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Vietnam-growned FastGo slips, compromising identity of 300 drivers

FastGo has apologised for the incident that occurred in its Singapore office

FastGo, Vietnam-based new ride-hailing company, accidentally revealed the personal email addresses of 300 drivers right after it sent an email reminder to drivers, urging them to complete the drivers’ signup by submitting documents on last Monday, April 1.

In the email, FastGo Singapore put the email address on the “To” field, instead of the usual Blind Carbon Copy (“Bcc”) for confidentiality. All the email recipients then can see other email addresses.

Diep Nguyen, FastGo Singapore country manager said that the team is really sorry and hope that the company’s driver-partners will still continue supporting them in the future, as told to The Straits Time.

“It is an important lesson for us to learn about the issue, we promise no more mistakes will happen again as it’s affected about 300 drivers that signed up with us,” said Nguyen.

The matter was first made public when a copy of the e-mail uploaded on Facebook by netizen Stanley Raymond Oh, in which FastGo had requested nine sets of documents, including identity cards, driving licences, and bank statements. In the copy, email addresses of the recipients were partially censored.

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This incident may result in a potential lawsuit over data breach under the Personal Data Protection Act, as Lionel Tan, a partner at law firm Rajah & Tann specialising in data protection laws pointed out.

“There are a lot of seemingly personal emails in the list, so it is a likely breach unless all recipients have consented that they don’t mind their email addresses being circulated,” Tan said.

The Personal Data Protection Commission is said to be looking into the matter to see whether the organisation has proper procedures in place and whether they had educated staff on how to properly handle data. Prior to this incident, SMRT-backed mobilityX also accidentally sent out a mass email revealing the personal addresses of its 500 users.

Meanwhile, financial penalties could be imposed.

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iflix gets funding from Japanese entertainment giant Yoshimoto Kogyo, establishes JV

Prior to its partnership with iflix, Yoshimoto Kogyo has begun expanding its reach to Southeast Asia by establishing MCIP Holdings in Indonesia

Japanese entertainment conglomerate Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. Ltd today announced a “significant” strategic investment in Southeast Asian streaming platform iflix, which marks its first investment in overseas media.

Through the investment, Yoshimoto Kogyo aims to accelerate development of its future projects in Asia.

The two companies also announced the formation of an exclusive joint venture (JV) out of Singapore to showcase Yoshimoto Group’s most popular content across iflix’s territories in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and the corresponding distribution of iflix’s content in Japan.

The joint venture will also produce localised versions of proven content formats out of Japan.

The content that will be provided to iflix will be “popular” Japanese programmes that will be localised for Asian markets, from animation, drama, movies, variety shows, to comedy.

Also Read: Video streaming platform iflix confirms sale of African business unit to Econet

It also hopes to develop all-Japan original content that includes programmes and films for an Asian market.

For iflix, the JV is part of its “growing focus on developing and creating highly-engaging hyper-local programming specifically for Millennial and Gen Z generations, the majority of which come from emerging and developing markets in Southeast Asia.”

For Yoshimoto Kogyo, the partnership is part of the company’s mandate in promoting Japanese content and formats to young international audience.

In 2014, the company established MCIP Holdings in Indonesia as their base of Asian strategy and began the “Living in Asia Comedians” programme.

On April of 2018, it announced the establishment of the “Okinawa Asia Entertainment Platform,” an integrated national platform for distributing various types of content on the internet.

Image Credit: Banter Snaps on Unsplash

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Arming small businesses with big cyber defences

Having size where it matters — cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is the best way to protect your computer network and data from unauthorized access. With the advancement of technology, there is more risk involved in small business.

The internet allows businesses of all sizes to reach a larger customer base and work efficiently using computer-based tools. Whether you are just maintaining the website or adopting cloud computing, it’s important to include cybersecurity to avoid fraudulent activities and theft of digital information.

Cybersecurity is the practice of a technique that protects you from any kind of fraud and helps you minimise the risk of cyber attack.

Empower your small business with cybersecurity and protect your business, your customers, and their data from growing cybersecurity threats. To help you understand it better here we have listed some of the tips for small business to protect them from cybersecurity threats or cyber attacks.

Manage IoT devices for greater protection

Small businesses must know about the security threat posed by the Internet of Things (IoT) devices coming onto the corporate network. To secure IoT devices, small businesses must create a separate network, use the latest firmware, use a different password for every device, turn off the universal plug and play, track and access devices to secure sensitive data.

Do not allow people to take personal devices to work as there are a lot of potential security concerns for wearables.

