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Maritime tech startup Claritecs raised US$600K pre-Series A funding from INNOPORT

Singapore-based maritime solutions startup Claritecs has secured an S$850,000 (US$600,000) in pre-Series A funding from INNOPORT, the corporate venture capital unit of the globally operating ship owner and ship management company Bernhard Schulte. A separate private angel investor from Singapore’s maritime industry also joined as investors.

Wong Hong Lee, CEO of Claritecs said that the company will use the funding to support product development and market roll-out.

Haymon Sinapius, Investment Manager for Asia of INNOPORT, shared, “Since our establishment, we have been seeking out high-potential, early-stage maritime and logistics startups in Europe and Asia for investment, with a view of supporting their scale-up.”

“Claritecs identifies pain points faced by the bunkering industry and addressing them with holistic digital solutions based on their strong domain knowledge.”

Claritecs is a maritime solutions startup that leverages a foundation of maritime expertise to develop digital applications for decision-makers in shipping operations and commercial management.

Also Read: PSA unboXed partners with Israeli startup theDOCK to support maritime logistics tech

Claritecs’ suite comprises BunkerMaestro, an algorithm-based SaaS platform that provides data-driven insights for bunker scheduling, aiming to increase work efficiencies and bunker fleet optimisation.

BunkerMaestro tackles the complexities of multiple grades of marine fuels required by ships to meet the IMO 2020 sulfur cap regulation. It taps on real-time data sets from Singapore Maritime Data Hub and MarineTraffic to monitor vessel movements to predict vessel arrival times and bunkering related operations.

In addition to BunkerMaestro, the company said it has also developed Auto Profiling, a tool for quick diagnostics of mass flowmeter bunkering data.

“New product innovation is a key area of focus for Claritecs. We are currently in talks with like-minded partners for possible collaborations so that we can assist our clients in their digital transformation journey,” said Wong.

Claritecs aims to raise its Series A round by the first quarter of 2020 to support its international expansion and future product development.

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3 easy ways for startups to attract global customers


Businesses with deep pockets don’t have a monopoly in reaching consumers globally. Even startups can attempt to win international customers. There are simple but effective strategies new businesses can do to generate sales globally.

They don’t require massive investments. You may have already heard about them, but haven’t paid attention, thinking that they’re too basic and generic.

1. Optimised e-commerce site

Anyone can put up an online store and start selling to prospective international customers, although not everyone knows how to optimise their e-commerce operations.

That’s why many end up failing to get the results they desire. However, optimising an e-commerce venture is not that difficult.

Take note of the following pointers.

1. Search engine optimisation is an essential part of establishing an online presence, more so in launching an e-commerce operation.

Without it, it will be difficult to rank high in search engine results, which means attracting potential customers is going to be challenging. You need to research the relevant keywords you can use to make your site searchable online. You then have to place these keywords in your content, metadata, headers, and other parts of your website.

2. It’s not enough to have an online store if your goal is to attract global customers. Potential buyers in different countries or regions use different languages.

How do you expect them to consider buying your products if they don’t understand the language you use in your site? That’s why you need to localise.

Localisation, however,  is not just about translating your content from one language to another. It entails a conscious effort to present your store and products in ways that make them more relatable to your intended audience.

This means using slogans, catchphrases, pop culture references, idioms, and other textual elements that are more familiar to the target customers.

At the same time, it calls for the removal or replacement of lines that are deemed offensive or unfamiliar to the intended customers.

Localisation can be tedious, but it’s not too difficult. You need to find someone who understands the language and culture of the new market you are targeting.

Addressing Payment Difficulties. Making payments faster, easier, and less complicated encourages more sales to international customers.

Provide several payment methods so there’s at least one way customers would find convenient. Eliminate the currency exchange barrier by offering a dynamic currency conversion service or an automatic online calculator.

Quality Customer Service. Customer service starts with marketing to post-sale customer care. It commences in extending courtesy and patience when answering the inquiries of potential customers.

It also includes the way you treat customer complaints and suggestions to improve your service. Encourage customers to post reviews of your products or store through a comments/reviews section and on social

Don’t expect to succeed in your optimisation efforts in your first try. Often, there are many areas where you can still improve. As such, you need to monitor your e-commerce operations regularly.

