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An ex-French Minister’s VC firm strives to bridge Asian and European startup ecosystems

Fleur Pellerin and Korelya Capital believe that there is a huge potential for Asian companies to invest and do business in Europe

Fleur Pellerin, Managing Partner of Korelya Capital

For most startups in South and Southeast Asia, Europe has not been on top of their mind when it comes to expanding their business. They primarily looked at other economies in Asia or the US to expand their operations. There are many reasons for this reluctance, including language barrier and cultural differences.

But it needs to change, says Korelya Capital. Based in Paris and launched by Fleur Pellerin, a former Minister of SMEs, Innovation, and Digital Economy in France, the VC firm believes there is a huge potential for Asian companies to invest and do business in Europe. The fund also believes that Europe has to look beyond the US startup market and establish good ties with the Asian startup ecosystem.

“In the beginning, our idea was to invest in European startups as the ecosystem was growing and maturing,” said Paul Christophle, Principal of Korelya Capital. “Ten years ago, we (Europe) were far from what we are right now. While the link between Europe and the US was very strong then, it was not the case when it comes toour ties with Asia. We at Korelya wants to change this.”

Also Read: Everything you need to know about #Echelon2019

The VC firm was launched two and half years ago to invest only in European startups. But it has now shifted its focus to Asia. “Pellerin thought that there is a correlation between European and Asian players on the tech side,” he said, in an interaction on the sidelines of a press tour in Paris. “From the European point of view, Asia is no more an anonymous market. For consumers and businesses, Asia is a very innovative market with strong growth rates. So it is naturally and easily a huge opportunity for Europe companies to develop there.”

However, from an Asian point of view, Europe is still a bit in the dark, he said. For instance, Europe is not really in the scope of South Korean and Taiwanese players when it comes to investment. Korelya says it needs to change and it has to help Asian companies to discover European opportunities.

“Taiwanese and South Korean players sell smartphones and consumer tech in Europe, but they are not making any startup investments here. I think their investment activities in Europe have potential financial opportunities for assets,” added Christophle.

“Europe is not as mature as the US, China or Asian countries, but it is growing fast — both in terms of startup creation and investment raise. Every KPI indicates this. However, Europe has only one third of what is required in terms of funding, compared to the US. Europe has changed and now we have to communicate to the rest of the globe that we have changed and it is an opportunity for investors,” said Christophle.

According to Christophle, there is another layer that global internet is intimidated by US players. Europe has to find partners in Asia to build a counter power to the US. “This is when Pellerin decided to start Korelya,” explained Christophle.

Also Read: Is Southeast Asia ready for cannabis startups?

Korelya Capital is a EUR200 million (US$224 million) fund backed by Asian LPs. As of now, all the LPs come from South Korea and Japan. It is now in the process of raising its second fund and Christophle hopes to onboard investors from Hong Kong and Singapore. “The idea is to fund-raise in Asia and invest in Europe only, and then help our portfolio companies in Europe to develop back in Asia and to work with parters and LPs out there.”

To date, Korelya has invested in 15 European startups in the mobility, content, blockchain, and education sectors. It is now testing different verticals and also testing to see how it can export these startups into Asia and find out a point to link, primarily with Singapore. “It is much easier to learn SaaS from Singapore, where the market is small and medium businesses are thriving, rather than in South Korea where you have consumer giants Samsung LG, who don’t really buy software from outside.”

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Today’s top tech news, May 8: Crypto exchange Binance is hacked

Also, Golden Equator Wealth launches NextGen program, and Google to let users opt out from being online-targeted

Binance hacked, reported losses reaches US$41M [e27]

On its official site, the global crypto exchange Binance has confirmed that there’s been a security breach compromising Binance’s crypto trading. The hackers, the company said, stole 7000 bitcoin in this transaction, translates for US$41 million worth of bitcoins.

The company said that the hackers were able to obtain a large number of user API keys, 2FA codes, and potentially other info. The hackers are said to use a variety of techniques, including phishing, viruses, and other attacks.

Binance said that the above withdrawal is the only affected transaction and impacted a hot wallet (which contained about 2 per cent of Binance’s total BTC holdings), while all of its other wallets are secure and unharmed. Hot wallet is a term that refers to a digital wallet that is connected to the internet.

