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Grab promotes “safe driving”, initiates GrabBike pilot programme in Malaysia



Grab announced today that it has officially launched its 6 months pilot programme for motorcycle drivers in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

Singapore’s leading ride-hailing app is promoting safety by leveraging on many of its already inbuilt features which include passenger selfie verification, safety centre, and driver safety toolkits, into the GrabBike system in order to promote security. Since after dark hours from 9pm to 2am is not seen as safe in the country, the service will be blocked during then.

Apart from that Grab has also declared that it will be offering safety training lessons and practical riding assessments to its drivers, for safety being one of Grab’s prime concern.

According to the press release statement, the major objective of the pilot is also to evaluate the feasibility and cultural fit of bike-hailing in a local context.

Also Read: Grab, Singtel form consortium for Singapore digital banking license

The programme has already been commenced since January 3rd and is collaborating with the government on “gathering data and evaluating demand for the service, while working on drafting legislation to govern bike-hailing according to Loke, Minister of Transport.

“Safety continues to be Grab’s main priority. All GrabBike motorcycles are equipped with helmets for driver-partners and passengers, as well as reflective jackets for drivers. As with all Grab rides, both drivers and passengers are covered by personal accident insurance,” quoted Sean Goh, Country Head of Grab Malaysia according to KrAsia.

Also Read:  Breaking down the hiring process for early-stage founders : team or product first?

Gojek has reportedly also affirmed its plans of bringing in the same service to Klang Valley on January 2020 and has already received approval from the Malaysian Cabinet.

Image Credit: Grab

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3 things startup founders can learn from Elon Musk’s Thailand cave rescue drama

The #ThaiCaveRescue event provides lessons in product development, publicity, and dealing with failures


Last week, the world held its breath as they watched 12 members of a Thailand junior football team, and their coach, be successfully rescued after having been trapped in a flooded cave for weeks.

For a few days, it was the biggest story in the world.

There were also several side incidents that grabbed attention during this period — particularly the behaviour of tech billionaire Elon Musk.

As soon as rescue plan was executed, Musk announced plans to build a mini-submarine that would help the rescue process by carrying the children out of the cave one-by-one.

What seemed like a good idea with well-meaning intention was soon hit with a wave of criticism from both internet-users and experts.

The mini-submarine ended up unused as the rescue team decided to complete the rescue mission in a more traditional fashion.

The situation was got more tense when Vern Unsworth, who was involved in the rescue effort, dubbed Musk’s idea as “just a PR stunt.”

“It just had absolutely no chance of working. He had no conception on what the cave passage was like. The submarine … was about five-foot-six long, rigid, so it wouldn’t have gone around corners or any obstacles,” he told CNN.

Things took a turn to the worse when Musk fired a baseless accusation at Unsworth, calling him a paedophile on his personal Twitter handle which has 22.3 million followers.

The tweet has since been taken down, but reports have coming in that Unsworth is considering a legal action against Musk.

Also Read: Facebook is shameless and Elon Musk wants your brain, your essential weekend reading courtesy of e27

Despite temptations to dwell on the dramatic side of the incident, there are actually some useful lessons to take from the whole debacle. .

Here are the three major lessons that startup founders can learn from this mishap:

Don’t try to solve a non-existing problem

Tech innovation was built on top of the idea that existing solutions no longer work.

But in the case of the #ThaiCaveRescue, existing solutions did work. Yes, it was tough and a Thai Navy SEAL member lost his life in the process.

But the effort ended in a happy ending and it’s not clear how the submarines would have many chances of success more likely.

The challenges that the team met along the way did not signify that the rescue process was flawed or in dire need of “disruption”. It was a complicated rescue process, which has never been a walk in the park.

Any startup founder who had participated in a Lean Startup Methodology workshop – or at least had read the book– understands that the failure in identifying customers’ pain points is one of the reasons why many startups fail.

Engineers and developers often insist on building a sophisticated tech to solve a problem, while all that the users would need is actually a simple tool. Instead of solving a problem, they build a platform that nobody needs.