Establish a cybersecurity culture

It is a must for small business to establish basic security as they are more prone to cyber threats. In fact, small businesses witness cyber attacks as frequently as any big organisation.

Since small businesses often lack cybersecurity infrastructure, it’s unsurprising that they become the direct target of a cyber attack. Hence, for any business small or big, it is mandatory to establish a cybersecurity culture. You can also establish internet use guidelines with strong passwords.

Secure the network

For any business, it is essential to secure the network and computer equipment. These involve high risks as the internet is an open door for hackers. Therefore, businesses must seal proper security protocols to avoid intrusion.

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Use strong encryption when transmitting data between computers and other companies. Keep your network secure, encrypted, and hidden while protecting access to the router. Manage third party content while effectively validating the devices to ensure complete security.

Make use of security tools

Businesses require a multi-layered approach to avoid data breaches and fraud to immune to the problem. Small businesses can provide firewall security for the internet connection as a firewall is a set of related programs that prevent outsiders from accessing the data on a private network.

If you allow employees to work from home, make sure that their system is protected by the firewall. Get an automated tool to enable responses that can encounter threats instantly.

Use a single cloud security platform

By using a single cloud security platform you give your business a greater cyber security solution. Mitigate the risks, smaller companies with no IT support can adopt a single cloud security platform that controls user, devices and network in order to detect real-time threats.

Cyber attackers constantly target small business because of small business lack of security.

Keep all the devices updated with security patches

Small businesses often forget about keeping wireless routers and internet facing devices up to date for security patches. Unpatched routers may affect the overall business and give hackers to direct invite.

By keeping the devices up to date and providing the utmost security, you allow your people to trust and build a great reputation. If the devices you use don’t provide with a regular update, then its time to move to the one that does.

Things to know before adopting new tech

There are several technologies which can help business to save the sheer volume of data and increase growth potential. Most technologies help you mitigate the risk and allow you to deal with sensitive data.

There are some powerful technology systems like SIEM, UEBA and even security Orchestration platforms that are powerful and maintain value over time.

1. Ensure endpoint security
For any business, it’s essential to ensure data sensitivity. The endpoint can be smartphones, computers, laptop or point of sale system or any other device which can be connected to the network.

Endpoint security measures help secure small organisations from cyber attacks happening through malicious apps. With endpoint security, organisations must ensure the following things in order to provide with greater security.

  • Encryption of data
  • Segregation of Network
  • Control File Integrity
  • Monitor The Data Access
  • Prevent Data Loss

2. Centralise the security management portal
To manage everything in an organisation is beyond human potential, hence, centralised management security portal is a must. It handles thousands of devices, computers effortlessly.

Also Read: Grab wants to take Indonesia from Go-Jek with US$6.5b funding goal

All you need to do is to control and manage the integrity of the network. The centralised security management portal has many benefits like:

  • User-friendly Features
  • Available at Affordable Price
  • Fewer Security Issues
  • Instant Response
  • Suspicious Interference

3. Build awareness on security measures
It’s really crucial for any organisation to impose a security measure to control and maintain strategic distance. To avoid digital information theft, it’s really important how you educate your employees to secure the entire organization.

A small business must provide their employees with cybersecurity consulting services. It will help people understand the difference between authentic and malicious mail. It will help you prevent data loss and build customer trust towards your organisation.

The advancement of technology and the rise of digitisation has brought a lot of potentials for small business to grow with the right management in place. Test all the security solutions to ensure they cover what is needed by your business.

By implementing a modern, remote access solution you can monitor who has access to the company’s network and how they are using it. It helps you filter the information you wish to get.

Image by ygrek

e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

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How (properly) wasting time at work increases productivity

Taking time to walk boosts creativity — just look at Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf and William Wordsworth

If you’ve ever watched a professional tennis match, you’ll know how much stamina the sport requires. From thigh slaps to squats to light jumps, players will do just about anything to maintain their high energy and laser-focus.

A crucial part of the match, however, occurs in the brief pause between games: the 90-second changeover break, when players rest before switching sides.

Watch closely, and you’ll see how players make the most of these precious moments: burying their heads under a towel to meditate, changing their racquets, or fueling up on water and energy drinks.

Some players, like the great Serena Williams, have even sipped a quick coffee before returning to the court.

Whatever their method, these pro athletes understand the value of a break. A brief reprieve can provide a fresh surge of energy and motivation for the next game.

Much like a tennis match, the workday can also be a daunting mental and physical challenge, especially if you want to perform your best throughout the day.