Binance will use the #SAFU fund, an emergency insurance program, to cover this incident in full, and ensures that no user funds will be affected. Binance estimated that the investigation will take about one week.

Singapore’s multi-family office Golden Equator Wealth launches NextGen Programme [Press Release]

Singapore-based multi-family office, Golden Equator Wealth launched its NextGen Programme as well as its Family Office publication. The program aims to open ways for next-generation members of business families into future leaders through a customised curriculum across finance, wealth management, entrepreneurship, and leadership development.

Also Read: Indonesian sharia-compliant fintech ALAMI raises funding from tryb Group

The program was launched on Monday, May 6, 2019, is said to provide each candidate with learning roadmap is crafted to overcome the unique personal and business challenges as they assume their roles as custodians of the family wealth and family enterprises.

“In the next decade, there will be an enormous amount of wealth and businesses changing hands to the next generation. The business and wealth management landscape has been and continues to be impacted by technology. So, the next generation of enterprise leaders would require new and additional skill sets, network, and traits to manage both business and wealth. We hope to revolutionise wealth preservation to help families build a sustainable legacy that lasts for many generations,” said Shirley Crystal Chua, Founder and Group CEO of Golden Equator Group.

The first participant of the program is a NextGen member of a family office managed by Golden Equator Wealth, whose family business lies in the property development sector. The Family Office publication was a project led by this NextGen member.

Alibaba’s Ant Financial invests US$10M in a blockchain privacy startup [The Coindesk]

QEDIT, a Tel Aviv-based blockchain privacy technology developer, announced that it has secured a US$10 million Series A round from investors including Ant Financial, the payments affiliate of Alibaba.

With the investment, Ant Financial will be incorporating QEDIT’s zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) tech into its blockchain projects. Other high-profile partnerships that have been applying QEDIT’s ZKPs include VMWare and RGAX, a subsidiary of Reinsurance Group of America.

QEDIT’s investment round was led by MizMaa Ventures, with participation from Ant Financial and RGAX as well as Meron Capital, Collider Ventures, Jovono and Target Global, which makes up a total of US$14 million in funding comprising the A round.

“The ZKP schemes our company builds are compatible with most varieties of enterprise blockchain, and this has led to the company gaining traction in Asia. We have been getting our product out to large providers in Asia and one of them is Ant Financial,” said Jonathan Rouach, CEO and co-founder of QEDIT.

Also Read: MYPINPAD and Clik aim to unify the digital point-of-sale industry

Zero knowledge schemes provide a way of proving possession of a secret without revealing the secret itself. QEDIT claims that it has demonstrated on the public ethereum blockchain how to prove an individual falls within a certain tax bracket without access to the fundamental data.

Google to let users opt out from being online-targeted [Bloomberg]

In its Google’s I/O Developer Conference, Google’s Alphabet Inc unit announced that it is tightening the rules for how websites track people who use its Chrome web browser. This would be the company’s effort to let users be in control over who watches their moves online.

Browsing platform Google Chrome is being tweaked so that developers will have to specify how far their online tracking software, or known as cookies, can reach. As a result, people can choose exactly which kinds of cookies can follow them and which ones can’t.

The change comes as regulators and consumers around the world are demanding more transparency on how their personal data are being used, and more privacy to shield themselves from online surveillance.

However, the shift could also send shockwaves through the advertising industry considering how Google has been relying on tracking what its users have been doing online to send them targeted ads.

Now, Google’s vision is that “websites should be able to identify, remember and track users, as long as those people know about it and can opt out if they want”.
Google also announced a tool being released soon that will help people learn why they were presented with a specific Google-run ad, and which advertising-tech companies provided information to aid the targeting.

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To fix the gender divide, the crypto world needs more female heroes to look up to

Diversity in any industry leads to better problem-solving

The world of cryptocurrency has changed the way we look at money. Only two decades ago it was hard to imagine that you could invest money in something that you cannot even hold in your hands. But recently, Bitcoin has created such a stir and has become such a debated topic that everyone wants to get a piece of it.

However, not everything is so sunny and optimistic in the world of crypto. Recently, more and more people started to talk about gender equality issues.

But how many People are associated with Bitcoin?