Musk fell into this trap and built a submarine that essentially performed the same task as a breathing tube.

Beware in how you use publicity

Publicity is a nice thing –but as many startups have proven it, it can be very tricky.

Does that mean that being silent about plans and milestones is the way to go? For some startups, yes. It is also the reason why they opt for stealth mode.

But the point here is not to say silence is better/worse than speaking up. The point is to be mindful of the consequences of your choices. If you decide to go public, remember that you will be held accountable for every claim that you make, so make sure you are prepared. Think of what happened to Theranos.

There will be times when you fail to keep up with your own promises; but even then, know how to deal with your failure.

Because it leads to the final lesson …

Fail like a startup founder

Compared to other industries, tech has a relatively open-minded attitude towards failure. It was treated as part of the development process, even sometimes as a necessity, instead of an abomination or a shame.

Personally, I would go as far as claiming that if you are still afraid of failure, or being seen making one, then perhaps you should avoid working in a startup.

Understanding this, it would be natural that the world would expect a startup founder to deal with failure gracefully. To bravely admit to themselves (and the world) that they have made mistakes, even apologise to involved parties for any detrimental effects, before heading back to the drawing board.

Essentially, it’s the old adage of “don’t be a jerk” because accusing a rescuer of being a paedophile for criticising your idea sounds as mature as spreading nasty rumours about a person for declining your offer to go to prom together.

Image Credit: Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash

The article was first published on July 16, 2018.

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Creativity meets entrepreneurship: Why it is the next big thing Singapore needs to thrive


As a country with just over 50 years of independence, Singapore has, for many decades, punched above her own weight on the international stage. We’re one of the most successful cities in the world, and we have the education to thank for that. 

Much of Singapore’s success has been deeply rooted in our ability to survive against the odds. However, one may question how far this survivalist mentality can take us forward into SG100, after decades of trudging through excellence.

Against the unprecedented socio-environmental challenges of our shared future, we have to begin asking what a thriving nation will look like, and how we can create a culture for that to happen. 

Finding roots in creativity 

For a long time, the streets were crying out for help in the arts. As a growing nation, our government had its initial priorities placed in the fundamental societal needs– housing, healthcare, education.

Many of our artists were silenced and shackled, many literally behind bars. Even up till the early 21st century, Singapore continued to debate whether creativity was an “unaffordable luxury” in a society like ours.

Today, we see a huge shift in the narrative– Singaporean local theatre productions capture full-house audiences, Singaporean films are up on Netflix, our local bands play at international music festivals and visual artists have galleries that are displayed across the globe.

We have come a pretty long way. 

What used to be associated with the bourgeoisie has largely made its way into the masses. Music and art lessons are even compulsory in schools. In fact, we’re beginning to see creativity not just as a form of expression in the arts, but also in the frontiers of technology, education, and policy.

Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to be selected as one of the twenty teams to join the *SCAPE Create Fellowship – a programme supported by Startup X that supports budding entrepreneurs through mentorship and guidance in the creative scene.

Also read: Three *SCAPE judges offer advice for young startups

We met passionate individuals and teams determined to make an impact in the arts — Musicians and producers for bespoke music, production houses designed to digitalise plays, dancers using tech to facilitate the creative process, ideas for the local literature scene to build community, and everything in between. 

Clearly, creativity is no longer the debate it used to be. What has changed, and what’s next?

Where creativity meets innovation meets entrepreneurship

At the launch of an art exhibit just last year, former Minister of Education Heng Swee Kiat spoke of how collaboration between STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and the arts results in “the best ideas”

Citing key leaders in the science industry and how the arts had influenced the way they saw the world, Heng raised the value of multidisciplinary learning in an increasingly global world.

The best Ideas. What do you think about when you think of the best ideas in the modern world? Is it Grab and how it married transport and food? Or Apple and how they managed to weave clean, aesthetic typography and functionality into the palm of our hand?

In a world where startups pop up every other day, and where schools prepare their students with Entrepreneurship Minors (and even majors), what really sets people apart? 

Innovation has always been seen as a key part of entrepreneurship. Learning from the past to make the future better. But we also often forget that innovation is, after all, derived from the spirit of creativity. 

