protocols are being developed to address these challenges, making blockchain technology more efficient and sustainable.

Navigating challenges in the path to decentralisation

  • Regulatory complexities: The decentralised nature of Web3 and the global reach of cryptocurrencies have led to complex regulatory landscapes. Crypto startups often find themselves in a balancing act, striving to innovate while ensuring compliance with evolving regulations in various jurisdictions.
  • User adoption and education: Mainstream adoption of Web3 concepts and cryptocurrencies requires user-friendly interfaces and comprehensive education. Overcoming the technical barriers and clarifying the benefits of decentralisation are crucial for broader acceptance.

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Envisioning the Web3 future

  • Cross-industry disruption: The impact of Web3 and crypto startups goes beyond the technology sector. Industries like finance, supply chain management, healthcare, and even governance are being reshaped by the principles of decentralisation, transparency, and trust.
  • Ownership and empowerment: Web3 has the potential to democratise access and ownership of digital assets. Individuals can regain control over their data, enabling a more equitable digital landscape.
  • Collaborative governance: Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) exemplify the collaborative spirit of Web3. These organisations operate on blockchain-based governance models, allowing stakeholders to collectively make decisions, allocate resources, and shape the direction of projects.

In summary, the rise of Web3 and the subsequent surge in crypto startups marks an era of unprecedented innovation and transformation. As blockchain technology and decentralised principles become more ingrained in our digital experiences, the collaborative efforts of crypto startups will play an instrumental role in reshaping industries, empowering individuals, and fostering a new era of internet sovereignty.

The journey to a decentralised future is underway, and the evolution of Web3 is set to redefine the way we connect, transact, and interact online.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing views from the community. Share your opinion by submitting an article, video, podcast, or infographic.

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Image credit: Canva Pro

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