According to a Cambridge University study, there are up to 6 million active Bitcoin users. This data was collected over the year of 2017 but the number of active Bitcoin users is continuously growing. The study only covers active Bitcoin users and does not include those who are only Bitcoin holders.

Among all those active Bitcoin users and traders, only 8.5% are female, as opposed to 91.5% of male users. This number is what has triggered the problem of gender equality in this sphere. This makes us think: Is the crypto world a playground only for boys? Why do so few women invest in Bitcoin? And is Bitcoin’s gender divide a good sign? Let’s find out.

Why Women are Hesitant to invest in Bitcoin

The world of Bitcoin is thought to belong to the male part of society for different reasons. And the way the women are treated in the world of technology has been a serious issue for quite some time. Not only are women outnumbered in the technology-oriented industries, but they constantly face harassment and reportedly have to work harder to get the same acknowledgment as men.

Also read: How do we overcome the low representation of women in leadership roles?

So, even with all the gender equality movements and #MeToo trends that exist to attract attention to diminishing the importance of women and disrespecting their rights, women are still reluctant to participate in developing technologies, including participation in the cryptocurrency-related industries.

So women are hesitant to work on Bitcoin not because they lack knowledge. They are hesitant because of the high rate of sexism and gender discrimination cases in this sphere. They know that there’s a possibility that they might face:

  • A hostile work environment;
  • Unequal pay;
  • Unequal promotion; and even
  • Sexual harassment.

That is why many women in the world of crypto tend to conceal their identities. Earlier this year Quartz took some interviews with a few women working with cryptocurrencies. One of them, Elizabeth Stark, a co-founder of blockchain startup called Lightning Labs, said that women working in this field don’t want to speak about being female. This creates an impression that there’s a lack of female representatives in this sphere, which consequently drives away potential female investors.

Another reason is that investing in Bitcoin is quite risky. And, traditionally speaking, risky actions are a male prerogative. We all know that Bitcoin’s value rose almost overnight. And who knows, maybe it’s not here to stay for a very long time. “I know many women who are ready to invest in cryptocurrencies”, says Margaret Reid, a writer at The Word Point. “But it is inconsistency and high risks that usually drive them away.”

Is Gender Divide in the World of Bitcoin a Bad Sign?

Yes. Even though it’s believed that in the risky and unstable cryptocurrency game men are better players, the female potential is largely underestimated.

In the same set of interviews by Quartz that we mentioned earlier, women told their stories of being pushed away multiple times. Some women claimed that they were mistreated during crypto meet-ups by men who even had less experience working with cryptocurrencies. Others tell that they have been blatantly ignored by the male investors during meetings. And the climax to it all is that no one wants to fix the problem and give women a chance.

So even if women have a lower risk tolerance, it doesn’t mean that they lack the knowledge to work with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. But it all boils down to the problem of not letting women show their full potential in the tech world.

Can we fix the problem?

Despite the gloomy forecast, women are still optimistic about their opportunities in the Bitcoin world. Earlier this year, Berkeley held a Women in Blockchain conference, which focused on the problems of gender equality in the cryptocurrency world and other important issues. Blockchain Week in NYC also had a day with a program that featured only female speakers.

To fix the gender divide, the crypto world needs more female heroes to look up to, who will inspire women to enter this world and invest in cryptocurrency. Glamour did the whole article dedicated to women being the leaders in cryptocurrency projects, like Kathleen Breitman, CEO of Tezos, Connie Gallippi, CEO of BitGive and other women who decided to invest and work with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Also read: Cryptocurrency may be sexist, but it is for women, too

The Bitcoin industry can benefit a lot from attracting more women to become a part of it:

  • Women are better communicators;
  • Female specialists can solve problems more efficiently as they are capable of analyzing a single problem from different perspectives;
  • The Bitcoin industry needs more talent in general, so why not give women a chance they deserve?

Diversity in any industry leads to better problem-solving: Years of research show that a working environment based on diversity leads to a more innovative approach to work tasks and better problem-solving. If the Bitcoin industry lets more women in, it will get generate a flow of talent, innovative ideas, and insights this industry obviously needs.

And to sum up …

The success of the Bitcoin industry is in allowing diversity. As women have to face inequality due to various reasons, among which is unequal treatment and even a lack of venture capitalist support, which doesn’t allow women have their cryptocurrency business, female specialists need more support and appreciation. The fact that the problem of equality in the Bitcoin industry is raising awareness is already a good sign.