At its root, creativity is simply the act of putting non-obvious connections together. Take apart the divide between the arts and sciences, and all the other differences we may have, we’re all problem-solvers and creatives at heart. We are people. 

The question then shifts: how do we tap into the creative process to expand our minds beyond what we already know? How might we creatively problems solve? 

In the schools and partners that we’ve worked with at The Maju Collective, we see things through a similar lens. 

Through our eyes, the unprecedented challenges our population faces require, more than ever, collaboration and creativity. Collaboration between people who see the world differently – problem-seekers and critical minds – with those that thrive on thinking of ways to tackle things differently. 

Which brings us back to education

In our start-up journey bringing quality education to developing regions, while allowing for corporates to have a stake in these areas, we have learned so much about people and the ecosystems within which they exist. 

Looking at, and tackling, the socio-environmental challenges we face today is not the job of any one person, organisation or generation. It’s not about pointing fingers or feeling burdened to change the world alone. Creativity isn’t just about thinking outside of the box. It’s about thinking beyond borders, or any dimension at all.

We do what we do because we believe that education creates space. Space for creative minds, problem-seekers, problem-solvers, but also space for collaboration, friendships, empathy, values, identity-building, ownership. 

Also read: 7 must-have apps to inspire entrepreneurial creativity

At the end of the day, much of who we are is a sum of our parts. What would it look like if we could nurture a generation of youth who understand the global issues they face?

How would things be different if they could own these problems and innovate through the creativity of their childhood? What would our next generation look like if their space of education could bring together problem-solving skill sets that integrate math with geography, physics with history, biology with literature, and everything else in between? 

How differently would we solve the issues we face today if we could think creatively, collaboratively?

In the words of Dr. Paul Kalanithi, a promising neurosurgeon who held a Master of Arts in English Literature,

In the end, it cannot be doubted that each of us can see only a part of the picture. The doctor sees one, the patient another, the engineer a third, the economist a fourth, the pearl diver a fifth, the alcoholic a sixth, the cable guy a seventh, the sheep farmer an eighth, the Indian beggar a ninth, the pastor a tenth. 

Human knowledge is never contained in one person. It grows from the relationships we create between each other and the world, and still, it is never complete.”

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing contributions from the community. Become a thought leader in the community and share your opinions or ideas and earn a byline by submitting a post.

Join our e27 Telegram group, or like the e27 Facebook page.

Image credit: Edu Lauton on Unsplash

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Flexible housing platform Anyplace enters Southeast Asia, teams up with coliving operators

US-based flexible housing platform Anyplace announced its entry to the Southeast Asian market with a partnership with coliving spaces operators in Singapore and Indonesia.

Those coliving operators are Lyf (Singapore), MetroResidences (Singapore), Outpost (Bali, Indonesia), and Hustlers Villa (Bali, Indonesia).

Speaking in an interview with e27, Anyplace CEO and Co-Founder Satoru Steve Naito explained that the startup is currently in talks with at least five other operators in Jakarta, Bali, and Singapore, as part of its strategy to enter the Southeast Asian market.

The startup aims to have at least 10 properties in each city.

“Coliving companies are emerging everywhere as it has become a trend –not only in the US. We aim to build a global network for coliving businesses and flexible housing provider,” he said.

Also Read: 13 top marketing and sales tools for entrepreneurs who want to gain more traction

Founded in 2016 by Naito and co-founder Koichi Tanaka, Anyplace is a B2C platform that helps digital nomads to search and book for temporary housing arrangements during their travels.

The platform focusses on mid-term stay (more than 30 days but under a year) and works with coliving spaces, hotels, and apartments to provide options for their customers.

With the goal to ease the process of finding and securing accommodation for digital nomads, Anyplace linked customers to fully-furnished facilities on monthly-based rents.

Being a digital nomad is a concept that is related to the so-called startup culture around the world, and this is the audience that Anyplace is tapping into.

The startup is particularly focussing on US-originated digital nomads looking for accommodation in Europe or Southeast Asia.