Track the number of visitors to your site, the pages they visit, the ways they reach your site, the bounce rate, the duration of their stay on your pages, and various other data. These will help you pinpoint the flaws and introduce the necessary tweaks.

Making Things Easier: You may have an excellent product and an enthusiastic customer service team, but you may not have the expertise in making your business easily searchable online.

There’s nothing wrong with hiring a third party to do SEO and localisation for your business if you get a significant international sales to boost in return.

2. Localised online marketing

Online marketing encompasses several digital marketing strategies, including email marketing, social media marketing, and online ads (displayed on sites, blogs, games, and video streams).

If you are trying to reach out to a global audience, you can’t just use one language for all of your marketing materials. Additionally, a simple translation is not enough. Your online marketing should be localised to suit different regions or countries.

In localisation, the marketing content is not only converted into a different language.

Some words, expressions, references, or themes may be modified to make them more appealing to the target market or to avoid things that may be considered offensive or inappropriate. Images, symbols, or parts of a video may also be changed for the same reasons.

Making Things Easier: Again, you have the choice to entrust the localisation of your online marketing campaign to reputable digital marketing companies with a good track record in localisation. You don’t have to do everything on your own.

3. Participating in trade organisations and events

On the non-online side, you can also boost your sales to international customers by getting involved with nonprofit and governmental organisations created to help exporters.

In the United States, for example, there’s the US Chamber of Commerce, the United States Commercial Service,  and, which assist businesses that are trying to break into the international market.

You can also find organisations that specifically facilitate trade to certain countries. For American companies that are planning to expand to South Korea, for example, the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea can extend some help.

Additionally, you can participate in trade shows designed to connect exporters or businesses that target global customers with prospective customers and other businesses.

These shows serve as a platform for meeting business partners or potential customers. They provide excellent networking opportunities. They can also serve as a way to learn about competitors and obtain ideas useful in operating a business and attracting new customers.

In summary

Optimising e-commerce operations, localising an online marketing campaign, and getting involved with trade organisations and events are effective methods for gaining customers from abroad.

Startups don’t need massive amounts of resources to penetrate the international market. With the ways discussed above, attracting global customers should be fairly easier.

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Image Credit: Kyle Glenn

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A simple recipe for building trust in zero-to-one startup ideas

How to convince people of what has never been done before – and why startups in Asia must think bigger?

Let us be honest – the world still looks to Silicon Valley for the next tech startup bringing us another breakthrough product or service to change the lives of millions forever.

The ‘Valley clearly has a monopoly on giving birth to many of the world’s most valuable technology companies.

These ‘zero-to-one’ ventures are supported by a community of investors who know that the most valuable companies do more than copy/paste what has worked elsewhere.

Nonetheless, investing in an unproven concept always requires a great deal of trust, and perhaps this is why a culture that puts faith in exploring uncharted territory is crucial to nurturing startups reshaping the status quo.

Our entrepreneurship community in Singapore is thriving, and we should also focus more on transformational innovation.

Singapore already provides world-class infrastructure for startups and a vibrant startup scene, but there is no escaping that innovation must at some point involve doing something genuinely new.

Singapore has exceptional foundations to do just that, and more ventures of this kind would further increase our global influence. We are effectively a ‘unicorn country’ that rapidly transformed into a preeminent nation.

What lessons can we learn from our history to become the launchpad for Asia’s most transformational startups in years to come? Availability of risk capital is one part of the equation, and we have a good amount of it.

Also Read: Why trust is the biggest barrier to entrepreneurship and innovation

The much more significant (and easily overlooked) factor is our motivation and risk-taking culture. Singapore startups are in such a privileged position that they need to think bigger. We need to trust in our ability to make a global impact – beyond translating good concepts into Asian markets.

While this shift is underway, it remains challenging to pitch and fund a truly transformational idea. Specifically, it requires others to trust our vision. My upcoming book is about just that – building the trust you need in order to innovate, in six simple stages.

Using this well-researched trust model, here is an effective sequence for how to pitch zero-to-one ideas the right way:

infoPresent the right version of yourself : Stage 1, Reputation

Often it is not who you are, but how you tell your story that matters.