So hopefully, the spread of blockchain technology in the nearest future will help boost the participation of women in its development.


e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

Photo by Michael Prewett on Unsplash

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Don’t tell anybody, but this riddle can help you get to #Echelon2019

A little brain exercise can help you attend Echelon Asia Summit 2019 this May 23-24

Echelon is just two weeks away! If you don’t want to miss out on all the fun, make sure to register here.

If you would like to meet awesome investors, hear from top-notch entrepreneurs and find the next great Southeast Asian startups, we have a challenge for you.

Make sure to follow the format e27-XXXXX when you enter your answer. Results are case sensitive.

Riddle me this

Question: If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I?

Answer: A __________

How do I answer?

Here are the steps to redeem the tickets (assuming you know the answer 😉) .

  1. Visit the registration page.
  2. Under the first bar towards the left, underneath the date, you should see a “promotional code” box.
  3. Enter the answer
  4. NOTE: The answer is one word and it must be entered in ALL CAPS. Also, follow the format e27-XXXX.
  5. Limited Starter tickets will appear for free.
  6. After that simply click the ‘Buy Ticket’ button and follow through the registration process.
  7. Attend Echelon!!

Also Read: 38 fantastic investors that might be your next match at #Echelon2019

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

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How HaloDoc aims to open greater access to healthcare for all Indonesians

Medical facilities in Indonesia are not evenly distributed. HaloDoc wants to help tackle this challenge


The HaloDoc management team

Get insights from Jon Richards and more at Echelon Asia Summit 2019. Happening on May 23-24 at the Singapore Expo. Tickets are now available at US$10 each!

Healthtech is one of the most exciting sectors in Southeast Asian tech industry today. Hailing from Indonesia, HaloDoc is one of the companies in the region that is working to ensure better access to healthcare for all patients.

The Jakarta-based company had made several exciting milestones, having just announced a US$65 million funding round led by UOB Venture in March.

In addition to the funding round, the company had also seen a 25 times growth in patients helped to get treatment in 2018.

It has also secured over six million monthly active users using the HaloDoc platform to talk to doctors, search for healthcare information, book appointments, and purchase medications.

In an interview with e27, HaloDoc CFO Jon Richards explains that as a telemedicine platform, helping more people in Indonesia getting greater access to healthcare is one of the company’s greatest milestones.

Also Read: Go-Jek integrates Go-Med into HaloDoc app as the two companies strengthen collaboration

“Access to healthcare in Indonesia is, and has always been a challenge. When you live in a big city, the challenge is congestion: The problem of [how to] get there. [Big cities are] congested, hard to get around. If you live outside of the big cities there are just not enough doctors – that in itself is a different set of challenges. But now with HaloDoc, distance is less of a factor,” he says.

“We’re a tech company, we write codes, that’s what we are investing in, and that’s what we apply to healthcare sector,” he adds.

Richards also stressed that the problem in Indonesia’s healthcare sector is not that there are no good doctors. In fact, many healthcare facilities in the country are able to lure in patients from neighbouring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore.

The problem that Indonesia is facing is that the facilities are not evenly distributed.

Before the existence of telemedicine services, the ratio between general practitioners and specialists in islands outside of Java are 90:10. But telemedicine is able to improve the ratio to 60:40, enabling greater access to specialised medical care in the islands.

“We need to use our existing doctors more efficiently, and we can do that through technology,” Richards says.

Also Read: HaloDoc completes US$13M Series A to bolster Indonesia’s healthcare sector

At the moment, 20 per cent of HaloDoc users are based in Jakarta, 50 per cent in Java, and the rest in islands outside of Java.

What are the strategy that the company used to acquire these users? Apart from implementing traditional marketing practices, there is also an emphasis on patients and patients’ journey.

“What telemedicine represents is a new way for doctors to engage with patients, and vice versa. It requires some education, some awareness. People have to learn that this is a thing that they can do now, and that it is reliable,” Richards says.

The history of HaloDoc itself began when founder Jonathan Sudharta was working as a medical representative of a pharmaceutical company.

Through his work, Sudharta was able to know a great number of doctors, that people began to ask him to forward their medical questions to the doctors that he knew.