In addition to finding your optimal work hours, taking multiple breaks can increase your productivity all day long.

I’ll repeat that for emphasis.

Taking breaks can increase productivity.

Our workaholic culture and the business epidemic tend to villainize time-wasting behaviours during work — like leisurely lunches and web browsing — but research proves that breaks can enhance your performance, on many levels.

Brief periods of distraction have been shown to improve both decision-making and creativity. On the other hand, prolonged attention to a single task can actually hinder performance. Pulling an all-nighter for one assignment? Not such a good idea after all.

There’s also evidence that waking periods of mental rest can improve memory formation.

Apparently, during rest periods, your brain reviews and ingrains what it has previously learned. Without rest, you run the risk of experiencing the old “in one ear, out the other” phenomenon.

At my company, JotForm, I incorporate intentional breaks throughout the day — and not only do I take breaks, but I try to take the right kind of breaks.

I wanted to share a few ways that help me add breaks to my workday; how to properly waste time.

How to take constructive breaks

You might be wondering, what kind of breaks should I take? Or, if you’re a manager, what kind of breaks should I encourage my employees to take?

1. Give your prefrontal cortex a breather

Generally, a good break is one that allows your prefrontal cortex to rest. That’s the part of your brain dedicated to logical thinking, executive functioning, and using willpower to override impulses.

There are many ways to do this, but it can be as simple as letting your mind wander.

Also Read: Grab wants to take Indonesia from Go-Jek with US$6.5b funding goal

One report found that daydreaming or zoning out has similar benefits as meditation. And meditation not only increases focus, but it gives your overworked prefrontal cortex a break.

2. Get your blood flowing

Taking a quick pause for physical activity can be extremely beneficial — and that doesn’t mean you have to squeeze in a SoulCycle class at lunch.

Just a 5-minute walking break every hour can improve your health and mental well-being. And mental wellness is critical on a personal and a professional level because research shows that happier workplaces are more productive.

Not only are walks good for your health, but prolonged sitting is actually bad for us. That’s one of the reasons we offer most of our 110 employees both standing and normal desks.

Walking can also boost creativity. A study from Stanford University showed that when people tackled mental tasks that required imagination, walking led to more creative thinking than sitting.

In the literary world, many accomplished novelists and poets have improved their craft by walking. Just a few of these famous walkers include Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, Henry David Thoreau, and William Wordsworth.

I’m one of these workday walkers, too. Whenever possible, I walk to lunch and take long strolls with new employees, so we can get to know each other better. At our San Francisco office, we take scenic walks on the Embarcadero and enjoy the calming bay views.

3. Linger by the water cooler

If taking a break is good, taking a break with colleagues may be even better.

Social breaks are important for both personal and professional well-being. For example, social breaks can reinforce bonds, improve morale, and increase opportunities for collaboration.

After observing the social habits at a Xerox corporate office, one study found that copy repair people who hung out in the coffee room were not wasting time — they were engaging in productive conversations about on-the-job challenges.

Other studies have shown that informal, casual conversations between call centre workers increased productivity by 20 per cent.

To make the most of social breaks, time management expert Laura Vanderkam recommends grabbing a coffee with a mentee or taking an afternoon walk with a direct report.

4. Go green

Trees, plants and green spaces are not only aesthetically pleasing, but taking breaks in a natural environment can significantly boost employee well-being, reduce stress, enhance innovative potential, and strengthen personal connections.

Time in nature dramatically improves our ability to think expansively and make better decisions.

It also seems to make us more helpful. For example, people who have just walked in a park or other natural environment are more likely to notice when others need help — and to provide that help.

It’s no coincidence that forward-thinking companies like Google and Facebook prioritise plant life in their office designs. In fact, Facebook’s most recent update to their Menlo Park headquarters included a sprawling rooftop garden.

In many East Asian countries, “forest bathing” has also become a popular office practice, because just a few minutes in nature has measurable benefits for our psychological well-being and our physical health.

5. Grab a bite or surf the web

Is the vending machine calling your name? That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Snack breaks are a great way to refresh during the workday. According to the University of Roehampton researcher Leigh Gibson, your brain works best with a consistent blood glucose level: 25 grams is optimal. So don’t forget to fuel yourself throughout the day.

Even web surfing, in moderation, can have a positive effect. Researchers at the National University of Singapore found that browsing the internet “serves an important restorative function.” That mini-break spent shopping on Amazon can revive you for the next task.