We are different things to different people, and is associated with the right people in the right capacities makes a huge difference.

Before your idea gets a stage, you must convince people that you are worthwhile engaging with. As the saying goes, investors put their stake in people first and ideas second.

Create a hook: Stage 2, Temptation

Before you can expect interest in your pitch, you must activate your audience. We are familiar with this process when using technology (i.e. you do not expect your car to move before you turn on the engine) but strangely seem to overlook this with people. You can do this in several ways, e.g. by talking about an everyday task or object in a new way, or with surprising insight.

Another great way to do this is by creating suspense – a simple example would be: ‘Last Friday I had an experience that completely changed my life’. The more relevant your prompt and the more curiosity it arouses, the better it will activate your audience.

Tell a great story : Stage 3, Connection

Humans are wired to connect with stories, and history has been passed on and influenced with the power of stories for thousands of years. Observe the traditional storytelling format – a likeable hero (your target user) who faces an insurmountable challenge (your problem statement) and suddenly encounters a perfect solution (your idea). You are doing it right if your audience physically reacts to your story, i.e. changes their body language as you narrate (think of the last time you went to the movies).

Throw in a supporting fact or two: Stage 4, Validation

If your audience has entertained you for this long, it is time to reward them with a fact that affirms their positive impression of you. Make sure you have hard evidence that your problem is real and worth solving, and/or experimental results that demonstrate people’s inclination to your idea. The best possible validation is pre-orders for your product or service, which you can collect in online or offline ways. Nothing makes for a better business case!

Give people more of what they like: Stage 5, Attachment

Say you have sold your audience on the content of your pitch. Now, it is tempting to go directly to the ‘ask’ – investment, resources, etc. A better way to continue from here is to repeat stages 1 to 4 in a summary of your pitch that takes your audience through the same sequence again in a much faster rhythm.

Fuse with your audience: Stage 6, Affiliation

Finish off your pitch by removing the distinction between you and them. By now, your audience should be so convinced that they want to associate with you.

Speak about how ‘we’ can have an impact, and what ‘we’ can do together. Then, go for your ‘ask’. By now, your audience will see you as part of them, and asking for funding will no longer be viewed as a one-sided request.

Instead, your value in the partnership has already been firmly established, and now the investment is framed as their contribution to a collective effort. The key is to help your audience imagine that you are already a team, before asking for any contribution – a small but essential difference.

Feel free to use this in your next pitch, and I wish you all the very best to make your ideas succeed.

Editor’s note: e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

Join our e27 Telegram group here, or our e27 contributor Facebook page here.

Image Credit: Getty Images

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The case for blockchain phones : how companies are betting on it


Most may even be surprised that some of the services they enjoy, especially in the financial sector, already employs blockchain technology. 

In the Philippines, over 500 companies now tap fintech firm Salarium’s blockchain-powered human resource services for payroll disbursement. In Hong Kong, listed firm Chong Sing Holdings Fintech Group is slowly transforming its back-end office as its new blockchain-enabled platform prove to be faster in processing loan applications. 

Truly, the blockchain has proven itself worthy of the dime and time spent by investors in the financial sector, but there are a handful of companies making a case for its disruptive potential in other industries, too.

In Singapore, a startup called Pundi X believes blockchain can pave the way for a decentralized telecommunication industry. Later this year, the startup is launching its first smartphone product—the XPhone—which can be used for calls and texts even without a service provider. Instead, the device will run on Pundi X’s blockchain-powered ecosystem called Function X. Developers envision it to be the next global mobile ecosystem as it will be opened to other smartphone manufacturers, too. 

Also Read: Realtime analytics and trends will help unlock the secrets of the blockchain ecosystem

Set to do more than just trade cryptocurrencies, the Function X can publish DApps or decentralized apps, and access websites through the Interplanetary File System (IPFS), described by the MIT Technology Review as a “peer-to-peer file-sharing network”. This platform is poised to be blockchain phones’ gateway to its own Internet, its own HTTP. Its main difference from the traditional Internet is how it shares information to users. 