Also Read: Panoplaza goes global, partners with BrowseWell LLC in America

The founding of the startup was based on the needs and challenges experienced by Naito himself, who identified as being a digital nomad. Originating from Japan, Naito moved to the US after graduation and changed his location on a regular basis.

According to Naito, the difference between Anyplace and other popular platforms such as Airbnb is their focus on B2C segment.

In June 2019, the startup announced a US$2.5 million seed funding round from Jason Calacanis, FundersClub, UpHonest Capital, East Ventures, Keisuke Honda, Kenji Kasahara Bora Uygun and Global Brain, according to this report by TechCrunch.

In the near future, Anyplace plans to introduce weekly rental offerings and open offices in the market it operates in.

Image Credit: Anyplace

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Why fintech companies should learn about customer retention from e-commerce companies

Fintech and e-commerce are two branches of the tech industry that are often intersecting with each other. However, there are ways that these two sectors are operating differently.

Despite their differences, Liam McCance, Chief Marketing Officer at Singlife, believes that there are several points that fintech companies can learn from their e-commerce counterpart, particularly in the matter of customer retention and engagement.

“They have experienced teams who analyse vast collections of purchase data and have a deep understanding of how and why people buy things online. Even with consumers having a plethora of places to order food and groceries, or buy apparel and gadgets, these insights produce effective marketing campaigns that pull customers back to their platforms time and again,” he explains to e27.

“E-commerce companies are also effective at offering seamless purchase experiences across devices, especially with mobile-first strategies in mind,” he added.

In this interview, McCance further elaborates the challenges that fintech companies face nowadays in customer retention –and how learning from e-commerce companies can give them an advantage.

Also Read: Paul Ark is departing from SCB’s fintech investment arm Digital Ventures

The following is the edited excerpt of the interview.

What are the challenges that fintech companies face in customer retention and engagement?

As a financial institution, we are much more regulated than e-commerce companies. The nature of our products and the space we operate in requires a massive effort of due diligence with an extensive amount of work that goes behind each product we launch.

Also, in contrast to e-commerce, fintechs don’t have an exhaustive supply of new financial products to offer and pull customers back to their platforms frequently.

Fintech companies typically have inventories that are limited to the same types of products and services. As most financial products are intangible, communicating the real value of products to customers before they buy and finding ways to purchase more can be a challenge.

This means strategies for promoting products and services must be creative, responsive, and relevant in order to attract customers who aren’t actively looking for new offerings.

What exactly can fintech companies learn or copy from e-commerce companies? Do you have any examples of success stories in your company?

It all starts with the team you hire. Insurance companies hire people who know insurance, but a digital-first insurance company also needs specialists in digital innovation. We need a team who understands how to deploy best-in-class analytics tools and to uncover insights on customer behaviour and demand. These experts must then translate this information into a user-driven purchasing experience that offers continuous value for new and existing customers alike.

Also Read: Think like a fintech company: How banks can capitalise on the digital banking revolution

Fintechs have plenty to learn from e-commerce businesses. For a start, a sales process and product that is portable to other marketplaces through APIs is a strategy worth exploring and building up, so that the full journey is not limited to just one domain. Singlife, for instance, works with PolicyPal to sell a select range of our financial products on their platform. Offering Singlife’s product via PolicyPal’s website and app makes our products more accessible to a wider audience – especially so if they have not interacted with us before.

In certain cases, this method of customer acquisition may be more cost-effective than paying for advertising dollar to get online conversions.

What are the factors that fintech companies need to keep in mind before implementing such a strategy?

Be realistic.

You cannot expect insurance and financial services or products to generate the same levels of enthusiasm that e-commerce sites or super apps achieve.

Having said that, taking on successful e-commerce strategies can still benefit fintechs and their businesses. Fintechs should aim to make a product or technology relevant to customers’ lives.

For us, that meant introducing the Singlife Account, a life insurance savings product. We’ve heard from Singaporeans that what stops them from maximising the potential of their money, is the reluctance to be locked-in to a financial product. Designing with customers in mind by shaping product features to their needs and delivering the solution with the focus on user experience is what Singlife sets out to do.