6. Keep it work-related

Ultimately, almost any mental time-out is effective, as long as you’re giving your prefrontal cortex a rest. Some studies, however, do recommend that these breaks should still be work-related.

Your break should be a time to learn something new, reflect on the big picture, or make positive connections with others.

How long should my break be?

With looming deadlines and colleagues waiting for answers, forcing yourself to take breaks can be challenging. At JotForm, I pre-plan my day to include both dedicated work and constructive break times.

According to MIT Sloan Senior Lecturer Bob Pozen, you should take a time-out every 75 to 90 minutes. This is based on studies of professional musicians, who are most productive when they practice for this amount of time in a single sitting.

“Working for 75 to 90 minutes takes advantage of the brain’s two modes: learning or focusing and consolidation,” says Pozen. “When people do a task and then take a break for 15 minutes, they help their brain consolidate information and retain it better.”

Also Read: Arming small businesses with big cyber defences

Another approach, called the Pomodoro Technique recommends working for 25 minutes before taking a five-minute break. This may be a better approach when a single task requires your full focus.

By using trial and error, you can figure out which technique works best for you.

Create a break-friendly work environment

It’s tempting to shun the habit of taking breaks in your workday.

“Wasting time” can feel like a productivity killer. But when they’re done thoughtfully, constructive breaks can leave you and your employees feeling focused and re-energized.

While you can’t force others to take breaks, you can encourage them to take a breather from time to time.

Managers, for example, can schedule periodic breaks throughout the day and, if possible, your office should offer pleasant break spaces — complete with coffee, snacks and plant life. If caring for plants seems burdensome, try succulents, which require little-to-no care at all.

Try creating walking clubs and schedule walking meetings. And, remember to lead by example — give yourself breaks, too.

Originally published on Jotform.

e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

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Today’s top tech news, iflix raises fresh funding and Grab aims for US$6.5B

Plus, South Korea police bust US$19 million bitcoin Ponzi scheme using artificial intelligence

iflix raises funding from Japanese entertainment company and forms joint venture — [e27]

Japanese entertainment conglomerate Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. Ltd today announced a “significant” strategic investment in Southeast Asian streaming platform iflix, which marks its first investment in overseas media.

Through the investment, Yoshimoto Kogyo aims to accelerate development of its future projects in Asia.

The two companies also announced the formation of an exclusive joint venture (JV) out of Singapore to showcase Yoshimoto Group’s most popular content across iflix’s territories in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and the corresponding distribution of iflix’s content in Japan.

The joint venture will also produce localised versions of proven content formats out of Japan.

Grab sets sight on US$6.5 billion funding round — [e27]

Today, Southeast Asian ride-hailing giant Grab, announced plans to raise up to US$6.5 billion by the end of this year.

Explaining the move forward, Grab’s president Ming Maa shared that “In line with the tremendous transformation that South East Asia is currently undergoing, the opportunity is ripe for (Grab) to further grow in domains like healthcare, financial services amongst others”.

In a jab at rival GOJEK, which has set out to raise a $2 billion in its Series G round, Grab’s CEO Anthony Tan, said they “expect to be four times bigger than our closest competitor in Indonesia and across the region by the end of the year”.

South Korea police bust US$19M bitcoin pyramid scheme — [The Next Web]

South Korean police have arrested about a dozen people over a Ponzi scheme designed to use bitcoin to take advantage of people who have limited knowledge of the technology, according to The Next Web.

An interesting part of the arrest was that the perpetrators were collared by a special Artificial Intelligence Investigator, which was not a human being. The police taught the program to find patterns that point to a ponzi scheme.

The company, called M-Coin, were able to defraud US$18.7 million worth of payments from 56,000 people.

B Capital closes US$406 million in first tranche of new fund — [e27]

B Capital, the tech fund which was co-founded by the infamous ex-Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin, announced the first close of its second fundraising at US$406 million, detailed in its US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing.

According to DealStreetAsia, B Capital confirmed that it has attracted 62 investors since its launch last month with no closing date or target of funding amount detailed.

In total, this first close has given the tech fund a total amount of US$766.1 million spread within two funds. Starting with US$360 million for its first fund called B Capital Fund followed with B Capital II LP.

Raj Ganguly, B Capital’s co-founder, and partner, will manage the fund as stated in the regulatory filing.

MM Digital raises seed funding — [DealStreetAsia]

MM Digital, The Burmese IT-services provider, has raised a “six-digit” seed funding, according to DealStreetAsia.

The money will be used on hiring and building its operational infrastructure.

The company raised the money from Seed Myanmar and Theta Capital.

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