Get insights from Jon Richards and more at Echelon Asia Summit 2019. Happening on May 23-24 at the Singapore Expo. Tickets are now available at US$10 each!

Images Credit: HaloDoc

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ICE71 announces top ten cybersecurity startups from second batch

Innovation Cybersecurity Ecosystem at BLOCK71 or ICE71 has revealed the region’s cybersecurity startups joining its second ICE71 Accelerate Demo Day in Singapore

ICE71 or Innovation Cybersecurity Ecosystem at BLOCK71 that was born out of the partnership between Singtel Innov8, Singtel Group’s VC arm, and NUS Enterprise of the National University of Singapore (NUS), has shared the latest participants of its second batch, three-month long ICE71 Accelerate program. The participants are said to come from Singapore, India, Turkey, Vietnam, the UK, and the US.

ICE71 event peaked in Demo Day, where the participants pitched to an audience of over 150 investors and cybersecurity leaders, seeking investment, and business development opportunities.

“We believe that enterprises and governments need to work more closely with startups to address the frequency, scale, and sophistication of cyber threats globally. By bringing together these promising start-ups and connecting them with leading investors, enterprises and government agencies, we aim to accelerate their growth to the next stage as well as strengthens Singapore’s cybersecurity ecosystem to power Singapore’s Smart Nation goals,” said Edgar Hardless, CEO of Singtel Innov8, highlighting cybersecurity as one of the key pillars in the country’s Smart Nation goals.

ICE71 Accelerate’s first cohort was unveiled in October 2018, and from it, two startups have already raised additional funding and expanded their operations internationally.

“It is crucial for our people, businesses, and enterprises to be well protected in today’s digital environment. The key to supporting the nation’s ambitions lies in driving cybersecurity innovation and encouraging more enterprising cybersecurity entrepreneurs and startups to make Singapore their home,” said Professor Freddy Boey, Deputy President (Innovation and Enterprise) of NUS.

Also Read: MYPINPAD and Clik aim to unify the digital point-of-sale industry

Here are the ten cybersecurity startups in the second cohort:

  • 689Cloud, which uses rights management technology to protect, track, and control access rights on externally shared digital documents, preventing data leaks and unauthorised redistribution of confidential data.
  • Aversafe, provides a first-line-of-defense against credential fraud.
  • Blue Phish, provides an online platform to drive cybersecurity awareness and play a part in reducing the number of cyber-attacks that are created due to human error.
  • GuardRails. makes open-source security tools easily available in GitHub Pull Requests. The solution has been tuned to keep noise low and only report high-impact and relevant security issues.
  • INFRA, builds automated solutions for assessment and intelligence without the need for security analysts, eliminating human error and maximising reliability.
  • KEYLESS, provides a privacy-first platform for authentication and identity management driven by user-friendly, secure biometrics that makes data privacy and security the rule, not the exception.
  • LOKI, provides cloud-based, single point management cybersecurity, and network management services for SMEs using SD-WAN technology in SaaS model.
  • oneKIY, addresses data privacy and security, runs on a decentralised, user-controlled security system.
  • PhishBase is a mail transfer agent, sitting between the organisation and the internet, analysing emails flowing in and out of the system; preventing data loss, quarantining messages and using fuzzy logic to detect bad emails.
  • SECONIZE is an enterprise IT risk assessment product that identifies cyber risks and translates to continuous business impact.

ICE71, whom main mission is to foster cybersecurity innovation in Asia, is supported by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA), the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA) and corporate partners such as Cisco. ICE71 partners with CyLon, which delivers the ICE71 Accelerate programme and brings to the table its experience as the global cybersecurity accelerator and early stage investor in cybersecurity startups.

After Demo Day, ICE71 will continue to guide and support these startups through further fundraising, product development, and commercial expansion. It will also provide access to community events with ecosystem partners, thought leadership programmes, engagements with enterprises and government entities, and opportunities to present at regional cybersecurity conferences.

ICE71 Accelerate is now officially open to applications for their third cohort.

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Hospitality startup Butler raises US$540K seed round

Singapore-based Butler called this round of funding a “customer round” as the majority of the money came from Butler’s own customers

Butler, a Singapore-based hospitality and real estate management service startup, has closed a US$540,000 seed funding.  Investors included businessman Massimo Mantero, Emanuele Novi, and Vincenzo De Falco, who invested in their own capacity.