Accessing websites or any online assets in the HTTP today means requesting access to the original server hosting them, which takes massive amounts of bandwidth and time.

It’s partly the reason why data services remain costly in most countries. But with IPFS, data is identified by unique cryptographic codes. Anyone who wants to access any site or data may connect with another user who may have accessed it before, the location of whom may be closer than the original server hosting it.

The process makes data access faster and more efficient. According to MIT, those codes cannot be faked, securing users from cyber attacks. 

Pundi X developers believe that as more manufacturers adopt the ecosystem, blockchain phone users will be able to create a decentralized community, completely removed from traditional web and telcos.

It’s an effort to create a mobile experience that can preserve users’ private data as Function X runs on a “trustless system”, meaning, no one entity owns the platform. On the business side, developers may run and distribute scalable apps and programs even without third-party platforms like GooglePlay and Apple’s the AppStore for example, cutting costs for game and software studios. 

Those savings could be channelled to investments that could help developers create and run more efficient and cheaper programs and tools. That’s a win-win scenario for both businesses and consumers. 

The big and small companies betting on blockchain phones

Pundi X is not alone in this effort. Last year, Israel-based Sirin Labs also launched a blockchain phone called Finney, similarly running on a decentralized ecosystem called Sirin OS. Both the XPhone and Finney can be interchanged between Android and “blockchain” modes, to cater to both mainstream users and cryptocurrency owners. 

Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer HTC is also betting on a future with a decentralized web. In January, the company, which helped Google develop its flagship phone Pexel, started selling Exodus 1, a smartphone that allows users to trade, send and store a number of cryptocurrencies on its phone through an app called Zion. 

While it still can’t run DApps, HTC is already hinting that the phone will have more blockchain-enabled functions. Even smartphone giant Samsung released its flagship phone S10 with a pre-uploaded cryptocurrency trading app.

It’s worth noting that these smartphone developers made sure that the futuristic functions their devices possess are matched with great hardware.

All of the smartphones mentioned have the features of a top-tier device: a respectable phone camera that can compete with most brands’ flagship phones, robust battery life, and sleek designs. These features somehow help blockchain phones be easily enjoyed and accepted by most, somehow democratizing their advanced functions. 

Once these devices take off to the mainstream, the decentralized web is only imminent. Remember that IPFS will only work as envisioned if there are already thousands of devices hosting data.

Not only will it create a more efficient Internet service, but it will also mean a more secure web. With thousands owning their own data, platforms are no longer at risk to massive hacks and breaches. And that’s a future that not just blockchain enthusiasts and experts will enjoy.

Editor’s note: e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

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Token sales being abused as a fundraising tool by many, will mostly go away: LuneX VC’s Kenrick Drijkoningen

LuneX Founding Partners Kenrick Drijkoningen

With Bitcoinprice plummeting and many crypto companies and funds shuttering, 2018 was a year of reckoning for blockchain. But in 2019, it’s showing signs of a rebound; the total market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies has doubled since January.

These signs augur well for blockchain, and Singapore-headquartered LuneX Ventures looks to cash in on this vast opportunity. A US$10-million blockchain and cryptocurrency-focused arm of Golden Gate Ventures, LuneX has been investing in companies building the new open financial system and Web 3.0. It has also been appointed as co-investment partner of SG Innovate.

Last week, e27 had a chat with Kenrick Drijkoningen, Founding Partner of LuneX, who shared with us insights on the current crypto and blockchain landscape.

Edited excerpts below:

What triggered Golden Gate Ventures to launch a separate fund for blockchain investments?

We looked at the blockchain and crypto ecosystem in 2016 when one of our investees Omise was preparing for the token sale. I looked deeper into the ecosystem. This is when I realised that blockchain has the potential to become revolution — similar to how the different internet industries, including content and telecom businesses.

We looked at the underlying tech and what blockchain and crypto could do. Over the next 10-20 years, this is the next iteration of the internet that will disrupt asset businesses. Money is its first applications, but there are many more applications. It can be in smart contracts, we can digitise value now, and transfer it from peer to peer without the central third party.

Blockchain and crypto also have the potential to disrupt major industries in this world. That being said, we are early in this ecosystem; it is only ten years since Bitcoin was invented. It is a very niche and specialised field. There are are no mainstream applications just yet, so that needs a very specialised approach because the companies focused on this industry are earlier stage.