What is the most unique user behaviour in Asia that you learned recently?

In Singapore, many people simply leave their money in current or savings account. This is due to their reluctance of being locked-in and prefer to keep their money accessible. Unfortunately, this way might not be able to meet their future needs.

Also Read: Razer Fintech leads consortium for youth-targeted bank as part of digital banking license bid

Singlife wants to help people get more out of this money they have with the Singlife Account, an everyday insurance account. Our customers can earn up to 2.5 per cent per annum returns, and always have access to these funds with no lock-ins. In future, customers will even be able to invest within the Singlife app, as well as to enhance their insurance coverage seamlessly, making it a one-stop solution for customers to manage, grow, and protect their money.

What are the most notable trends in marketing in 2019? What is going to be big in 2020?

We see a decline in the effectiveness of social media advertising. People are bombarded with ads from the moment they log onto their social media accounts, and most of these ads are ineffective. Modern consumers are looking for authenticity and transparency, and chats and messengers will help offer that.

Through real-time chats and interaction with the business, customers can resolve their immediate pain points, technical issues or give thoughtful feedback, while companies can keep in touch with the customers. Increasingly, companies will want to establish a presence on popular messaging platforms, like the Dutch airline, KLM, that sends customers booking information, check-in times, and flight delay notifications over WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and WeChat. Through feedback gathered through this communication channel, companies can shape future products and even enhance existing services to deliver quality for customers.

While we have been offering life insurance solutions since 2017, we are a fintech company, and by virtue of that, a digital-first financial services provider in the eyes of customers. As an innovative financial provider, we have the opportunity to work in tandem with our customers to develop products that they genuinely want and need.

Some brands have built a cult following because of this simple customer-focused strategy, and I expect more businesses will be trying to create products that actually resonate with consumers instead of pushing products they already have.

Image Credit: Artificial Photography on Unsplash

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Netflix partners Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture to boost local film industry


Netflix Indonesia just announced in a Twitter statement today that it will partner with the country’s Ministry of Education and Culture to support the local film industry.

The California-headquartered streaming company aims to empower local filmmakers through a series of programmes which includes filmmaking workshop with both local and international filmmakers, short film competition, online safety training programme, and Agile Government Workshops along with the World Economic Forum.

“We appreciate Netflix for their support for Indonesian film industry growth,” said Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim.

“This partnership is meant to support and internationalise our local films,” he added.

Makarim had recently made headlines with his appointment as minister after leaving the position of CEO of ride-hailing unicorn gojek.

Also Read: Why Netflix and Amazon may face difficulties claiming pole positions in Southeast Asia

gojek itself has also launched its own on-demand video streaming platform GoPlay, which includes original content developed by an in-house production company.

Netflix has already been growing rapidly regionally in different countries, where local filmmakers are releasing local independent movies.

“We believe that there’ll be many great stories coming from Indonesia. Through these initiatives, we aim to contribute in the growth of the creative community,” said Kuek Yu-Chuang, Managing Director, Netflix Asia Pacific.

The company also hopes that these stories can come up with unique themes about Indonesia for the world to enjoy.

Image Credit: Thibault Penin

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5 key trends in banking for 2020 and beyond


2020 opened with major fintech companies vying for digital banking licenses, especially in Singapore. After Grab and Razer, Ant Financial followed suit.

Digital banking is at a tipping point in the Asia Pacific region and the financial services industry needs to be prepared for a transformative year ahead.

Here are the five trends, I think, will dominate the scene.

Fintech companies partnerships will become the norm
Banks face a choice as we enter the 2020s: they can either innovate and restructure business models, providing new services and products to improve their value chain or become commodity players, specialising in a particular area.

Partnering with fintech companies will be key going forward.

Also Read: Think like a fintech company: How banks can capitalise on the digital banking revolution

The industry experience and trustworthiness of traditional banks combined with the agility and innovation of fintech companies will allow banks to create more compelling customer experiences and remain relevant in the coming years.