The names mentioned are also the company’s own customers, as noted by Poon Da Qian, CEO and founder of Butler.

The company said that the funding will be used to scale up, providing professional services to Singapore’s apartment residents, office managers, and property managers. Butler will also use the new capital to recruit talents in Singapore.

Butler was founded in 2016 and has built an all-in-one platform for hospitality, real estate management, and services for homes, offices and commercial buildings.

The company currently helps apartment residents, office managers, and property managers by providing an all-in-one professional management service for their properties (Aka a “butler” as per the namesake). Services include housekeeping, concierge, property management, property maintenance services, and more.

Butler’s service allows customers to have a single professional vendor and point of contact for managing all their properties’ needs for what normally ranges between five to ten different service vendors.

Also Read: Grab Ventures launches Singapore subscription plan for its scooters

Butler prides itself in providing training as its top priority for the company with the establishment of Butler Academy, the in-house training program for housekeepers. Upon completion of the four month training programme, graduates receive market leading salary and welfare benefits.

The program, the company said, has played a role in improving the working standards and allowing workers to have confidence in the people they hire.

Butler said it’s currently servicing more than 200 apartment residents, office managers, and property managers.

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Bang for your buck: Get these 6 extras with your Premier Ticket to Echelon Asia Summit 2019

Navigate your way through the cool benefits you can get from your Premier Tickets

Echelon Asia Summit is all about bringing Southeast Asia’s startup ecosystem together for two whole days of learning, discovery, sharing, and connecting. We all have our different goals in coming to Echelon. Some startups might be looking for talent to hire, investors to pitch to, or partners to do business with. Whoever you may be in this spectrum, Echelon has something for you.

But while we welcome everyone in the community to join, a select few will be getting deeper access to more content, more people, more places, and more stuff. If you registered for an Echelon Premier ticket, then this means you. If not, you might be missing out on access reserved for Premier ticket holders.

What might you be missing? Read on. Here’s what Premier Tickets will get you:

1. Conference R&R Zone, care of WeWork

Echelon is not all work but no play. Your Premier ticket gets you access to the Conference R&R Zone, in which WeWork provides wellness facilities, productivity-related fireside chats, and a whole 96 sqm space dedicated to R&R. This includes free coffee, beer, head and shoulder massages, smart vending machines, and gaming consoles. The fireside chats will focus on growth and scale, and the shift from corporate to startup life.

2. Access to Echelon Connect

We understand that a lot of you will be going to Echelon to rub elbows with fellow founders and possibly get the chance to connect and pitch to investors. Echelon Connect lets you waste no time, by facilitating business matching among the community. The goal is to cut down on leaving meetings to chance. With Echelon Connect, you can reach out to people you intend to meet for meaningful one-on-one meetings. More than just “speed dating” for startups, it is meant hopefully to build lasting relationships.

3. Food and Beverages

Cryowerx is providing two smart fridges, which will give Premier Ticket holders access to sandwiches and drinks. You won’t have to worry about getting hungry and dehydrated whilst listening to all the interesting talks and meeting interesting people at Echelon. You also get one free beverage at the Echelon Afterparty.

Also read: 4 exciting reasons why you should get the Echelon Asia Summit 2019 Premium ticket

4. Virtual Swag Bag

You get S$50 worth of General Assembly vouchers, video interviews with Asia Tech Podcast, a 6-month Mindfi premium membership, 6-month Delegate premium membership, WeWork stickers, Delegate stickers, and Coinhako webcam covers. In total, the virtual swag bag gets you at least $500 worth.

5. Access to Workshops

Your Premier Ticket gets you access to Corporate Venture Capital workshops run by Startupbootcamp and Rainmaking Innovation.

6. Express Access to Registration

Premier Ticket holders get exclusive access to your own registration lane at Echelon Asia Summit 2019. You won’t have to stand in line competing with the thousands of other attendees coming with Starter tickets.

We’re working on getting more benefits for attendees with Premier Tickets, so stand by. Being at Echelon is great in itself, but we think you’ll be getting more bang for your buck when you get Premier Tickets.


Get your tickets to Echelon Asia Summit 2019 today. Use E27-ANGELO as promo code to get free Starter Tickets.

