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10 decisive factors for choosing your startup’s tech stack in 2024

A solid tech stack can take a startup from its earliest stages to the heights of success, so the choices you make when your planning is still more of a primordial soup than a fully evolved entity will determine whether this is a smooth ride or a path paved with potholes.

It takes a healthy dose of attention to detail to do this efficiently and with good end results, so before you go any further, read over the following factors in order to come to a satisfactory tech stack decision.

Combining compatibility and longevity

First and foremost, compatibility and future-readiness need to be at the top of the agenda as you lay the foundations of your tech stack. 

Here are pertinent points to consider:

System compatibility

Ensure that each component of your tech stack seamlessly integrates with others. For example, if you choose a front-end framework like React, ensure your back-end services like Node.js can easily communicate with it.


As your business grows, so will your system needs. Choose technologies that can scale up efficiently without requiring a complete overhaul. A good example is using AWS or Google Cloud, which provides scalable cloud infrastructure as demand increases rather than being held back by an overreliance on in-house hardware.

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Another example is selecting the right container orchestration platform — like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or Apache Mesos — which takes an in-depth investigation of the available options. These platforms enhance load-balancing capabilities and streamline integration with both cloud providers’ tools and open-source alternatives, making scaling smoother as demand increases.


Opt for technologies that are regularly updated by their developers and have a strong community backing them. This ensures that you are not left behind as new advancements emerge. 

For instance, utilising Python for machine learning applications ensures you’re working with a language that’s continually updated and widely supported. A similar concept can be applied more broadly to capital allocation, so it’s a strategy that will stand you in good stead as a startup founder.

Maintenance and support

Consider the ease of maintenance and the availability of support channels. Being able to quickly address technical issues can drastically reduce downtime. 

So in the case of choosing a database, the likes of PostgreSQL not only offer comprehensive documentation but also provide widespread community support which can help in quickly addressing technical issues.

These considerations are sensible because they avert costs and complications in years to come — as evidenced in a recent Lenovo study, which found that 83 per cent of CIOs are concerned over a lack of resource availability in spite of facing obstacles to IT infrastructure innovations.

Prioritising performance and cost-effectiveness

Another lynchpin part of putting together your tech stack is knowing that performance and cost must strike a perfect balance to ensure your startup’s longevity and efficiency. Here’s how you can achieve this:

Resource efficiency

Select technologies known for low resource consumption, which can significantly reduce hosting costs. For instance, Go is renowned for its efficiency in CPU and memory usage compared to other back-end languages like Python or Java.

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Cost of implementation

Factors include not only the initial setup cost but also long-term financial implications. Using open-source software such as Apache Kafka for handling real-time data streams can be less costly than proprietary software due to no licensing fees.

Performance under load

Consider how well the technology performs under increased loads or high user traffic. MySQL, for example, handles read-heavy applications well but might struggle with write-heavy scenarios, where PostgreSQL could perform better.

Ensuring security and compliance

Security threats and regulatory requirements are significant when choosing your startup’s tech stack – particularly given that cybercrime costs are set to rise by US$5.7 trillion over the next five years. 

Here’s how to tackle these crucial aspects effectively:

Built-in security features

Opt for technologies that offer robust built-in security features. For example, Ruby on Rails has built-in protections against SQL injection and cross-site scripting, providing a safer development environment.

Compliance readiness

Choose technologies that simplify the compliance process with prevalent regulations like GDPR or HIPAA. AWS, for instance, offers configurations that are compliant with multiple regulatory standards out of the box, which can expedite deployment timelines.

Regular updates and patches

Incorporate tools known for regular updates to protect against vulnerabilities. Ubuntu Server is a good example; it offers frequent security patches and updates crucial for maintaining system integrity.

The bottom line

Be mindful that even with your tech stack on lock, your startup journey will require a lot of other pivotal decisions to be made — often at a point in time when you might not have the experience or adequate data to choose wisely. That’s why taking your time is necessary, even if you’re eager to forge ahead.

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Image credit: Microsoft Copilot

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