It’s just infrastructural blockchain and crypto solutions. At the same time, our LPs might not be comfortable with this kind of exposure. So we created a separate US$10-million fund. We are still in the fundraising mode until November.

US$10 million is a tiny amount. Why did you not aim for a bigger fund size? Also, does LuneX have the same LPs as Golden Gate?

A couple of things. As I mentioned, many of the companies in this ecosystem, particularly in Singapore, are still early stage. So are in the US. There are a few companies that are in the later stage, like Coinbase and Gemini. There is no such thing in Singapore yet.

The other thing is that investors who are looking to invest in this ecosystem would like to have some exposure. However, they would not allocate as much capital as they would to a traditional VC, which has a proven, tested model.

Also Read: A layman’s guide on how bitcoin is aiming to transform the global economy

As for LPs, there is some overlap, but it’s mostly new LPs.

What are Lunex’s investment thesis, mandate and outlook?

Our philosophy is that we are still in the very early stage of this ecosystem. If you think of a pyramid of how this ecosystem looks, at the base layer, there are protocols like Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other chain. These are the basis of which the rest of the ecosystem will be built.

Almost 50 per cent of our fund will be invested in tokens because the base layer of this ecosystem has no equity. These are distributed, permissionless networks that operate on a token model, and there is no company to invest in. So you need exposure to the tokens and the growth of those particular protocols.

The second layer — and that’s where we invest on the equity side — is the infrastructural level. It includes everything from new exchanges to custody providers to KYC/AML to wallets. Basically, this whole layer is to make things work. That’s why we invest in it.

And after that, it could come in five years or so — you will start seeing applications emerging from that layer. We are not investing in the application layer too much yet. Eventually, from the applications, you can get a fully-fledged new financial system, which is kind of an eventual goal of this whole ecosystem

So you invest both in blockchain and crypto companies.

Correct. If you make a comparison again with the early days of the internet — you had both internet and intranet. AOL, for example, initially launched their permission version of the internet because an open web was too scary. So they thought they could launch a better version.

But all the innovation happened on the open, permissionless internet. And the same thing here. Permission blockchains, corporate blockchains –we are not interested in those. We are interested in open, permissionless chains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. and the services around those.

Which are your target geographies?

Our mandate is global. So we can invest anywhere. We’ve done two deals in the US and one in Korea. But we are very focused on Singapore because we are based here, we have contacts and access here. We can help our portfolio companies much better here. And also because we have a partnership with SGInnovate on their SG Equity co-investment scheme. It means on qualified deals, we get matching co-investment from them, on which we get to retain some of the upsides upon exit of such companies.

So we prefer to invest in Singapore. But if there is a good company abroad, we can also invest in it.

Can you throw more lights on your partnership with SGInnovate?

As I mentioned, we get added upside upon the exit of a company we co-invest in. The matching is either on a 1:1 basis or 3:7 basis, depending on the nature of the company.

There are multiple benefits to this; SGInnovate is well-connected within the local ecosystem and has a massive portfolio. They are also well-connected with the regulators. So I think it’s a great combination and an excellent partnership to have.

Crypto has been going through a tough phase. How do you look at its journey from an investment point of view?

That’s why we are a long-term venture capital fund, not a short-term focus fund. Massive technologies don’t develop from one year to the next. It takes time. Just like the internet didn’t happen from one year to the next. So we see it as a much longer-term time horizon.

But I think tremendous progress has already been made. If you consider the fact that Bitcoin itself was invented only ten years ago and last week they were talking about it at IMF. It was talked about in the US congress. The President of the US tweets about it. I think it has come a long way very quickly. It’s not a short-term thing; it has a very long term outlook. And it’s normal to have the cycles that this industry goes through.

And again there is an analogy to the internet. Everybody got too excited too quickly about the internet in 2001, and there was a big crash. But it was by no means the end of the internet. It was just a start. You could have picked up Amazon shares for a few dollars back then, and you would have done very well. We are in a similar position right now.

Many people believe that token sales are a scam. What’s your opinion on that?