Data intelligence will drive competitive advantage
Data intelligence will be a key competitive differentiator. This is evident not just in banking, but across other industries.

For example, the recent acquisition of Fitbit by Google has given the tech-giant access to a huge source of anonymised health data.

Similarly, banks hold a wealth of customer financial data. The challenge is how best to use it effectively. While agile challenger banks and fintech companies are already experimenting here, traditional banks remain behind the curve.

Data intelligence will be a key focus as they aim to personalise their services and become more embedded in customers’ lives.

Regtech will take centre stage
The way large banks handle regulatory compliance is overly complex and costly. Many are hamstrung by legacy systems.

In 2020 I expect to see a drive to deliver efficiencies in this area. Challenger banks are already partnering with cloud-based technology providers to handle KYC, customer verification and other regulatory requirements.

This approach is critical in keeping costs low. Incumbents need to transform and simplify the myriad of systems they have in place to perform tasks like customer verification, and to agree on common standards.

Only then can they can embrace regtech and benefit from the associated efficiency savings.

Consolidation among challenger banks
It’s not sustainable for challenger banks to continue losing money in the pursuit of customer acquisition. The race is on.

Incumbent banks are playing catch-up as they launch new digital services, while challenger banks will be looking to sell the higher-margin loans or insurance products. Not all challenger banks will survive a downturn.

I expect consolidation in the form of mergers and acquisitions over the coming year.

Use of hyper-connected devices will continue to grow
The uptake of smartphones, voice-activated assistants, the Internet of Things and edge computing will continue to grow.

Also Read: AI and data will be the future of the M&A banking industry (Why I decided to merge with Finquest)

“BigTechs” such as Amazon and Google are working to roll out voice-activated devices across households as possible, making them a potential interface for all kinds of things in the future, including conversational banking.

This may not yet happen in 2020, but phase one is just about getting users familiar with the technology and its capabilities.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing contributions from the community. Become a thought leader in the community and share your opinions or ideas and earn a byline by submitting a post.

Join our e27 Telegram group, or like the e27 Facebook page.

Image credit: Jan Kolar on Unsplash

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Podcasting your way to success: 7 ways tech companies are using them


You may think, “Podcast is media.” Maybe you’ve considered advertising your new product on a podcast or getting on someone else’s podcast for publicity, but you’ve never thought of doing an original podcast for your brand.

Or perhaps you’ve jumped on the bandwagon of podcasting, but after the initial excitement, you start to lose sight of the value of this venture.

Whether you are a multinational corporation or a three-people startup, podcasting can be a powerful tool for your business development. Let’s dive into ways tech companies are using podcasts to grow their business.

Maintain company culture and employee engagement

Indonesia’s first Super App Gojek has a podcast. The Go Figure podcast is hosted by Gojek (ex) CEO & Founder Nadiem Makarim and features Gojek leadership team and investors. Podcast conversations cover macro issues within entrepreneurship, business, and society.

With Makarim taking the lead, each episode shares the growth journey of Gojek with a transparent and aspirational message. The success of Gojek lies in its “Challenger Culture.” Through the authentic conversations recorded in Go Figure podcast, Makarim is able to communicate and maintain the startup mindset of Gojek culture.

Foster Community

What do Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM have in common? They all provide cloud computing solutions and all have a podcast dedicated to that.

The podcasts serve as channels to communicate the latest updates and conference messages, keeping cloud users engaged with each company’s latest offerings.

In a rapidly advancing and collaborative space like cloud computing, keeping your community of users up-to-date and fostering communication is crucial. The big tech companies recognise that and leveraging the power of podcasts to build their communities.

Establish thought leadership

Maintaining a consistent podcast builds the authority of a brand. Andreessen Horowitz, a leader in the Silicon Valley VC space, differentiates their brand with their original a16z podcast and 16 minutes on-the-news podcast.

Also Read: Andreessen Horowitz’s lessons for Asian VCs and founders

The podcasts feature analysts from the firm and their ecosystem partners or thought leaders discussing tech and cultural trends, news, and the future. This helps in amplifying the brand voice and developing their unique perspective.