Photo: Unsplash

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16 more Exhibitors to WOW you at Echelon Asia Summit 2019

We’re featuring a diverse array of startups at Echelon Asia Summit 2019 and they’re here to WOW you!

Echelon Asia Summit 2019 Exhibitors

There are lots of great reasons for you to come to Echelon Asia Summit 2019! With more than 12,000 people attending from over 30 countries, the Echelon Asia Summit brings together a full-range of personalities across the field of tech: from tech enthusiasts, to up-and-coming startup founders, and even to leaders and experts! This makes Echelon Asia Summit 2019 the perfect opportunity for you to brush elbows with potential future partners, investors, colleagues, or other like-minded people who might appreciate your ideas!

More than 120 speakers will also be sharing key insights on emerging trends and disruptive technologies across four key stages, namely: Founder stage, Future stage, Capital stage, and the top 100 stage—where 100 of the most promising startups will be pitching live!

Also read: 15 more companies will join us as exhibitors for Echelon Asia Summit 2019

And finally, one of the key features of Echelon Asia Summit 2019 is how it will showcase some of the most brilliant startup products in the region. With 300 exhibitors that will sprawl all over Singapore Expo, participants can witness firsthand how these companies are changing the world.

So without further ado, here is the fifth set of Echelon Asia Summit 2019 exhibitors!


ADB Ventures


ADB is a development finance institution committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable region while eradicating extreme poverty.




BARP is a photo print online service that offers easy photo printing with less effort, where customers do not have to go out to print best quality photos.


Prime Respi


Prime Respi delivers value-based patient-centric innovations to address unmet clinical needs in respiratory care.


Nodis Corp


Nodis’ TruTint smart glass technology transforms windows, giving people the ability to change the tint, color and temperature characteristics of windows instantly.


Glee Trees


Glee Trees Pte. Ltd. is a technology vendor and innovator specialising in cognitive automation (Robotic Process Automation with Artificial Intelligence).


Neurobit Technologies


Neurobit is a sleep data analytics service. They provide clinical grade sleep data analytics as a service to the full spectrum of sleep measurement devices, from in-lab sleep studies to consumer wearables.




Pitchspot is an open-sourced, community driven innovation platform for innovators to validate ideas using the Business Model Canvas.




Thesocialdataco uses the ability to provide connectivity to create better travel experience for business and social travelers.


Beam and Go


Beam and Go is a payment and digital marketplace that empowers migrant workers by giving them control over how their remittances are spent by their families.




Unscrambl provides 
AI-powered digital employees for the enterprise through next-gen real-time continuous intelligence & conversational analytics.


Innovo42 Pte Ltd


Innovo42 is a Singapore-based technology company which designs and builds process automation solutions for businesses.


Axinan Pte Ltd


Axinan is a leading Insurtech company based out of Singapore.


Dealxpert Pte Ltd


Dealxpert offers innovative and effective B2B sales enablement and performance solutions to sell smarter and win faster.


SimpleJobs Pte Ltd


SimpleJobs is a platform that helps hirers engage part timers for short term ad hoc jobs quickly and reliably.


Snaphunt Pte Ltd


Snaphunt is an intelligent hiring platform that finds and proposes targeted talent to employers for their open roles.


Hire Robin


Hire Robin provides the most dependable and fastest reference checks on candidates.


Where to get tickets for Echelon Asia Summit 2019?

Catch this stunning set of companies showcase their brilliant work and more at the Echelon Asia Summit 2019! The event is happening from 23 – 24 May, at Hall 3A, Singapore Expo, 1 Expo Drive, Singapore. We don’t want you and your team to miss out on the important insights that will be shared by our speakers there, so get your Echelon Tickets today!

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8 podcasts that every entrepreneur should listen to

Podcasts are starting to blow up in startup world. Here are 8 good ones to check out

Entrepreneurs are always on the hunt to learn something new and interesting. Be it about entrepreneurship, finding life inspirations or motivations. The idea is to surround oneself with content that helps you stay focused and positive towards your approach.

And being an entrepreneur myself, I find it quite hard to follow online reading materials on a regular basis. That is why podcasts are the best when it comes to instant updates and motivation.

Here’s a list of 8 podcasts that I’d highly recommend following on a regular basis.