There are multiple lenses to look through that. Initial Coin Offerings/Initial Exchange Offerings/Security Token Offerings are a way to kickstart a permissionless network, but there are many degrees of black and white here.

In the boom, we went through many of those token sales, which were unnecessary for the product they were trying to build. Yes, there were a lot of scams involved. But there were also a few that made sense. So I would say 90 per cent of them were unnecessary or scams. Look at Ethereum. They had to bootstrap the network this way, and they also had a valid use case.

Are you bullish about the future of token sales?

No. I think they will mostly go away. A lot of people abuse them as a fundraising mechanism.

And these tokens are only needed for these layer one protocols. There are network effects that are starting to emerge. At some point, there will be a couple of winners at this protocol level –whether it’s Bitcoin or Ethereum, or some of the other ones.

Also Read: Is Cardano the best cryptocurrency to invest in?

And then, all the innovations will happen on these winners as developers will move there. And it will be too hard for any newcomers to catch up once these things mature. And there will be no less or no need for token sales.

What will be the alternatives for token sales?

I think you will see regulators catching up and regulatory frameworks coming in place, and it will move to something like security tokens. It’s a little bit outside of what we are focusing on.

Security tokens are tokenised versions of equity. They make it easier for people to contribute funds and exchange shares over the internet. They will look somewhat like equity with the corresponding right attached to those as well. But that will involve a lot of legal work, a lot of service providers, a lot of regulatory clarity. You get tokens, but they are classified as security.

Why is Asia critical to the global crypto conversation?

I think the whole industry is so new that a lot of these remains to be seen. A lot of tech talent is based in the US, so you see it emerge there.

But at the same time, the regulators are very slow in the US, but their counterparts in Singapore are open-minded and friendly. I do see Singapore emerge at the moment as a leader in this ecosystem.

Although I think it’s a little bit too early to tell where it’s going. You will see many different hubs emerging. Obviously, it’s San Francisco in the US, Switzerland and Malta in Europe, and in Asia, it’s South Korea which is very much at the forefront, and of course Singapore.

I always say that the US and Singapore are opposite. As I said, in the US the regulator is slow, but the private sector is very forward-thinking and innovation-driven. In Singapore, it’s the regulator who is forward-thinking, but the private sector is a little bit slower in terms of trying to push for innovation.

In your view, what is the future of cryptocurrencies in a very long term?

In a very long term, I think we are building a new parallel financial ecosystem. And I believe that gradually, more and more people will move to this permissionless form of finance.

The biggest use case is still Bitcoin as a non-sovereign, non-censorable permissionless currency. That’s a massive use case in itself. And there is a whole ecosystem, the entire industry that can be built on top.

So that’s just one area, and I think that’s the most significant use case for the foreseeable future. There is going to be a lot of other use cases as well if you think of Ethereum as an example in terms of smart contracts and execution. And there is a lot of things that can happen there.

In terms of industry, gaming might be one of the first to start implementing this.

Also Read: What does cryptocurrency mean for your small business?

But the basic premise is that you can now transfer any value, any asset from person to person without a third party in between and without a custodian. We can build all kinds of automatic execution solutions on top of that. And that has implications for many different things, including legal, fund management, financial services, gaming. Anything that touches assets will have to deal with this.

If you look at some Asian countries, they accept blockchain but completely banned cryptocurrencies. Do you think these countries are missing out on tremendous opportunities?

Yes, exactly! Because cryptocurrencies or tokens are the application. Blockchain itself is not that interesting. It’s a slow form of a ledger.

What gives these things value and application is that nobody is in control of it, nobody can stop it and reverse. And the future application of that is the actual token. So Bitcoin is the money, Ether is a transaction mechanism, some consider it also money. These assets will be in the form of tokens. Blockchain itself is an excellent term, but it’s just the means to get into the censorless, permissionless world of transferring assets.

Do you think cryptocurrencies are over-regulated in some countries and it’s not ideal for their development?

Well, it depends on how you look at overregulation. I think it’s vital that regulators clarify and make things clear without being too prohibitive of the technology. Singapore is doing an excellent job with that.