Recruit is not only interested in your next travel destination.

It is interested in Natural Language Processing, image recognition, and innovation. To help recruit talent in those areas, the company started Booking People podcast.

Recruitment is a difficult and costly task for every company, but podcasts can help to reduce that cost.

In the podcast, employees share the projects they are working on and work culture; senior leadership comments on macro-level issues and mindset they look for in talents.

Podcast conversations go deeper than job descriptions, giving job seekers a better idea of what it is like to work for the company.

Build an ecosystem and acquisition

If you are a new player in the industry, podcasting can help you get meetings and clients. Having your brand original podcast gives you the opportunity to invite industry experts, partners and clients to sit down for a meaningful conversation.

It also becomes the best opportunity to invite potential partners and clients for a chat. We see that with startups like Offerzen (South Africa based tech job marketplace) and AgThentic (Sydney based agtech consulting firm).

The podcasts cover topics relevant to their specific industries, featuring conversations with guest experts. Offerzen podcast has episodes with HR leaders at Microsoft and Google, significantly uplifting the credibility of their content and brand.

Create brand awareness 

Most tech companies have good products but don’t tell good stories. If you don’t have a library of content and an editorial team, you can choose to sponsor bigger conversations in your industry.

Also Read: The podcast fever: why are listeners tuning in more frequently than ever?

For instance, Slack has a branded podcast “Work In Progress” that tackles work-related issues such as fulfillment, identity, and happiness. Each episode features stories of people who found meaning in their work.

Slack wants to showcase its company philosophy and culture, creating brand awareness through podcast stories. The end of each episode features a unique client success story, serving as native advertising for Slack.

Promote client success stories

Nothing sells your product or services better than authentic client success stories. Shopify recognises the power of giving a voice to its successful users, letting every one of them be an authentic brand ambassador.

Each week Shopify Masters podcast invites successful e-commerce entrepreneurs to share their experience and advice for growing an online business on Shopify.

The podcast experience gives successful merchants some limelight, promoting their store at the end of each episode. More importantly, it promotes an aspirational message that small business owners can find success through Shopify.

Podcasts shouldn’t be limited to media or PR. Instead of finding the right podcast to advertise your products, start your own brand original podcast to recruit, sell, influence, and engage. Start by identifying the talking points your brand wants to own: they could be macro-level issues or technical know-how. Gather your partners and clients to talk about these issues that you deeply care about. Leverage the voice of industry experts. There you have it: your brand original podcast featuring your unique brand voice.

Editor’s note: e27 aims to foster thought leadership by publishing contributions from the community. Become a thought leader in the community and share your opinions or ideas and earn a byline by submitting a post.

Join our e27 Telegram group, or like the e27 Facebook page.

Image credit: CoWomen on Unsplash

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Lightnet closes US$31.2M in new funding round led by six conglomerates


Thailand-based fintech company Lightnet has raised US$31.2 million in a Series A funding round from six conglomerates, according to a press statement.

The financing round was led by UOB Venture Management, Seven Bank, Uni-President Asset Holdings, HashKey Capital, Hopeshine Ventures, Signum Capital, Du Capital and Hanwha Investment and Securities.

The fresh funds will be used to strengthen Lightnet‘s investment in the blockchain technology on the Stellar Network, and towards building a better financial mobility network.

Lightnet’s core strengths lie in bringing remittance settlements to the lowest cost across the Asia Pacific. The fintech company aims to target largely the unbanked migrant workers, who rely on costly substitutes such as SWIFT in major Southeast Asian markets.

The platform also provides cross-border services such as B2B payment, conditional payment, trade finance, cash management, and escrow.

The company plans on launching three solutions BridgeNet, LiquidNet and SmartNet that will be fundamental to the core of the business.

Also Read: 3 things startup founders can learn from Elon Musks Thailand cave rescue drama

“The main platform has been completed, and the first transaction is slated for Q1 2020. In addition to the potential 500,000 cash agents across our ecosystem, Lightnet will integrate with several renowned payment and remittance partners such as MoneyGram, Seven Bank, Yeahka, Ksher across Japan, South Korea, and several other Southeast Asia nations to ensure successful activation of our ecosystem,” said Lightnet Chief Executive Officer Suvicha Sudchai.