The Growth Show by HubSpot

This is a weekly podcast where Hubspot’s CMO, Kipp Bodner, interviews leading personnel from growing companies, movement idea and sometimes even a team.

What makes this to my list is how remarkable growth stories are dissected into bite-sized pieces of inspirational hearing. It offers a plethora of advice that startup founders may find very useful. The episodes are tight and focussed interviews.

This one is highly recommended to someone who is inclined towards digital marketing. What works for me is that the interviewees come from a rather diverse group of companies – large and small, including tech and non-tech.

eChai Ventures

This highly interactive podcast resonates with vibrancy – a group of entrepreneurs discuss the burning issues in the startup industry and offers a solution to it. It thrives on the startup scenario across India with even offline events taking place at different locations. It offers a rich source of first-hand information, sourced from entrepreneurs for startup enthusiasts.

You will find discussions ranging from how to register a company online to successfully running it and achieving business goals. More than just the podcast, it is a great startup network that can help you link to potential investors as well within the local community.

Lewis Howes

Though this has been around since 2013, I have been an ardent fan of the School of Greatness for the past couple of years. This is also one of the fast-growing business and self-development podcasts on iTunes. It also consistently appears in the Top 50 iTunes podcasts with downloads of over 2 million per month.

The Episodes will have interviews from famous personalities from various fields. Be it entrepreneurship, sports, and health and lifestyle. They have a solo round with the host Lewis Howes along with the once a week listener’s favourite – 5 Minute Friday format.

The guests have to be brutally honest and this includes people like Alanis Morissette, Tony Robbins, Julianne Hough, Scooter Braun, Jack Canfield, and even Arianna Huffington.

The Minimalists

The podcast that is most different! This one goes beyond the usual clichés of success, failure and business jargon.

Minimalists are all about downsizing your life – from unnecessary stuff, including relations that do not add value to your life. The philosophy of ‘less is more’ is discussed broadly by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus.

For entrepreneurs, this is a very useful podcast that has various guests, including includes famous bloggers and authors. Their recent podcast ‘Millionaires’ has one amazing statement coming from Joshua –

“Don’t try to make money — try instead to make something that adds so much value that people want to pay for it.”

This says it all!

This Week in Startups

Invest in listening to this podcast even before you start a new business or even if you are running one. The host Jason understands Startups pretty well because there is no sugar coating involved when he speaks about them.

The information is highly original and when the guest speaks – coming straight out of horse’s mouth, so to say! This one is about real problems of real entrepreneurs and the way they overcome it.

The best is the way how he touches upon the problems faced by entrepreneurs with such clarity.

Entrepreneurs on Fire

The key value that this podcast holds for me is that things are transparent and honest over here.

This includes inspiring entrepreneurs speaking of their monthly income and how they handle their finances as well. The core idea that runs through the show is to emulate successes and avoid failures. It’s a must-listen podcast for those seeking to learn the art of making the right choices in business during its early days and have a knack of learning from others’ mistakes.

The Entrepreneurs on Fire dwells on the idea of giving budding entrepreneurs the inspiration and strategies required to boost their entrepreneurial journey.


The MFCEO Project was started by Andy Frisella- an entrepreneur and an innovator, for motivating the listeners to succeed not only in business but also life in general.

This one always features on the top-10 lists of iTunes Podcast in the niche of marketing and management category. Honesty is central to this podcast as he calls it a “no BS” podcast that has guest entrepreneurs coming over to share their business insights.

They share their success and failure stories alike and talk about putting passion to work. Plus, they don’t use sponsors, allowing a smooth flow of the podcast with literally no hiccups.

Impact Theories

Again, a podcast with some interviews involved. The Impact Theory offers deep insights on doing business and cultivating a mindset that helps you transform your overall habits as well.

This inspiring podcast is hosted by Tom Bilyeu who himself is a serial entrepreneur a co-founder at one of the Inc. 500 company – Quest Nutrition.

He also hosted a successful Youtube –Inside Quest having above 100 million views. He himself is quite eager to learn a thing or two from the guests and shares instant insights for the listeners. The inputs are something that you can put to work immediately.

If you too share the love for podcasts, do mention which ones do you follow and why? I’ll be glad to add a few more to my lists of favourites.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

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