Obviously, some places are trying to ban it altogether. If you look at India, for example, it is completely illegal to have crypto. And I think it speaks about the power of cryptocurrencies. If they weren’t powerful, then they wouldn’t bother to ban it. But there is something compelling in them that they see as a threat to the financial system, to the sovereign control of central banks and governments. This new system becomes a threat to it.

I think as long as the regulators are measured and reasonable and open for innovation, that’s the most crucial part. There is a lot of game theory involved here as well. If you, as a country, ban this ecosystem altogether, you are going to lose out on a lot of talent.

Tech businesses are the main source of economic growth as we’ve seen in the build-up of the internet, the largest companies in the world today (FAANG stocks) are all tech businesses that emerged from the growth of the internet as the US embraced the technology in the ’90s. At that time this was not obvious and it could have gone the other way if rules on exports of encryption had not been relaxed. As a result, capital and talent assembled in Silicon Valley.

Similarly, today if governments are too prohibitive in allowing innovation in the crypto space to naturally occur, entrepreneurs will choose other jurisdictions to build their businesses. Arguably talent is even more mobile these days and will pick countries that provide regulatory clarity, capital and a deep talent pool to start their businesses.

Do you think its valuation of Bitcoin will, as John McAfee predicted two years ago, hit US$1 million in future?

Bitcoin is by all measurements is the best currency humans have ever invented. It’s more limited in supply, and it is easier to store, carry and transfer.

Bitcoin is digitally native, and it can’t be censored. It’s more restricted in supply than even gold.

Of course, it’s very volatile at the moment because it’s an early-stage technology. It exists for only ten years, while gold has existed for thousands of years.

So if you assume those things to be correct — and those are entirely factual things — then you can come up with some kinds of valuation methods.

An interesting model is being discussed on social media these days by a guy called Plan B. It’s basically looking at the stock-to-flow model of monetary assets.

So if you think if gold is a monetary asset and it has been there for thousands of years, why is gold a financial asset? It’s not just because it’s a rare asset; rare is not sufficient for something to gain monetary value. The stock-to-flow needs to be low, meaning the new supply that comes above ground every year needs to be very small compared to the existing stock.

So if people store value in it, they know that even if the value raises, you can’t just print or extract 10-20 per cent more every year. That is restricted by physics and economics. Gold has value based on that, and you can also apply the same model to Bitcoin. The halving that occurs every four years in Bitcoin with the next one coming up in May 2020, when the supply growth gets cut in half, eventually to zero.

Also Read: What’s in store for blockchain and cryptocurrency?

And if you extrapolate that model next year, it will get to between 50-100 thousand per Bitcoin and four years it 10Xs from there again. So I see it as a real possibility. It will not be smooth and exact. And you will have these huge runs and massive falls. But that’s just the process of monetising the new asset.

What does Quantum Supremacy mean for the future of cryptocurrencies? Do you think it will kill blockchain?

I’m by no means a computer scientist or engineer, so in terms of actual cryptography and technical details of that, I have to give it a miss.

But I’ve looked into this and listened to the experts and people who know much more about this. I think it’s overblown. Quantum resistant algorithms can and will be developed before quantum computing is even here to crack them.

By all means, we are many years away from having commercially available quantum computing. Researchers are already well on the way in terms of developing these quantum-resistant algorithms.

And if you look at history, it’s always a race between the cryptography and people trying to break it.

Some people believe blockchain will make banks obsolete. What do you think?

I don’t think it’s going to happen shortly. But what you will see is an infrastructure inversion where banks will run on top of these open, permissionless chains as service providers. Right now, you need the banking system to gain access to crypto.

At some point, this infrastructure will invert, and all banks will be service providers on top of the blockchain. A lot of people don’t understand blockchain and think it’s too risky for them. They want a third trusted party to be the custodian and to manage their money for them. And that could be some form of banks. Whether it’s a native crypto bank or some of the existing banks that will adapt to new business models, that remains to be seen. But the infrastructure will invert.

In the beginning of the internet, you needed phone companies to dial into the internet. And right now, all phone calls are routed over the internet. Us being a primary example right now. So this infrastructure completely inverted. And I think you will see something similar for the transfer of value and money.

Image Credit: LuneX Ventures

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