Lightnet’s Vice Chairman, Tridbodi Arunanondchai, has also expressed strong anticipation for growth saying that “in three years, Lightnet will facilitate over US$50 billion worth of annual transactions through our industry-leading partner network.”

The fintech company aims to disrupt the trillion-dollar US dollar global remittance market as it aims to target the large unbanked population that exists in SEA.

“We launched Lightnet to offer low-cost and instantaneous financial inclusivity and mobility to the four billion lives across Asia Pacific — all powered by Stellar’s fast, scalable, and sustainable blockchain technology,” said Lightnet Chairman Chatchaval Jiaravanon.

Image Credit:  Hanny Naibaho




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How to choose a coworking space for your startup


Coworking spaces are the face of the working zones in the modern world. These places are an attempt to change the trends of how employees react to work and office spaces.

Traditional office spaces are slowly getting wiped off from the picture as not just the new but also the established players are preferring to own office space in a coworking zone.

The environment around acts as a driving force to generate the results that you expect from your institution. Hence coworking spaces today are built with this mindset.

They provide an office that guarantees to have a positive impact on the employees. Apart from that different organisations are provided with the option to configure their office space in accordance with their ideals. Such opportunities help you stand out among your peers hence it strengthens your brand name in the market and it says a lot about your work ethics.

We have discussed a few points that must be kept in mind while choosing an office space for your institution, so let’s dig in!

At first, we will discuss the problem you may face while finding a suitable office space for your organisation.

Different interest

It is unlikely that you end in a group of like-minded people. There is always a possibility to meet individuals with different skills, interest, and mindsets which may turn out to be either a positive experience or a bitter one.

In the case of the latter, one should try and ignore such people and focus on their productivity.

Discomforting timing

There is a possibility that the timings of the coworking zone may not suit you as different people align themselves according to different timing schedules which may pose issues for the others.

Also Read: Coworking space: why it’s the most startup thing ever

Hence, in that case, an organisation must check this parameter before ending up into a shared workstation.

Lease terms 

Another bothering aspect of the coworking zone is the leasing terms. It is a fact that almost all the shared workstations in a big city demand high rent. The terms may be flexible or stringent depending on the terms and conditions hence an organisation must thoroughly study the terms and conditions before renting a place for their office.


Every institution must be aware of what are the requirements of their organisation especially the startups. Space should neither be more than required nor it should be less. It should also be expandable in case the number of employees increases in the future.


Reachability is one of the key factors that must be considered while renting a coworking space. Location matters when you think of setting up an office for your organisation as it strengthens your reach in the city, strengthen your brand value among your peers, offers convenience to the employees while commuting and maintains a reputation among your clients.

Hence how easily an office space is accessible matters.


Another major factor to be kept in mind while you are on a hunt for a suitable office space. Amenities are the backbone of a coworking space. They offer convenience and comfort to the organisation which is yet another reason why coworking spaces are preferred over a traditional office space.

Also read: How coworking is reshaping the workforce

Therefore an organisation must study the amenities offered by a coworking zone and whether they align with their requirements or not should be checked.


Nothing works without the internet today. The entire country is digitalising then why not the coworking zone. Every workstation needs a stable internet connection which is required for the smooth working of numerous tasks in an organisation.

Companies should always go for a coworking zone that provides them with a seamless connectivity of the internet with which they can easily connect to an outstation client with ease hence helpful in expanding the customer base of a company.

The reputation of the space owner

Sometimes overlooked while choosing a coworking space, I would suggest you better not do this. Reputation is an important aspect as a reputed builder will be responsible and will be aware of the requirements of its customers.

He will make sure to provide you with the best services to build a sense of trust which is essential in a professional relationship.

A wise decision taken for your organisation is likely to generate a positive impact not just for your employees but also for your business. Therefore a coworking space to chosen with utmost precision.


Image Credit: Shridhar Gupta on Unsplash

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